Sunday, June 26, 2022

FSY Provo, UT (week 2)

20 June - 26 June 2022

Let me start off with a few important lessons I learned this week. 1) When I take care of my own needs first, I am able to turn outward in love and service to others. 2) The Lord prepares multiple ways to cover for your weaknesses, limitations, and shortcomings.

The first lesson was learned at the beginning of the week. Sunday's food at the Canon Center hurt my tummy, and then there was not dietary options provided for lunch. After working hard to prep for the incoming kids, I was very hungry, and my stomach hurt from whatever I'd eaten earlier from cross contamination. So, I became a bit hangry and overwhelmed and definitely had a small breakdown outside the Marriot Center in the grass, crying because I didn't feel good and didn't have anything to eat. After a small pity-party that five people were witness to (including Val's coordinator partner Julian and other assistant coordinators/counselors), Julian called Valerie and told her to provide money for me to go to the Cougar Eat and get food from Choices (an allergy friendly place). I'm so grateful he did, because I had a meal that filled me up, tasted yummy, and helped me have the energy for the rest of the afternoon. Once the food situation worked out, I felt at peace. I knew that if I couldn't eat well, there was no way I could do my job. I'd feel sick and grumpy and cranky and not want to do anything. Fortunately, there were good dietary options at Heritage Central, so I ate pretty decently throughout the week. Fast forward to the end of the week where I travel to Missouri (more details on that later), I was super nervous about the food situation, but after talking to the dining hall, I fell so relieved and ready to take on the week. They have an allergy kitchen, and you just order online 30 minutes before you want to eat, and they will cook it for you and have it ready. And the options are diverse and amazing! Those were the best gluten-free chicken nuggets ever!! And the sweet potatoes were divine. The pizza with dairy-free cheese was pretty alright. So now that I feel confident that I'll be taken care of, I'm excited for this week to unfold! And to meet my co and kids!

The second lesson I learned bit by bit throughout the week, but then strongly at the end of the week during testimony meeting and also our group chat. So, the start of the week was a bit daunting because I had 14 girls and was in a trio with another girl who had 14 girls and then a boy who had 18 boys. Although we had a couple of no-shows, my company was still almost triple the size of the one I had in Colorado. I did my absolute best to learn names and connect with as many of the youth as I could. I prayed for my girls and all those in my company by name. I showed extra love to girls that didn't want to be there or got on my nerves. I found unique ways to connect with them (like one girl who didn't want to be there. She mentioned that guys hit on her a lot, so I asked her to keep track and I'd follow up throughout the day and be amazed/surprised at the high number. It always brought a smile to her face and a spark to her eyes). Many of the kids just needed to be listened to. One girl just really liked attention. At the end of the week during testimony meeting, I learned that she had to do a lot of the household chores and take care of her younger sisters because her mom was out of the picture. She probably doesn't get any attention at home and has to give it all to her sisters. She really got to be free of responsibility and act like her age for once (which she truly did, haha). It made me so glad that I was kind to her even though at times I could have shown annoyance or frustration. Another boy acted up and talked a lot, and I pegged him for a class-clown/popular at school, but I was always friendly with him and encouraging and kind. I never spoke or acted negatively or disapprovingly, but encouraged kindness and discouraged any harmful teasing. At testimony meeting, I was shocked and heart-broken to hear that this kid was bullied by the only other boy in his quorum. Wow, my heart was so filled with a protective momma-bear feeling during testimony meeting, because I was so shocked to hear how hard these youths' lives already are, and how many of them said they hadn't felt the Spirit before or felt like God abandoned them, or had fallen away from the church. And then they all testified how amazing FSY had been, that they'd never felt the Spirit so much in all of their life. They'd felt the spirit more in those five days than in their entire life previously. They were so supporting and loving to each other. I'd been feeling a bit discouraged, wondering if I'd had as big of an impact on them. Last week, I felt like I was able to connect with each kid on a personal level and feel the Spirit with them one-on-one. This week, I didn't have the chance to talk to every single kid one-on-one, and I wished I was able to be there for them more. But then I realized this truth: God sent them one another. I got to witness how close the youth became. So many were friendless and lonely, and they really turned to each other and supported one another. Our group chat BLEW up after FSY ended. These youth keep messaging each other and sharing things, and they keep saying how sad they were FSY was ending and how they need to have a reunion, which they're already starting to plan in the chat. Even though I couldn't be there for each of them, I had two other counselors there for them, plus all 44 kids there for each other. Also, the kids started calling me their mom, and my other co's were also "mom" and "dad." I actually loved it.

