Sunday, April 24, 2022

I Can Breathe Again!

 18 April - 24 April 2022

Work has been so crazy busy the last couple of weeks! And then with school starting last week, life got even more busy. So imagine my relief when after Monday, work got less frantic and then come Wednesday, it was quiet. Thursday was super chill, though my head really hurt so I left to go home early, and then Friday was easy. I got the majority of school work done while at work, which was AWESOME. I feel like I have time to breathe again. That's how I described it to a friend who asked about my week. But now for a little more detail about each of my days...

On Monday, Briesa and Aaron found out whether they were having a boy or girl. They're having a girl! For family home evening, Valerie and I went to a huge combined activity, geriatric bingo. It was actually super lame and boring, but Val and I both dressed up as old people and did our best to participate. As you can tell by the picture, Briesa is thrilled to be having a baby girl... or maybe just annoyed to have cake in her face. Who knows? ;)

I feel like this is the face old people constantly make:

On Thursday, I went to institute. We had donuts after (including gluten free ones for me) and the lady gave me all the boxes to take home since it was the second to last week of institute and they'd otherwise sit in the freezer until next September. Well, that was a bad idea for my poor tummy because I ate way too many donuts that night and the next day after work, and my body had the worst sugar crash on Saturday. Plus, I gained at least 3 pounds in just donuts. I am still working on my self-control when it comes to sugar and may need to join a sugar-addict's anonymous group. I legitimately prayed this past week for Got to send down an angel to smite me if I was going to eat sugar... but that did not happen. Guess I'll have to learn this self-control thing on my own. If you have any tips, please share.

This Saturday was the first Saturday I didn't have to work in over a month! Go me!!! It was AWESOME. Well, besides feeling groggy and slightly nauseous from eating too much sugar... but I got to serve at Midwest Foodbank with the YSA, and we had a good time packing cereal into bags and sealing them up. Then I went to the temple, which was also good. I know it's good to go, but sometimes I don't feel like the Gilbert Temple is "home" to me (not like the Provo Temple became after serving there as a temple worker), but then the thought came to me from God: You can spend time here, even if you don't want to, because I always spend time with you, even if your choices disappoint me. Now, that sounds a bit harsh, now that I've put it into words, but it came as such a loving and encouraging thought and feeling. Like I can be like God and be there for Him because He is always there for me. I also finished up my homework assignment and then started watching Julie and the Phantoms on Netflix, which I loved!

I grabbed a selfie with Sean on my way to church (I'm pretty sure he had no idea I took the photo tho... hehe).

Much love,

Emily Burnham

Monday, April 18, 2022

Happy Easter!

 11 April - 17 April 2022

The beginning of this week was a bit daunting for me. I got a father's blessing on Sunday in preparation for starting school on Monday. I was a bit worried about how I could fit everything into my schedule this week, because I'm taking three classes, and work is at its busiest time yet, with the tax deadline a week away. But after the priesthood blessing, I became kind of excited, because I knew as I put God first, He would carry me through the week. I took the opportunity to view this week as a time when I would get to see the hand of God in my life by exercising faith and feeling Him carry me. And I did! On Tuesday, I helped clean the temple from 8:45pm to about midnight. Even knowing I had work the next morning, I didn't complain about being out late, because I was grateful for the opportunity to serve in the house of the Lord. And I had a grand time! I was partnered with Rachel from my YSA ward, and we helped one of the ladies clean ALL the bathrooms in the temple. That's 17, if I remember correctly. I was in charge of mirrors and dusting and re-stocking. As we went along, Hermana Reyes would stop and point out all of the new artwork, which was absolutely stunning. There were a few that really touched my heart. She was fun and a joy to work with.

On Wednesday evening, I left straight after work to go to the Easter Pageant and save seats for my FHE group. I packed snacks for lunch and didn't pack a dinner... oh well. I was there 2.5 hours early and managed to grab seats 16 rows from the very back... there were 9,000 seats total, so the seating wasn't all the great. But oh well. I was worried if everyone was going to show up and find me, and while not everyone I was expecting to come came, all the seats I saved were filled up by YSA, and one YSA thanked me for saving the seats. I was glad to be of service. The Easter pageant was good, though it was hard to fight the annoyance of the man sitting in front of me, blocking my view by sitting way on the left side of his seat. It was so frustrating, especially after how long I had waited, and to have such a terrible view, but I tried to focus on feeling the Spirit, and some of the scenes really touched me and I felt the Spirit of God and such gratitude for my Savior.

