Saturday, May 21, 2022

Acai Bowl

 9 May - 15 May 2022

I invited my coworker Adrian to come to YSA sports night, which he actually did! He had dinner with us beforehand. Mom and dad made homemade pizzas, and Valerie had a couple of friends over. I really don't think Adrian is interested in the gospel of Jesus Christ, but at least I'm giving him opportunities to feel the Spirit and show Christ-like love. I kind of joked with my sister that... well, here's some background first. Our ward mission plan is to pray and invite. I joke that I skip the pray part and jump straight to inviting everyone. It's good on the one hand, because I'm not shy or scared to invite people to come to activities. I've become very natural at inviting. However, I also get discouraged because most of the invites are rejected, and I feel like other people pray and have strong promptings about who to talk with and then have these amazing experiences, and I pray and feel nothing or just have random people I know come to mind that I'm already willing to talk with but nothing comes of it. So, anyway. That is why you should not compare yourself to other people. So I'll keep inviting everyone and work on praying harder and being a better friend. 

So, I know this post is almost a week late! I did start writing it last Sunday but just did not have the motivation or desire to write about my week. Probably because these past few weeks I've felt down in the dumps, unable to focus, and discouraged. But I am grateful to say that this feeling has mostly passed. I think a big part of it is my diet, and another big part of it is the adversary discouraging me. That bit of revelation came to me at night while I was having trouble falling asleep. The thought came to me that the adversary was working so hard on me, attacking me, dragging me down, because I am going to make a huge difference in so many kids lives this summer at FSY. Immediately, the spirit filled me and testified of the truth. Things got a bit easier after that, and I told Satan to get hence! The other thing that made it easier was talking out my stresses and struggles with my friend Whitney. I think she listened to me for a whole hour!

On Saturday, I took mom out for her acai bowl. Valerie and Lucy tagged along. Mom thinks the acai bowls were SO good! I'm glad I got to treat her. I went to stake conference that evening, and some things that people said sunk into my soul and brought me encouragement. So, all in all, this week and the past week were reminders that life can be ROUGH even if terrible things aren't going on, but that it will pass. Keep moving forward! And here is a picture of me and my cute mommy :)

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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