Honestly, my favorite part of this week was different than last week. Last week, I loved how palpable the spirit was with our group and as I bore testimony. I still testified of Christ and felt the Spirit this week, but what stood out the most was watching the kids bond with and strengthen each other. I also loved my co's. Brielle was my roommate in addition to my co, and we got along so well! She was so chill, genuine, and validating. She was a cheerleader and supporter, never judging. She was easy-going and easy to talk with, plus very thoughtful. I loved getting to develop a friendship with her. My other co was Ethan. At first I wasn't too sure about how we'd get along, but then I got to know him. He said he wasn't the best at expressing emotion, but a bit of talking and prodding helped him open up. I learned that he was recently engaged and was having a hard time this week because his fiancé was struggling, and that he was having a hard time connecting to his boys because there were so many of them. I was able to talk with him about options and ideas, encouraging him and offering to pray for him and help in any way I could. That really helped open him up, and we became comfortable around each other. Plus, he liked listening to me talk about therapy models because he is interested in maybe going into therapy. So I loved seeing how God placed me with other co-counselors that I needed and that needed me too. Also, I had a cool moment with another counselor in another group. We'd spent the last week in Fort Collins, so I asked him how this week was going. He said it was super rough and went on to complain about his kids and not loving them as much and missing Colorado, etc. I listened empathetically and then gently asked if maybe he was having such a hard time in Provo because he wasn't letting himself be "all-in" here, because part of him was still back in Fort Collins. He deflated a bit and said, "probably." I then went on to share a couple of ways to connect with his youth and felt the Spirit prompt me to say, "It'll get better. Just watch, things will turn completely around in the next couple of days." I felt the Spirit as I promised him that, and he looked thoughtful and grateful (though still a bit sad) as he said thank you and we parted ways. A day or two later, I saw him again and asked how things were going. He answered with a huge grin, eyes sparkling, that everything was going SO good. That Thursday had been a fabulous day with his youth. I was so grateful that he was able to listen to the Spirit and turn things around, not giving up. I tried my best during this week to be positive, because I was disturbed by how many counselors complained and complained and complained! They focused on so many negatives, and it just bothered me because 1) I don't want to go down that same negative spiral of complaining and misery, which can be easy to fall into if you give in and 2) don't you know how much the Lord is willing to bless and strengthen you??!!! We are doing the Lord's work, bringing souls to Christ, and I truly felt that there was a legion of angels around me that week, supporting me and my kids. I relied on God to get through the week and bless those kids, no matter how physically tired I became from walking so much or from sleep deprivation. I really put my trust in the Lord to overcome whatever obstacles came my way so that I could be a blessing to the kids, so it broke my heart to hear how many counselors complained constantly.

I am determined to be a disciple of Jesus Christ at all times and in all things. I want to stand as a witness of Him and rely on His power of deliverance. I get to not only bless the lives of the youth, but also the lives of other counselors. I'm grateful for these lessons I learned this week, which about sums up the whole week :). I left for Missouri Saturday morning, waking at 4:15am to get ready and then walk 20 minutes to the bus shuttle to the SLC airport. We took a flight to Minnesota and then to Missouri, then took a two hour bus to Columbia. It is definitely humid here! I felt it on the first day, but today isn't as bad (probably because it rained and didn't get as hot). This week is going to be super hot, but I'm praying that I'll be able to handle it. The college campus buildings are very pretty, like old-school brick/stone architecture. I'm so grateful to have my own room and own bathroom!

Some of my fellow counselors for this week in Missouri!

Oh yes, and I shan't forget another highlight of this past week! Valerie was my coordinator, which was awesome. I was so happy to get to see her around and told my kids to cheer loud whenever her name was announced. Also, Aaron and Sean were able to stop by for lunch at the Cougar Eat on Thursday on their way home from Canada. They went to pick up a new tractor for Aaron. I love family!

Much love,

Emily Burnham

P.S. The steps I walked this week were slightly less than last week, which was a blessing! My shin-splints-from-walking-too-much were able to heal a bit!