Thursday night, I attended institute and had a grand ole time. There were lots of treats and snacks that I partook of that I wish I hadn't partaken of... I need to go back on my eat-nothing-but-vegetables-and-meat diet. I felt a lot better on that diet. But my taste-buds are WEAK and want sugar. I had to finish up my homework when I got home, which I did with EIGHT minutes to spare before the deadline. I had absolutely ZERO time to do homework at work, but I'm hoping that changes next week!

On Friday, Valerie hosted an Easter-themed game night, and everyone had a blast! We played outdoor games and even had an Easter hunt! 

On Saturday, I had to go in to work. It was my last Saturday working in the office!! After, I went shopping and then went home and took a short nap. We left to the Watkins family party at Craig's house. Wow, family drama galore. So many people are anxious, stressed, snappy messes. I'm grateful to live in a much more uplifting environment.  But my favorite part was playing with the cute kiddos, pushing them on swings, giving them thumbs-up, encouraging them to go down the slide. After, we went to Briesa's sister's wedding reception and weren't needed to help after all, so we got to leave early. Andrew stopped by to say hi because he missed seeing us at the Watkins' party, and it was good to see him and catch up a bit.

Sunday was marvelous. I felt absolutely gorgeous wearing my new dress I found in my Easter basket. This was the first Easter I've got to spend with family in 3 to 4 years! We took lots of cutesy pictures after church. I helped clean up the house when I got home from church, which mom was so grateful for, and dinner was yummy. I love my family. I love spending time and doing things with them.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Unexpected Bonus

 4 April - 10 April 2022

Wow, this week at work was crazy! So many phone calls and demanding people. My patience has never been shorter!! It was an insight about myself that was not fun to realize. I wore my CTR ring to work and I think that helped a lot, just a physical reminder to choose the right and God was with me. I looked at the ring a LOT this past week... haha. I am a little worried about next week, because classes start. I'm take three classes this quarter, more than ever before, and work is so crazy busy that I legitimately don't have any time to do anything else at work. But the Lord reminded me in my scripture study this week that His grace is sufficient. I know I can do all things through Christ. It's just easy to forget when the pressures of the world and your own anxiety is so loud that it drowns out the peace and assurance of Christ. Well, let it go down in history that gas is at an all time high. Blah. It's a small fortune to fill up the gas tank. 

Me talking a walk around the office complex, enjoying the sun on my face. It gets so cold in my office with the AC running and no sunshine for 8 hours. So I sometimes just go outside for a bit to re-center, and after this crazy week, I definitely needed this simple moment of enjoying God's creations.

On a happier note, Valerie and Lucy both loved my book. Valerie said it was SO good! That makes me feel marvelous and excited, like I really stand a chance at this whole author thing. I'm excited. A couple of other awesome things happened this week that need to be addressed. I've been praying for missionary opportunities, and nothing grand has come out of the woodworks, like the stories you hear about at stake conferences or general conference. But I did have a dream about an old friend who was outside in the rain and she came inside the church building where I was at (I think I was helping out with a young women's activity) and she was soaking wet, and I led her over to the fireplace to get warm. After waking up, I had the thought that I should reach out to her. I told her I had a dream about her, and it was super random, but made me want to reach out and see how she was doing. I found out she'd moved back to Gilbert, so I suggested we should meet up. We ended up having lunch at this yummy place (Berry Divine Acai Bowls, which felt more like dessert than lunch, lol) and talking. I'd heard from family that she had become inactive in the church, but I didn't know much about that, and she didn't mention anything about it. It was just good to chat and catch up and share about books we liked and our goals for the future. I think we are both in need of friends. 

