Monday, May 31, 2021

Bonfire and Birthday Celebration

 24 May - 30 May 2021

Monday: I went to a water aerobics class, which was so full!! Mostly of elderly people:) That afternoon,, I had my job interview with SLP Toolkit, the job Valerie has. They pay really well and are super nice. I was asked 13 questions, and I hope I did well. I answered to the best of my ability and even had a missionary opportunity when they asked me about what motivates me. I spoke of Jesus Christ and His compassion. I felt the Spirit as I spoke. I even dressed up very professionally from head to toe (though they could only see me from the waist up). 

Tuesday: I went to a Zumba class, and while I am not a great dancer, it is a wonderful way to work out! I then attended singing lessons with Christina, who offered them to me for free this summer. In the evening, I attended institute, and it was pretty packed! We had walking tacos after for our treat, which I was pretty happy about.

Wednesday: I went again to the water aerobics class in the morning. Then in the afternoon, I picked up Vivian to go shopping for a new swim suit. They didn't have anything at Walmart, so we were going to drive to Ross, but I took a wrong turn onto the freeway and got very frustrated, so we just went back to Vivian's apartment and chilled there, watching part of a movie. 

Thursday: I went to yoga in the morning.. Then I dressed up nice and went to the Harman building on campus. I didn't have anything to do, really, but I just wanted to get out of the house. I looked up grad school stuff and did things on my computer for a couple of hours. Then I drove down to the Provo Temple and played the violin outside for a bit. That afternoon, I went over to Vivian's apartment so we could finish the movie, and it had the lamest ending ever!!! I took a nap on her couch.

Friday: I went ice-skating for a bit as exercise, then picked Whitney up to take her out to lunch for her birthday treat. We went to Silver Dish and had an enjoyable time talking. That evening, some friends in my ward invited me to a yoga class, so I went with them. Afterwards, we went to a bonfire. On the drive there, Whitney called and asked if I could bring more firewood. I turned around to go to smiths to get some, and as I was going to self-checkout, I didnt realize that a lady spilled a gallon of milk all over the floor and I slipped in it and got it all over my feet, shoes, and hems of my pants. I was a bit frustrated, especially when the lady mopping it up just kept splashing more on me. I cleaned up in the bathroom and then we went on our way. We roasted huge marshmallows and had a relaxing time. 

Saturday: I went to a Zumba Step class, which I think is my favorite, and got a good workout! I donated plasma and then went with a guy in our friend group to go pick out a bday card for Whitney. When I got back, I went ice-skating with Mira. That evening, I made snickerdoodles for dinner... lol... college life. Then I went over to Whitney's house for her birthday party. Only she didn't know that it wasn't actually going to be at the house. We first played "Pin the tail on the donkey," and when it was Whitney's turn, we opened the door where the donkey was hanging and kidnapped her out of the house. We all then drove to the canyon, where others had set up the food, speaker, and disco lights. We ate food and then danced. It was really fun! I enjoyed playing the dance version of the game "Signs," where your sign is a two-beat dance move and you can't miss the beat of the song or you're out. Whitney was very touched and so happy. It was very heartwarming 💕 

Sunday: Hooray!! Church is going back to normal! We didn't have to wear masks today!!!!!!!!(insert a billion more exclamation points)! After church, I said I would do the dishes, but Mira told me to go take a nap and she would do them. 😍 Best roommie ever!!! Then I attended ward choir, which was good. After, two girls wanted to hear me sing high notes (I'm not quite sure why but I guess they thought I was impressive), so I sang some high notes up to the high b. We had a good time chatting. I invited everyone in the friend group over to my house in the evening for Come, Follow Me. It was a bit crowded, but good. I went to ward prayer, then we played games at another apartment in the evening. Vivian came and brought me a gluten-free Bundt cake!

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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