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

FSY Fort Collins, CO (week 1)

 13 June - 19 June 2022

Wow, so, FSY is crazy! Sorry I'm a couple days late posting. I was wiped from a full day of traveling on Saturday and then caught up on sleep on Sunday. I thought I might have time on Monday, but no. So so so so so busy! But, for now, let me just share some of the highlights from my week as a counselor in Colorado. I had eight amazing girls. They were all from the same stake back in Wyoming and got along great. There were ten boys in our company, and I loved them all so much. I learned a lot this past week about what motherhood is like. It is sacrificing your own comforts and desires to give your all to the kids so they can grow spiritually. It's walking an extra mile (or five) to help those in need. It's serving and loving and encouraging youth who all have unique problems and experiences and personalities by praying hard for them and relying on Jesus Christ to bless you with enough love and spirit to reach them. I put my all into loving them, learning their names and all about them, and serving them was not a burden at all. And then my proud momma heart filled with so much joy when I saw them go up and bear their testimonies Thursday night. My heart ached for the girl who got up and started crying, so she chickened out and ran back to her seat. I was filled with so much love and empathy as I went to sit down by her and put an arm around her and told her that Heavenly Father was so proud of her and loved her. I felt the Spirit witness of my words and felt her calm down as I rubbed her shoulder and she leaned into me. I felt the Spirit of Jesus Christ as I walked around the group as they were studying during personal study time, and I sat next to youth and asked them gently what they'd been learning and one boy who is a jokester and a bit rambunctious told me he found a scripture he really liked about a great and last sacrifice, and that because Jesus Christ sacrificed everything for him, he could make sacrifices to be closer to Christ. I felt the Spirit as I chatted with a young boy who was reading a book for fun instead of the scriptures, and I related to him about how engaging and exciting a really good book is such a fun and thrilling feeling, but that it doesn't last. But the peace, joy, happiness, and fulfillment that comes from reading the scriptures lasts throughout the day and will make everything else he does that day so much richer. And then again as I saw him later on writing down notes in his journal. So proud and happy. I felt the Spirit as a girl who started FSY by saying, "Yeah, I don't really do rules" said that at first, she didn't understand how FSY could change people. But after half of a week, she felt the spirit and had a desire to actually pay attention to the speakers at church and get things out of their talk instead of being distracted on her phone or with other things.

I absolutely loved the time I got to spend with the youth, testifying of Jesus Christ and bringing the Spirit. Those kids will always have a place in my heart. I was surprised that it wasn't hard to say goodbye to them, though. Rather, I felt so much excitement and hope for them to go back home and share their light and examples, making the world a better place. I felt like the future of our church is in good hands. I also learned that you can get shin splints from walking too much! It's not too bad, but it's definitely there with every step I take, just a small pinch in my shins. Anyways, the exhaustion is so worth it, and I think motherhood will be better because you get to create your own schedule instead of being subject to someone else's crazy busy schedule!!! Other highlights of the week: the food was so good! Amazing quality, and they had fantastic food allergy accommodations. I didn't get sick with anything I ate. Also, there were a couple of cute counselors that I got to be around, which was fun ;) (even though that is not my focus. I just had the thought: they'd be fun to get to know better). Anyways, now I have a lot of rest to catch up on every weekend and break I get, but I'll try my best to stay on top of my blog! Also, Lucy went to FSY this past week and saw a cute, tall counselor and tried to set us up. She told me she found my future husband. She gave him my number, but, alas, he has not called or texted. It was a funny story though! Apparently, after he read it, he said something similar happened to his friend, and that he married the girl. I visited the 9th ward on Sunday and got to see the Osborns, Witts, and some other people I knew from last year! 

Final shout out to my padre for Father's day! And now I'm going to dump a bunch of photos below and then take a small nap. :)

Trey and Kendall
Just us girls! Ashley, Layla, Elza, Jamie, Sadie, Katelyn, Isabella, & Mckenna

Look how fresh I looked on day one! 

True at all times!

