Sunday, May 22, 2022

A Talk in Church

 16 May - 22 May 2022

Howdy there, y'all! This past week has been a lot better. First of all, Monday was a great start to the week  because I didn't go into work. I stayed home and started packing for FSY, did laundry, and other tasks that have been on my to-do list for ages. I went with mom to get my passport, and we had lunch at this yummy Thai food place called Charm Thai. Yum yum YUM! It was good, and the prices were very reasonable. I needed a good day like that. Then in the evening, I attended FHE where we watched President and Sister Nelson's devotional to the young adults.  It was good, and I took Sister Nelson's challenge to heart, asking myself each day, "What would a holy young adult do?" The promised blessings she listed really did come true in my life. I felt more productive and happier. Then I was asked to give a talk about the devotional, and I had some great thoughts and ideas come to my mind. My talk was a success! I felt the spirit and felt that I said what needed to be heard. And my mom and dad came to listen and support me! I had people come up to me after and say it really touched them and was what they needed to hear. Plus, I looked pretty cute today. 

Okay, let's see what else happened this week.... oh yeah! So many tender mercies from the Lord! I felt SOOOO loved and overcome with gratitude and love for him. I was stressing about where I was going to be staying during my off weeks for FSY, and then within one day, everything worked out. The family I used to babysit for texted me back that they'll be out of town and I could stay at their house and dog sit. It's perfect! I'll get the house to myself and can finish up school work in a quiet place where I'm comfortable (since I've spent many hours at their house) and I'll be close to Provo and can visit my friends. I get to spend Whitney's birthday weekend with her, and I get to spend the next weekend with Shelly. Then I get to be a counselor! I am getting so pumped! I am excited to go love those teens and have spiritual experiences with them.

Also, on Saturday night, I went to my first writers group meeting. I'm actually very excited because everyone was so excited and pumped about my goals and dreams as an author. I got some good feedback and am excited to have a support group to help me achieve my goals.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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