Sunday, May 1, 2022

Escape Room & Hot Tub Movie Night

 25 April - 01 May 2022

I do so much better on the bone broth diet, off of sugar. This week was hard emotionally and even a bit physically because I haven't been eating as healthy. The good news is that I got Friday off, and I could just mope and be sad at home. Anyways, with that inspiring and positive intro, let me move on to the highlights of my week, starting with Family Home Evening on Monday. We had a combined activity called Shark Tank: Date Style. We all got paired with a random guy (I got paired with Mitchell) and we had to come up with a date idea and present it in front of everyone. The bishopbric and their wives picked their top four favorites and then funded the date for $25. It was a good time. Sean's was super funny. His date idea was to set a picnic blanket on the table with candles, then go buy a Happy Meal and watch Twilight after they ate. 

I enjoyed institute on Thursday evening. They had a taco bar, and everything was so yummy! I ate way to much. We had our last institute lesson of the semester with Sister Dalton. I shared my YouTube channel with her and asked if she'd be interested in filming videos about topics we discussed in institute, which she said she was. We'll see how that goes. All I know is doing my channel by myself has become overwhelming and I think/hope it was a prompting that lead me to ask Sister Dalton.

Saturday was great. I felt much better emotionally and had a productive morning, doing my laundry and washing my car while listening to all the songs from Julie and the Phantoms (my new favorite TV show). Then I got ready and went with my mom and sisters to a Star Wars themed escape room. We escaped with nine minutes to spare! We all worked pretty good together, and I figured out some key stuff, including flipping the last switch into the correct position to open the door and escape! We went out for lunch. That evening, I went to a girl's night at Ashley Deardon's house. We watched Cloudy with a Chance 2 and had all the snacks (popcorn, chocolate, gummies) and then we chilled (or should I say, heated) out in the hot tub. Very relaxing way to end a hectic week. Sunday was also good. I had a more looking outward mindset, seeing who I could wave at and talk to, and then I stayed after for a teacher's meeting, and it was actually good because I got to share teaching insights and bear testimony of the importance of having the spirit in the classroom and praying for your students and the authority of your calling. And mom made a very delicious dinner, and the best part was that I did not go back for seconds. I fasted today that I can treat my body better and have self-control about what I eat. I decided I cannot find joy or fulfillment in eating anymore. I can't look forward to food as a reward or the favorite part of my day. I do not need to focus on or think about food. I need to find other things to occupy my thoughts and desires so I can avoid the treats and crap that make my body feel terrible. 

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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