Much love,

Emily Burnham

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Nixons and Turleys

 6 June - 12 June 2022

Hard to believe it's June already and I'm starting FSY!!! I don't think I realized when I signed up to be an FSY counselor what an adventure it would really be. So here I am, typing this from Fort Collins, Colorado. Last week went by pretty fast, actually. I was still recovering from being sick on Monday and Tuesday, but I felt a lot better and started getting my voice back on Tuesday. Tuesday morning, I visited MJ and Joseph to see their cute twin babies that recently turned one. I took Coco to come visit and we went on a walk to a nearby park. The babies loved Coco! I didn't have to pick the Nixons up from the airport that evening, which was nice. I just stayed downstairs and watched movies. I didn't feel like finishing my homework. Though I'd gotten my voice back, my energy level was soooo low. I felt like falling asleep, so I ended up just napping and then watching TV later and put off finishing up my last essay. Which turned out to be totally fine. I originally planned on leaving Wednesday morning, but Julia asked if I could stay until 4pm and watch the kids at various points throughout the day because it was her husband Mike's birthday and they wanted to go out. I said yes, and I got to spend a lot of time with cute little Ford. Aww, I don't think I've ever been so baby hungry in my life, but I actually miss holding and rocking him. At least I get a new little niece in September!!! That's only, what, three months away?? 

Rosalee and Gideon getting reading for our walk with Coco.
Gideon's bed head cracks me up!
Baby Ford!!! What a cutie :) :)

Aww, I miss this cute lil buddy. Look at that smile!

Wednesday evening, I drove to Springville and spent the night with the Turley family. I shared Paige's room. Her bed had a bed underneath that you could pull out, perfect for sleep overs. I guess I'd been spoiled before with having my own room at the Nixons! But it really wasn't bad because Paige likes to sleep with a loud fan on so that blocked out a lot of noise we might have made to wake each other up. I slept like a rock every night, even sleeping for nine or ten hours some nights!! My body was still recovering. I think the kids were a bit sad because I didn't want to go to Nicklemania arcade or the carnival with them, just because I knew it would wipe me out and slow my recovery. But I played games and talked with them throughout the day, and of course Shelly spoiled me with an acai bowl and sweet potato fries from Cubbys. I finished watching Stranger Things season 4, which of course ended on a cliff hanger. Gotta love those. On Friday morning, I got a call from FSY hiring asking if I could switch my last three weeks to be in Idaho, which I said yes, but then later realized that would cause me to miss my flight home from Provo to AZ on the last day. I haven't been able to get ahold of them to discuss options yet, but I'm working on not stressing too much about it. It would be so cool to go to Idaho, though!

Saturday morning, I drove Valerie's car back to Provo where I'd first picked it up (yes, I made sure to fill up the gas tank). Then Shelly drove me to the SLC airport, where I waited with a bunch of other young adults in FSY shirts. We flew to Denver, CO and then took a bus up to Fort Collins. Colorado State University is pretty big! And pretty nice (except for the room I'm staying in, which I think is a bit ghetto. But mostly because of the bathroom/sink area and the smell in the hallways/stair wells (like cat pee that they tried to shampoo out of the carpets but couldn't quite get out). Otherwise, it's fine. Well, it's GREAT because I don't have to share it with anyone!!!!! Aww yeah! It's so nice having a private room. It is weird that the whole building is co-ed, which is SO different than BYU. Your neighbor could be a boy! Or I guess even a guy and girl could share a room? Who knows. I don't really want to know. But I think FSY bought out the entire floor to keep that from happening, which is why we get our own rooms :). That's just my guess since the other rooms seem super empty. Everyone in my group seems great, and I've met some friends!!

On Sunday, we attended church at the institute building North East of campus (we are staying South West, lols). So we walked there as a big group and doubled the size of their ward! They were excited to have us there. I really felt the Spirit during sacrament meeting and had some revelation come to me that was awesome (I made sure to write it down in my notebook). I just had a lot of confirmations today, which was so good. Spiritual promptings are real, and God needed me in this place at this time so that I could receive the revelations and confirmations that I need. That I will find happiness by staying in AZ. That one reason I've been so lonely in my social life is so that I will branch out and have a genuine need to befriend nonmembers, which could lead to lots of missionary opportunities. That there is a lot of good I can do in AZ. God is so good! We had lunch from the campus commons place, which was good! Then we had a short break, in which I took a nap, and then we went on a tour around campus. The buildings are pretty spread out with large fields and groves of trees, which is good for sports and aesthetics. Not so good for your feet when you have to walk everywhere, lol. Oh well. Then we had dinner, which was pretty great! I got steak!!!! Yum. I think the food is better than BYU! And there are more options! Not necessarily for gluten free desserts, but definitely for meals. But who needs the sugar anyway?! Not this girl, that's for sure. Anyway, I also met my co, Alec, who is very kind and awesome. This is his third week of doing FSY, so I'm glad to be paired up with him because he knows his way around (though the campus is new to both of us). It was also fun to see three other people from my FSY training group in the Fort Collins group! Gotta love familiar faces :). Welp, that's about it for this week!

