Monday, May 24, 2021

Stewart Falls and Batman

 17 May - 23 May 2021

Monday: My friend Megan-Jean had her twins today, and I'll get to hold them in a couple of weeks! This morning I went to a kickboxing class at the rec center, and let's just say it kicked my butt. Or at least it felt like my butt had been kicked for the next couple of days due to how sore I was. I invited Vivian to come to family home evening, and I'm not sure she enjoyed it because she was mostly just on her phone the whole time. It was a bit lame--we just made memes and voted on the funniest ones--but oh well. It's better than sitting home alone. 

Tuesday: I attended a deep water workout class. While I haven't been much of a swimming fan, working out in the water is really fun! Afterwards, I drove to Highland to volunteer at Courage Reins. I spent 40 minutes scooping up horse poop. It wasn't actually as bad as it sounded. 

Wednesday: I went to get a professional massage because my shoulders are as tense as... um... insert really good simile here. It felt good and I felt peaceful after, but I'm not sure it had quite as big of an impact as I was hoping. I went to a barre class, which resulted in super sore inner thighs and made me feel like a ballerina. That evening, my roommate Mira and friends convinced me to go with them to hike Stewart Falls. I'd just been planning to stay home and have a lazy night. Well I went, and the main thing I can say is that you should not hike on an empty stomach--or an almost empty stomach that is partly full of sugary popcorn--because you may feel like throwing up at times. The hike itself was something I endured, even when I wasn't feeling good, which I'm proud of. It was cold. Afterwards, I convinced everyone to go out for tacos, which was the best part of it all!

Thursday: I attended a Zumba class with a bunch of the elderly. I don't know what the miscommunication is, but somehow I sometimes sign up for classes made for the elderly (but they didn't say so in advance). I also donated plasma in the afternoon. That evening, I went out to dinner with Vivian to a Thai food place (and learned that Spicy Thai is not as good as Silver Dish) and then we went back to her apartment. We had planned to do a movie night, and after the TV guy installed her TV, we invited over some friends and watched my favorite movie, Courageous. We stayed late until I was almost falling asleep.

Friday: I went ice skating and it was AWESOME because for the first 15 minutes, I was the only one on the ice! And then three birds got in through the bay doors and were flying above us, chittering. It was really cute (but not the part where there was a ton of bird poop on the ice... yuck). I invited Vivian to come to a game night where we played Pirate's Dice, and though we started with 10 people, I actually won the game!

Saturday: I went to a 7am cycling class that ALSO kicked my butt. Vivian went with me. Then we went to my ward breakfast activity, and they actually made gluten-free pancakes for me! I was so touched. It was a delicious spread and I ate SOOO much. Yum yum. We also played 9-square. Then I went ice skating that afternoon with Vivian. That evening, I had a virtual game night with Katherine and her friends, then I went to a karaoke night with friends. I've been watching The Flash tv show, so I watched an episode before bed.

Sunday: I went to a friend's house before church to eat breakfast. There were a lot of people, and my friend Christina (who is also gluten-free) made waffles for us. Then I went to church and got to listen to the two elder missionaries speak during sacrament meeting. The way they spoke with power and authority made me miss being a missionary a bit. Then I went to ward choir in the afternoon and had a blast. The girl who usually sings the super soprano wasn't there, so I tried to see if I could hit those high f's and g's, and I just belted out this really high note and everyone was amazed! It was so funny, but I also felt a bit self-conscious. I made the most delicious tacos for a late lunch and then took a fat nap. That evening, I went to Whitney's house for Come, Follow Me. I went to ward prayer and it started raining a bit, then I went back to Whitney's to play games and eat peanut butter balls. At the end of the night, there was a knock on the door, and it was Batman! He asked if he could take out our trash. It was a great night! I felt the Spirit this week and know that Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father live.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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