Sunday, June 12, 2022

Nixons and Turleys

 6 June - 12 June 2022

Hard to believe it's June already and I'm starting FSY!!! I don't think I realized when I signed up to be an FSY counselor what an adventure it would really be. So here I am, typing this from Fort Collins, Colorado. Last week went by pretty fast, actually. I was still recovering from being sick on Monday and Tuesday, but I felt a lot better and started getting my voice back on Tuesday. Tuesday morning, I visited MJ and Joseph to see their cute twin babies that recently turned one. I took Coco to come visit and we went on a walk to a nearby park. The babies loved Coco! I didn't have to pick the Nixons up from the airport that evening, which was nice. I just stayed downstairs and watched movies. I didn't feel like finishing my homework. Though I'd gotten my voice back, my energy level was soooo low. I felt like falling asleep, so I ended up just napping and then watching TV later and put off finishing up my last essay. Which turned out to be totally fine. I originally planned on leaving Wednesday morning, but Julia asked if I could stay until 4pm and watch the kids at various points throughout the day because it was her husband Mike's birthday and they wanted to go out. I said yes, and I got to spend a lot of time with cute little Ford. Aww, I don't think I've ever been so baby hungry in my life, but I actually miss holding and rocking him. At least I get a new little niece in September!!! That's only, what, three months away?? 

Rosalee and Gideon getting reading for our walk with Coco.
Gideon's bed head cracks me up!
Baby Ford!!! What a cutie :) :)

Aww, I miss this cute lil buddy. Look at that smile!

Wednesday evening, I drove to Springville and spent the night with the Turley family. I shared Paige's room. Her bed had a bed underneath that you could pull out, perfect for sleep overs. I guess I'd been spoiled before with having my own room at the Nixons! But it really wasn't bad because Paige likes to sleep with a loud fan on so that blocked out a lot of noise we might have made to wake each other up. I slept like a rock every night, even sleeping for nine or ten hours some nights!! My body was still recovering. I think the kids were a bit sad because I didn't want to go to Nicklemania arcade or the carnival with them, just because I knew it would wipe me out and slow my recovery. But I played games and talked with them throughout the day, and of course Shelly spoiled me with an acai bowl and sweet potato fries from Cubbys. I finished watching Stranger Things season 4, which of course ended on a cliff hanger. Gotta love those. On Friday morning, I got a call from FSY hiring asking if I could switch my last three weeks to be in Idaho, which I said yes, but then later realized that would cause me to miss my flight home from Provo to AZ on the last day. I haven't been able to get ahold of them to discuss options yet, but I'm working on not stressing too much about it. It would be so cool to go to Idaho, though!

Saturday morning, I drove Valerie's car back to Provo where I'd first picked it up (yes, I made sure to fill up the gas tank). Then Shelly drove me to the SLC airport, where I waited with a bunch of other young adults in FSY shirts. We flew to Denver, CO and then took a bus up to Fort Collins. Colorado State University is pretty big! And pretty nice (except for the room I'm staying in, which I think is a bit ghetto. But mostly because of the bathroom/sink area and the smell in the hallways/stair wells (like cat pee that they tried to shampoo out of the carpets but couldn't quite get out). Otherwise, it's fine. Well, it's GREAT because I don't have to share it with anyone!!!!! Aww yeah! It's so nice having a private room. It is weird that the whole building is co-ed, which is SO different than BYU. Your neighbor could be a boy! Or I guess even a guy and girl could share a room? Who knows. I don't really want to know. But I think FSY bought out the entire floor to keep that from happening, which is why we get our own rooms :). That's just my guess since the other rooms seem super empty. Everyone in my group seems great, and I've met some friends!!

On Sunday, we attended church at the institute building North East of campus (we are staying South West, lols). So we walked there as a big group and doubled the size of their ward! They were excited to have us there. I really felt the Spirit during sacrament meeting and had some revelation come to me that was awesome (I made sure to write it down in my notebook). I just had a lot of confirmations today, which was so good. Spiritual promptings are real, and God needed me in this place at this time so that I could receive the revelations and confirmations that I need. That I will find happiness by staying in AZ. That one reason I've been so lonely in my social life is so that I will branch out and have a genuine need to befriend nonmembers, which could lead to lots of missionary opportunities. That there is a lot of good I can do in AZ. God is so good! We had lunch from the campus commons place, which was good! Then we had a short break, in which I took a nap, and then we went on a tour around campus. The buildings are pretty spread out with large fields and groves of trees, which is good for sports and aesthetics. Not so good for your feet when you have to walk everywhere, lol. Oh well. Then we had dinner, which was pretty great! I got steak!!!! Yum. I think the food is better than BYU! And there are more options! Not necessarily for gluten free desserts, but definitely for meals. But who needs the sugar anyway?! Not this girl, that's for sure. Anyway, I also met my co, Alec, who is very kind and awesome. This is his third week of doing FSY, so I'm glad to be paired up with him because he knows his way around (though the campus is new to both of us). It was also fun to see three other people from my FSY training group in the Fort Collins group! Gotta love familiar faces :). Welp, that's about it for this week!

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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