Much love,

Emily Burnham

Sunday, June 5, 2022

The Life of a Dog Sitter

 30 May - 5 June 2022

I spent Monday morning with Whitney. I cleaned her kitchen floor in the morning while she slept in. She was surprised, grateful, and indignant, haha. "No, you didn't!" Yup, I did! Then I went on a morning walk around her neighborhood for exercise. Then we went to a nearby park together to exercise, but it started raining and I got cold (I didn't have a jacket) so we went back to her house. We got lunch from Cubbys. The fries were SO good! The burger was just alright. Then we watched an episode of Love on the Spectrum and Julie and the Phantoms. Then I left to go over the the Nixons. They had family over for a BBQ, so I settled into the downstairs guestroom while all the kids were busy playing. I was surprised to learn that the Nixons had a new addition to their family as of two months ago! Little baby Ford. He was so cute!! The family offered me food, and I had a good time chilling and chatting with the various family members that I had previously met throughout the years. Also, the best part was when I walked into the house and saw Jack. He was with a cousin and looked up at me for a moment, confused. He said, "Who are you?" Then after a second he shouted, "I know you!" and ran towards me and threw himself into my arms. It was the absolute cutest thing ever. Cole was just confused to see me and said, "Shouldn't you still be on your mission?" I guess when I graduated and left, he thought I was going on a mission...?? Even though I was already an RM the first time he met me.

On Tuesday, I did a little bit of homework, but it was difficult to focus with all the kids. I got to meet the family's full-time babysitter, Sarah, who was super awesome. I got to help watch and take care of the baby and play with Jack. It feels good to be back, like I wasn't forgotten and even though things have changed, I'm still welcomed into their home.

Wednesday morning, I drove with the family down to the SLC airport so that I could drive one of their cars home. That took up my whole morning, which was fine because I'm grateful to be able to help out since they are letting me stay with them. I was reminded on the drive there from Mike that the world really is full of good people, and traveling can help you see that. If you only look at the world from the lens of media, it's easy to get caught up in all the wickedness portrayed by a small percentage of people. I truly believe there are two distinct worlds we simultaneously live in. Reality and media. Media doesn't not portray reality at all. It is so warped that it has become damaging on so many levels. More now than ever, I want to prioritize travelling so that I can see and remember reality. In the afternoon, I worked on an essay.

Thursday, I worked all day on my essay, finishing it up. Whitney came over in the evening so I could meet her boyfriend, Brigham. We watched The Bad Guys movie, which is still in theaters, but the family bought it. We all really enjoyed watching it, especially Brigham. Although we didn't get much time to talk or anything, it was good to have some company and see how happy Whitney was. I started my second essay on Friday. Becca came over in the afternoon to walk Coco with me and chat. We talked for two hours after walking Coco, just me talking about how hard the last couple of months had been, but how FSY training was much needed in opening the flood gates of spiritual revelation. I poured out a lot of my worries about dating and marriage and where to live and then said that the Lord told me that it's up to me, but that He will do wonders wherever I go. If I can't find what I'm looking for in AZ, I can create it. And I'm not going to miss out on finding the right guy to marry if the Lord is letting me choose where to live. He will bring us together. I just get so caught up in the details and the worries and the pressure and what I don't have that I forget to be grateful and access the spiritual power that makes me feel fulfilled and full of purpose and motivation. My body cannot handle feeling the Spirit all of the time. It's just not possible. Heck, I'd burn up in the presence of God! My body and flesh are weak. That's why I sometimes can't feel anything. It's natural. It allows me to be able to feel deeply again the emotion I've been missing, whether that is love, gratitude, peace, or spiritual power. It means I constantly have to make sure to spiritual revive myself every week and month when I do notice I'm in a slump. And to have so much self-compassion while in the slump. 