Because of this lunch date that I had scheduled, I wasn't expecting to have to work Saturday. But Jen couldn't because she didn't have a car that day. Jill was able to cover for the morning, so I still had to head into work that afternoon, right after the lunch date. I was not super happy about having to work my fourth Saturday in a row, but once I got there, it was fine. Until it wasn't just fine... it was incredible! I was filling up my water bottle and my boss says from his office, "How do you spell your last name?" I was like, "Burn Ham" and spelled it out for him. Curious, I walked into his office, wondering why he needed my last name, just in time to see him fold a piece of paper and hand it to me. He said, "Have a nice day." I walked out and opened it up, and it was a check he'd written me for... ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS!!!! Um, talk about unexpected work bonuses. I didn't know what else to feel except for extremely grateful. I'd just spent over $6,000 that morning in tuition for school and stressing a bit about how much money I was going to need to make, and BOOM. The Lord blesses me. I think I am having a bigger impact than I even know at work. God is so good. He has blessed me greatly and is aware of my situation and desires. Also, Saturday morning, Lucy and I went to get our passport pictures... who knew they would cost $15 each? Oh well, I just hope we get to go to the Bahamas!!!

Me feeling so grateful and slightly bewildered after the bonus. 

Me looking cute for church.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

Sunday, April 3, 2022

The End & April Fool's

 28 March - 3 April 2022

What a great week. To kickstart it all, Family Home Evening on Monday was a hit! We had it at Tammy Johnson's house, and she went all out with decorating and food. Yes, there was even a chocolate fountain set up! But the best part of all was that everyone loved the game we played. I'd thought of it the night before while searching for games. It was a mix of Would You Rather and Do You Love Your Neighbor. I asked a question, and everyone would think of their answer. The person in the middle would say their answer out loud, and if you picked the same answer as them, you had to switch seats. The last one without a seat would be the new person in the middle. After a half hour of playing (and I was running out of questions), I asked if they wanted to get some food now. No one really jumped up at the suggestion, so I asked, "Or do you want to keep playing?" And everyone shouted that they wanted to keep playing! We had a big turn out of over 20 people and everyone had a blast, which made me feel super good about my calling! Plus, everyone loved the homemade salsa I made!

Tuesday night, my parents and us girls went to the movies to watch The Lost City. Overall, the plot line was better than I expected, but the content was worse than I expected (meaning, so much more violence and sexual references and blah than I was comfortable with). That really disappointed mom too and ruined the whole movie for her. I'm glad there are more LDS movie and tv writers that are popping up even as the mainstream media grows more and more nasty and inappropriate. But us girls got a cute photo in the theater, so that was nice.

This week, I worked feverishly on finishing the first draft of Pampered Little Princess so I could give it to Lucy for her birthday. And on Friday, I finally got to write the words "The End." That felt SOOO good. Even though I rushed the ending a bit and left out some things that I want to go back and add. I was just amazed by how much writing I could get done, even in less than perfect circumstances (in between answering phone calls at work) and it gives me hope that I can sit down and knock out some books and it won't take so long if I stay diligent!

Friday also happened to be Lucy's birthday (as well as April Fool's Day, obviously). That morning, I'd been scrolling on Facebook and came across a link to a ton of free clean romance books you could sign up and get a PDF copy sent to your email. Some of the books were by authors I knew were LDS. Well, during my morning walk up and down the street, I had over 30 PDF books sent to my email, and I decided to incorporate it into a gift for Lucy, since she's always complaining about "what to read next." I wrote her a "Part 2" birthday card explaining that for the next sixteen weeks, a new book would be emailed to her every Monday and Friday. She was SO surprised and excited and amazed when she read that! Not to mention she was very happy that I'd finished my book for her. I think she had a really good birthday evening. We finished the night by watching the new movie Val got her, Once I Was Engaged, which was really cheesy--and not my kind of cheesy, which is saying something. In my dad's words: "That was the worst movie I've ever seen." So that was kind of a disappointment, but oh well. The funny part was that Val tricked Lucy by putting the disk in another movie case, so Lucy thought she'd gotten this weird old movie called "Watcher in the Woods," but then when she opened it, it was the Engagement movie instead.

I had to work on Saturday, but I was able to watch conference while I was at work. I had to pause it occasionally to answer a call or talk with someone, but then I just played it on 1.25 speed until I caught back up. I definitely noticed a theme of missionary work and took some personal lessons and thoughts with me that I am going to implement in my life. But overall, it was cool to basically be making money while watching conference :).

So, that was my week in a nutshell. 

Much love,

Emily Burnham