Monday, June 14, 2021

Sunshine and Sunflowers

 7 June - 13 June 2021

Monday: I slept in pretty late and missed my exercise class, so I signed up to go to a late afternoon core class at the rec center. That evening, we tried to paint like Bob Ross for our FHE activity. It was super hard! Mostly because we don't have the same paints and brushes as him. 

Tuesday: I went to Zumba with elderly people for my work out at noon, bought some work out gear off of amazon, and then went to institute in the evening. 

Wednesday: I attended a strength training class in the morning, and WOW did it get me good. My arms were sore for days. I went shopping for work out tops at Burlington. I also went and picked up my copy of Psych Intuition, BYU's undergraduate Journal. It only took two years to make it to print, but I'm officially published now! I also called Capella University to ask some questions about their MFT program, and I was able to share a bit about my church and beliefs to the lady on the other end of the line. It was so cool how much closer and familiar we felt after talking about God. She was Christian. I love that God is providing me with missionary opportunities, even ones that are not in person! In the evening, I had a date with a guy I met from the dating app Hinge. I was actually looking forward to it because we were planning on going to DI and picking out outfits for each other. Then we had to change into them and wear them out in public to get a treat. I got him so good because he was SO embarrassed to be wearing a UVU shirt with PJ bottoms. We took before and after pictures.


Thursday: I went to go to a Zumba class at the rec center, but I accidentally signed up for a seniors only class. So I kinda got kicked out and instead went up to the bike room and did some cycling for a bit. In the evening, I attended Disney's Tarzan the Musical at the Scera Shell Theatre (which is an outside one where I saw Newsies with Valerie two years ago). Lacee had a bunch of extra tickets, so I went with a bunch of my friends and got good seating! 

Friday: I went to the 9am cycling class, which kicked my butt as always. My friend Kathy and Vivian both came as well. That evening, I babysat for the Nixons, which is always a good time. I watched the kids swim, cleaned up around the house and yard, and then watched tv with the boys. I forgot to put little Jack to bed on time, but when I did finally remember and get him to bed, he wanted me to lay next to him. He is so loveable and sweet (though also a stinker at times, lol). After getting home, I went over to a movie night my friends were having for a bit. I caught the tail end of the movie, the Croods 2, which was super super strange. I've also been working on expanding my painted rocks collection outside of my door:

Saturday: I went to a hip hop dance class at the rec center in the morning, did laundry, and painted a sunflower on a rock for Lacee's birthday present. We planned to surprise her since her birthday is next week and they will be out of town. Early in the evening, we all gathered together and picked up a sunflower and a clue and then were assigned to hide at different places. Lacee was sent on a scavenger hunt to find us one by one, ending at her apartment with a huge cake. She was very surprised. 

Sunday: I was very happy and content when I woke up this morning, and I was so excited to go to church. I will get to start working in the temple in three weeks again! I went to ward choir, then to family history reconnect, where more people showed up! And then I took a nice nap and went to CFM at my friend's place. I really liked the discussion we had about how the Lord calls us to repentance through others. It comes from a place of love and it isn't always straightforward. It is just you living your life, being a righteous example or sharing an experience you had, and then the Spirit can touch them and help them realize they need to change too. Then off to ward prayer, where we played this fun game with a squirt bottle. The person in the middle picked a category. If you said what the person in the middle was thinking or repeated what someone else had already said, you got squirted. Then we played games at our friend Jared's house, and Whitney walked me home. She encouraged me to ask a guy in our friend group out to do something. I decided I should go for it. I am grateful for my friends and their love and encouragement, especially when it stretches you outside of your comfort zone.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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