Saturday, I woke up without a voice. I had kind of been feeling sick the last two days, but I was in denial. Then my vocal cords literally refused to work. I don't remember that ever happening to me before! So I stayed in bed for most of the day. Julia's sister came over with her kids to go swimming, so luckily they were able to keep Coco entertained all afternoon. It was a bit noisy, but I was able to finish my second essay and submit it before 5pm! Only two more left to write!! Woot woot! Then I watched The Amazing Spiderman in the movie theater room. I had never seen it before, if you can believe that. I attended Writer's Club with Lily, my old roommate, and two new people. It was fun to talk books and writing. Guys, there's so much I can do and so much I know and the Lord has been so kind to me this past week reminding me of my talents and future. One scripture that stood out to me this week was 2 Nephi 23:12 when God says, "I will make a man more precious than fine gold." The thought came to me that I am valuable as a person. That my thoughts, ideas, creations, and skills are valuable and worth a lot to people. Even though not material, worth more than gold. That was comforting to hear, that the Lord can make me worth more than any money or material. I don't know if you struggle with this too, but I have a hard time expecting or asking for money for my time and services. I worry that people won't think it was worth it and will resent me. I worry about asking for too much. I undervalue myself. And I don't think that's right. God has high hopes for me and values me, and even if I can't trust myself to live up to people's expectations and make sure my services are worth their money, I can trust God to make up for my shortcomings and strengthen me and work wonders through me that are worth more than gold.

I was a bit sad Sunday morning when I realized that my sickness was still bad enough that I'd have to miss church and going to Katie's house to meet her new baby. I was going to visit the 9th ward and see all my old friends and bishopbric members. I still wanted to go so bad that I literally had to call my mom so she could talk me out of it. I told her that I was still sick (she could hear it in my voice, too) and she said, "Yeah, you definitely can't go." That confirmed it. The small piece of me that still hoped to go was comforted. Mothers just have a magic touch. But I was comforted by the thought that I could still visit my old ward on a Sunday when I'm working FSY in Provo, because I don't have to check in until late Sunday afternoon, so I could still stop by for church. Ditto with visiting Katie. When I'm feeling better, I can make it work out somehow. I was surprised by how much I slept, though. I think by the late afternoon/early evening, I'd only been out of bed for three hours. Otherwise, I just kept sleeping, get up to let Coco outback for a potty break and drink some broth, then back to sleep, repeat. but by the evening, I felt so bad because Coco had started whining and howling. She was getting so lonely! But I just didn't have the energy to play with her. I had given her a 15 minute body scratch earlier in the afternoon and that was all I had in me. So I called Ruby, who I know loves dogs, and she was able to come by and play fetch with Coco and scratch her. I watched and we chatted. I think she really needed it too, because she'd lost her dog a few months ago. It was good to chat about the challenges in our lives and hanging in there. I told her she could come back Monday and/or Tuesday to play with Coco, and she said she'd come both days in the afternoon! She loved how good of a dog Coco was and said Coco made her miss having a dog (in a good way). Plus, on the bright side, no more whining from Coco! And now I'm just writing in my blog (and coughing occasionally) and feeling sleepy. But before I sign off, I want to share one more scripture that struck me this week. It is in 1 Corinthians 2:9. "Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." I googled a bunch of LDS talks about dating and marriage and was reading through them, and this verse was mentioned. What hit me was that the best way to prepare for anything in life is to love God, because truly God will return that love tenfold (or, well, infinitely). I can't even comprehend or picture what it will feel like when I meet the right guy, get married, or have kids. I can't imagine what good I will accomplish as a therapist or the good I will do in the world with my writing. Because it will be SO much better than I can even imagine. I don't have to worry about making a bright and happy future. I don't have to worry about ruining my future. As long as I love God, He has promised to take care of me, to guide me down a path of unimaginable greatness. He is preparing my way, even though I can't see it right now.

Okay, signing off, everyone! Time to get some sleep and hopefully recover soon :)


Emily Burnham

Oh! I forgot about pictures!!! Okay, photo dump of the pics from this past week:

Me holding baby Ford.
Big brother Drew holding baby Ford.
Drew changing Ford's diaper. Funniest part was Ford started peeing in the middle of it and the pee shot straight up and over onto the blanket, giving Drew quite the surprise! Haha :)
I took a walk on Tuesday and had to get a selfie with the pretty mountains behind me!
And... this was the latter half of my week with being sick and all, hehe: