Sunday, September 12, 2021

Briese's Pieces Bridal Shower

 6 September - 12 September 2021

Welp, it's been another week. Let's go through the highlights. 

I went to our stake sport night event to play basketball on Tuesday. And yes, I even scored a basket in one of the games! It was really fun to play, even though I felt a bit sick from all the running. Fine, so I admit I am out of shape, but I still love playing the game! Even though we lost both of our games...

I started my new job on Wednesday. Yeah, I know why it's a minimum wage job. It's so lax and a lot of doing nothing in between waiting for guests to arrive to pay for skating. Ugh, this job is going to drive me crazy if I can't do something product during the down time. But on the plus side, I get to go to ice skating classes for free and get free skate time! Which I already took advantage of this week... :) Also we made pizzas on Wednesday for mom's activity day girls!

Thursday: I went ice skating with Aaron, Briesa, and Andrew. I got them all in for free because of my job, which was awesome! We had a good time, and they were all eager to learn new tricks from me. I think I surprised Aaron and Briesa with how good I am at ice skating (especially Aaron, since he hasn't ever seen me skate since I've gotten good). My mom and dad got their new bed, which means Lucy and I get their old bed. We will have to share a bed, but there is a bit more space in our shared room now, which is nice. I watched a cheesy scary movie with mom and dad in the evening instead of going to institute. But Valerie went and scoped out a tall cute guy for me!

Friday: I helped take down our old beds and assemble our new bed upstairs, which was a lot of hefty work. I also felt bad because I told my mom I didn't want to go to urgent care alone, so my mom drove with me and spent two hours sitting in the waiting room. Ugh, I felt terrible! I should have just gone by myself. They checked my ear, prescribed me some medicine to take to help the Eustachian tube unplug, and that was that. The rest of the two hours was just waiting!! Blah. But on the bright side, I finally got the next video for my YouTube channel filmed, which has been on my to-do list forever!

Saturday: I got to go to Briesa's live endowment session in the morning. We went to her bridal shower in the afternoon, and the food was really good! It was fun to watch her open up all the gifts, and mine brought a smile to her face. I got her a Recies Pieces package and wrote "Brieses Pieces" onto the package, which is my dad's nickname for her, then included a card that said "You know you're officially part of the family when you get a nickname." In the evening, I watched tv (Sue Thomas FB-Eye) with my mom, which is always the highlight of my evenings because I love spending time with my mom.

Sunday: I went to church lookin' like a babe! I got dressed up in a fancy outfit and did my hair and makeup. Well, I asked Lucy to do my eyeshadow, and after the scary results, I had to fix it up a bit. Relief Society was really good. I felt the Spirit and got to bear my personal testimony of how I've come to know the Savior through repenting. After church, I went out in the hallway to socialize with others for 20 minutes before heading to another church building. I decided to try out a different ward today that started at 1:30pm. It actually made me really glad for how outgoing my ward seems in comparison. During church, I got inspired with an idea that I'm excited to try out. I'm going to create my own business to be a content editor. I already started working on a website. I'll have to offer my services for free and get some feedback/reviews before it can be legit, but it could be a handy dandy side business. I decided to just go for it and see what happens. If there is one thing I know, it's how to tell a good story.

Much love,
Emily Burnham

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