Sunday, May 9, 2021

Mother's Day Weekend

 3 May - 9 May 2021

Howdy my friends and familia!

Monday: I was asked to sing in a musical number this Sunday for Mother's Day, so I attended a practice at 9am. I also went to a water work out class at the rec center. I show up and there is 10 other old ladies. Apparently, it used to be a senior only class, but they recently opened it up to everyone. Welp, no one else got the memo! So I did some water aerobics with over three times my age. It was actually super fun! That afternoon, I went to a place in Orem to help sanitize toys. I volunteered to serve with the Kids on the Move organization.

Tuesday: I left early to get gas at Sam's Club (if you go in the afternoon or evening then the lines are ridiculously long!). I attended a yoga class and then went ice skating. I finished my work application for the place Valerie works at. In the evening, I got my blades sharpened. The man sharpening them said they were pretty dull and that I should notice a big difference. That evening, I made some peanut butter balls.

Wednesday: I dropped off some of the peanut butter balls to Brittany, a friend in the ward, as a late birthday treat. She really loved them! I attended an Aqua Zumba class at the rec center. It was good, but not as fun as other water work out I did. I went ice skating right after so I could see if I felt a difference with my blades being sharpened. I did feel like I could do turns better, without my blade slipping. That evening, I went with Megan-Jean to the airport. We had been wanting to hang out, and she needed to go to Salt Lake to pick up her mom and didn't want to go alone, so I went along for the ride. She is due any day now to have her twins, which fortunately didn't happen on the drive!

Thursday: I had signed up to go to Yoga, but I did a work out at Whitney's house at 7am and then we ended up chatting afterwards and I missed going. That afternoon, I donated plasma. The rest of the day was chill.

Friday: I went to yoga at the rec center, then when I came home, I didn't want to sit around in my apartment, so I went to Kiwani's Park and texted my friend group to come if they could. I ended up being there for a total of four hours (my friends trickled in throughout that time). I rode around on my electric unicycle and totally biffed it going down a hill because I didn't realize it was muddy and my uni slipped right out from under me. Fortunately my friends weren't there yet to witness it. We had a fun time passing a football around and playing truth or dare. I got sun burnt! Not too bad though. That evening, I babysat for the Nixons. The kids were playing in a giant dumpster when I arrived, and then wanted to make dirt bombs outside. It was quite the adventure.

Saturday: I went to a cycling class at the rec center and got such a good work out. I sweated SO much and was out of breath for a while afterwards. Wow, I want to keep going back. I'm going to get in so much shape by the end of summer! I also looked into graduate programs and talked with a school representative for an hour about one option.

Sunday: I practiced the song with Lexy and Kaden at the church in the morning. Then I invited Kaden over since he didn't want to drive all the way home to eat breakfast before coming back for ward council. I gave him an apple to eat. We sang at church and did well! We got some compliments. I was actually pretty nervous and was shaking slightly, but no one seemed to notice. They gave us girls treats for mother's day after relief society. None of my roommates came to church with me, so I guess I get to eat all the treats by myself! ;) I went to ward choir, and we had chips and salsa afterwards. I took a fat nap, then in the evening went over to Whitney's apartment for Come, Follow Me. I showed up early and sang with Whitney while we waited. I also went to their ward prayer (which was in person) and met some people. We all went back to Whitney's apartment to make food and talk. I also video chatted with Valerie and talked to my mom today. She got the letter I sent her and said it was the highlight of her day when she read it yesterday. 

I love Jesus Christ. I could not do what He did. I cannot be perfect for myself, let alone for anyone else. The weight He bore is unimaginable, and I'm so grateful He was capable to carry out what I am not capable of. With His help, I can become like God. Slowly, but surely.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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