Sunday, April 24, 2022

I Can Breathe Again!

 18 April - 24 April 2022

Work has been so crazy busy the last couple of weeks! And then with school starting last week, life got even more busy. So imagine my relief when after Monday, work got less frantic and then come Wednesday, it was quiet. Thursday was super chill, though my head really hurt so I left to go home early, and then Friday was easy. I got the majority of school work done while at work, which was AWESOME. I feel like I have time to breathe again. That's how I described it to a friend who asked about my week. But now for a little more detail about each of my days...

On Monday, Briesa and Aaron found out whether they were having a boy or girl. They're having a girl! For family home evening, Valerie and I went to a huge combined activity, geriatric bingo. It was actually super lame and boring, but Val and I both dressed up as old people and did our best to participate. As you can tell by the picture, Briesa is thrilled to be having a baby girl... or maybe just annoyed to have cake in her face. Who knows? ;)

I feel like this is the face old people constantly make:

On Thursday, I went to institute. We had donuts after (including gluten free ones for me) and the lady gave me all the boxes to take home since it was the second to last week of institute and they'd otherwise sit in the freezer until next September. Well, that was a bad idea for my poor tummy because I ate way too many donuts that night and the next day after work, and my body had the worst sugar crash on Saturday. Plus, I gained at least 3 pounds in just donuts. I am still working on my self-control when it comes to sugar and may need to join a sugar-addict's anonymous group. I legitimately prayed this past week for Got to send down an angel to smite me if I was going to eat sugar... but that did not happen. Guess I'll have to learn this self-control thing on my own. If you have any tips, please share.

This Saturday was the first Saturday I didn't have to work in over a month! Go me!!! It was AWESOME. Well, besides feeling groggy and slightly nauseous from eating too much sugar... but I got to serve at Midwest Foodbank with the YSA, and we had a good time packing cereal into bags and sealing them up. Then I went to the temple, which was also good. I know it's good to go, but sometimes I don't feel like the Gilbert Temple is "home" to me (not like the Provo Temple became after serving there as a temple worker), but then the thought came to me from God: You can spend time here, even if you don't want to, because I always spend time with you, even if your choices disappoint me. Now, that sounds a bit harsh, now that I've put it into words, but it came as such a loving and encouraging thought and feeling. Like I can be like God and be there for Him because He is always there for me. I also finished up my homework assignment and then started watching Julie and the Phantoms on Netflix, which I loved!

I grabbed a selfie with Sean on my way to church (I'm pretty sure he had no idea I took the photo tho... hehe).

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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