Monday, May 17, 2021

Eternal Friend

10 May - 16 May 2021

On Monday, I attended the cycling class. Wow, it's always intense and gets me sweating. I love my rec center pass because I get some good exercise in. The instructors are great! I also asked one of the guys in my friend group on a date. For FHE that evening, we went ice skating! (My suggestion, of course) ;)

The next evening, we went on a double date to hear an orchestra performance. We got food afterwards. It was actually very chill and I wasn't nervous. I discovered that dating is so much better when you are actually friends first with the person because you already know each other and are comfortable around each other, so there isn't a lot of pressure or worrying.

On Wednesday, I went to another cycling class, but little did I know just how dead my legs were from Monday's class. Wow, it was tough. That afternoon, I drove to Highland to attend a volunteer orientation at Courage Reins. It is a nonprofit horse therapy organization. I am excited to start volunteering. In the evening, I attended our Relief Society activity. We did yoga. It was supposed to be in the loft, but when I went up there, there was an elderly couple who had tables set up. They had gluten-free Oreos and gave me some! The activity turned out to be outside, but I was glad for my little detour ;). Yoga was good, but it was interesting how many people commented as they walked or drove by (particularly the guys...). 

Thursday, I went to a deep-water workout class, which I enjoyed a lot. I may not be a great swimmer, but I really enjoy working out in water! That evening, I went to a carnival with my friends. I didn't feel up to going on the rides, but I got dizzy just watching them ride, so that was good enough for me! Quinn was very sweet and bought me a snow cone afterwards. We took a walk to the park afterwards and played on the play ground.

Yoga is really good for my body, which I did on Friday. This week I had a new roommate move in, Claire's older sister Grace. I also made fries in the afternoon. On Saturday, I went to a Zumba step class in the morning, and that really got my sweating! A girl from my ward happened to be attending the class as well, so it was fun to do it next to her. That afternoon, my friends threw me a party at the park for graduating from college. Since I got my bachelor's degree, it was a "bachelor party." We had food and played games. The best part was that one of the guys showed up with rubbing alcohol and a wire stripper and held them up while sayings, "Cuz every bachelor party needs alcohol and a stripper." We got a kick out of that. Quinn also decided I needed to have a bachelor/love interest, so she presented me with my bachelor, Edward Smithingham. Yeah, I don't know, but I just went along with it because it made her happy. In the evening, I attended Gabe's improv show at Rock Canyon with my other friends. I invited Vivian along (my fifth cousin that I met a couple months ago) since she recently moved here. She is so great! After the show, we went back to one of the guy's apartments and talked and hung out. James gave me a massage and did my hair, which felt super nice. Then Vivian drove me home and we talked in her car until almost 1am!

On Sunday, I invited Vivian to come to church with me because she didn't know when or where her new ward was at. After church, I went to ward choir, and I got to sub for Ashley as the chorister. I actually really enjoyed it! It was so much fun and the group sounded AMAZING towards the end. I took a super fat nap in the afternoon, and then went to Come, Follow Me. It was good, and then I left to attend ward prayer, which was FINALLY in person at the church! Afterwards, I went home and was feeling kind of sad. All my roommates were gone and I was alone. I'd asked Vivian how dinner went (cuz she had some friends over) and she said it was good and that she had leftovers if I wanted to come over. So I did, and it was such a blessing because I hadn't really eaten a proper meal for dinner, so I was able to have a real meal, plus a chocolatey dessert, and then talk with Vivian about why I was sad (boys are stupid sometimes, okay? Okay). And we just talked and talked and I left around midnight to go home. Seriously, I feel like I know Vivian from pre-earth life. She's 18, so 5 years younger than me, but she already feels like a super close friend and is so mature for her age. She's super cute.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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