Sunday, May 8, 2022

The Lu-Wow

 2 May - 8 May 2022

As I'm reflecting on my past week, my initial thoughts are that I'm tired and not feeling super well (but I think I'm to blame for staying up late two nights in a row on the weekend, watching TV...). Also, my diet could have been better. I did good this week, but the one day I made pancakes for dinner with chocolate chips and syrup on top killed me! I think because I ate all five of the pancakes and because of all the sugar. Ugh, I was a gonner there for a bit. Anyways, I'm going to get back into shape this week to feel better and more energized, especially since FSY is coming up soon! I leave for Provo in basically TWO WEEKS! Yikes, it's so soon. Oh well, I need to give myself some grace for this week and realize how amazing it is that I made it through a tough time with some joyful moments. Also, I want to say that I LOVE JULIE AND THE PHANTOMS!!!! It's a TV show on Netflix, and it was SO good. The songs are inspiring and uplifting, the messages are wholesome. It's just so flippin' what this world needs. So you can imagine (maybe) how my heart BROKE when I googled and found out that Netflix is not letting them do a Season 2!!! Literally, my emotions bounced between sadness and anger for a good 10 minutes. Something better change about that. That's all I'm saying. I was literally praying for a miracle so there could be a Season 2. But, I digress. Maybe I was too emotional and obsessed this week and went a little overboard, but I gotta say, people using their AMAZING, raw, and genuine talents in uplifting and inspiring ways gets me so good. I can't even imagine how happy God is to watch us all cultivate and use the talents He blessed us with to bless each other.

The other slightly stressful thing in my life right now is finding an internship for January. I know it'll all work out how it's supposed to, but in the meanwhile, it's so stressful when you know you need a specific position at a specific time and places are already sending you rejections because they're not taking on interns at that time. And what if I have to wait half a year to start my internship? That puts me behind. I don't even want to consider that as an option. But I'm going to trust God that things will work out and that He has my back and will open doors for me. Oh, and money is a *little* stressful because now that tax season is over, I'm working shorter hours. My schedule isn't even really consistent. My boss will just send me home early some days or give me a day or two off if it doesn't seem like it'll be busy. Then my dad is hounding me about not making money and it stresses me out more because it's out of my control. It gives me more time to do homework, which is good right now honestly, because I need to get ahead on my assignments since I'm leaving for Provo soon but will still have three weeks of school left. And there are so many things I want to do, but I just don't have time to do. Or the energy or motivation or hope. Like finishing my book, making the edits. I really want to, but then it's like I don't have the energy or time. Or learning how to laser cut. I think I'm just scared, so I've been putting it off for when I'll have a bunch of time to sit down and face my fear of ruining things as I learn. I think FSY will be a nice break for me because I'll be too busy to think about all my worries for a time and can just focus on bringing souls to Christ.

In other news, my mom ran the escape room at the family history ward activity, which I stopped by to support. Everyone loved it. Grandpa Jim went all out on his posters and set-up. Afterwards, I went to our stake Lu-Wow (Luau) and it was good. I felt GOOD. I was peaceful and present and happy. The weather was beautiful and I couldn't keep a small smile from gracing my face. I met some new people and enjoyed the night in a carefree way that was rare. So that was very nice. Plus, all the food there was SO good! Well, except the pig. I tried a small piece and it was rather dry, but I probably grabbed a piece that was close to the top and got overcooked. Then, of course, Mother's Day is today! I cleaned the bathroom like my mom wanted, and I also got her a card with a lunch date to go to Berry Divine to get acai bowls, which she was very excited about. Dad gave a talk in church and I got to teach in Relief Society. Dad also wrote mom the sweetest, cutest card ever that warmed my heart. Then I got to talk with my friend Whitney on the phone for a bit, catching up, and she sounds so so so happy, which makes me so happy for her. I truly have amazing friends and family.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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