Sunday, January 29, 2023

Eggs for Days

 23 January 2023 - 29 January 2023

Monday: worked out at the gym and had my two-hour class. I really enjoy going to the gym every morning with my mom and working out my body. Plus, we have some really good conversations sometimes. Class was very helpful because I was able to ask about a client I was struggling to know how to help, and then we watched one of the sessions I had taped and went over how I was doing. Basically, we came to the conclusion that interns are ALWAYS way too hard on themselves, so he paused the video frequently and had me point out stuff that I did well. I realized that while there are a million ways to do therapy, I'm not doing it "wrong." You can always find things you could have done differently, but that doesn't mean it would be more right or better. Besides, even if you don't do it the most efficient way, you're still doing good, and that's all that matters. The rest will come with time and experience. Monday evening, I saw my first child client. He's had a rough family history, and it took a little bit of time to gain his trust and have him open up, but I think we got there. I often feel like I don't know what I am doing, but I do know how to trust in the Lord. So that was a really cool experience, and I hope the Lord continues to bless me with clients! After I finished with my client, I drove home and helped set up for the FHE activity we were having in our yard. I was SO cold outside! But it turned out to be a lot of fun. My mom went ALL out, of course, making egg-drop soup and egg rolls. (We had SO much soup left over. SOOO much). We had them split into teams and create contraptions to save their egg from the fall, then we had one person from each team go onto the scissor lift to drop their egg. Most eggs survived! Then for fun, my mom let anyone who wanted to ride go up and throw an egg. So of course I did. And the most ironic thing was that some people dropped eggs from the scissor lift that landed on the grass and didn't even break! And one guy threw an egg up and it landed on our roof. So our house got egged... lols. I was still feeling a bit tired and sick that day, but I was blessed to be able to function and do well.

On Tuesday, I went in for my job at KM Signs and got officially hired. I will make $18 while getting trained, and then be bumped up to $20 an hour. I am really enjoying it there so far, and I'm going to miss having Savannah there. I'm being trained to replace her, but she's been fun to talk with and have around. I'm also already beginning to take a lot of pride in the work we are doing. We make these little signs on the computer that print into these giant signs in real life!

I had a lot of homework to do on Wednesday, and I was able to go to my internship site to do most of it. I had a dentist appointment Wed morning that went by so quick because I guess I've been taking really good care of my teeth! :D When I got to my internship site, I saw that I got a Clear Counseling jacket! And name plaque on the door! So I'm officially official now! 

Again on Thursday, I went to my job. I'm feeling a lot more confident in working with Illustrator and creating the signs and designs they need. I kind of felt bad because I haven't been going to all the activities I could have this week, like Ministering Night on Wednesday or Institute on Thursday. But I've felt SO exhausted and have just stayed home. But honestly, I'm not feeling too guilty because I recognize that I am starting out with a new and intense schedule that requires a lot from me, so I am giving myself some grace and time to adjust.

On Friday, I did initiatories and some chores before heading over for my internship. I had my supervision meeting with Michele and then my second appointment with a client who was one of my very first ones (sorry I have to sound super vague for confidentiality purposes...). I think it went pretty good! I got some feedback that it was helpful, and we are scheduled to meet again next Friday. That evening, I attended a devotional where Elder Renlund came and spoke in person. I kind of felt bad that I was just SO tired and almost fell asleep. But again, I am giving myself a lot of grace, especially as I am beginning to spend 8 hours a week seeing clients and helping them improve their mental health. It is very draining and it's okay if I'm not 100% all the time. I've even been so tired that I haven't been watching my favorite K-drama! Granted, a huge reason for that is because the second season hasn't been dubbed in English, so I'd have to read the subtitles, and my eyes and brain are just too tired for that right now. Saturday was the most exhausting day yet. I met with six clients at Touch Angels and was gone from home from 8:30am to 5:30pm. It took an hour to figure everything out (wifi, space heater, toilet paper and password for the bathroom, etc). Oh well. I survived! I went home and mom had bought me a GF pizza for dinner. I finished writing up some client notes and then went to the Hughes house to sleep over. Their parents are in HI for the week and asked me to spend the nights to make sure they are getting to bed and then getting up in the morning and going to school. I'll also be driving Hudson to school. I'll be making some good money, which is honestly a huge blessing since money has been tight for me lately. I'm so glad for the work I have been receiving and the clients I've been getting.

On Sunday, I looked SO cute. I wore my new red shoes with a red skirt and red lipstick and had a cute braid with curls. I felt absolutely adorable. I went to ward choir (only girls showed up!!) and then church. We had Mexican food for dinner and my mom made me a chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting and fresh raspberries to put on top for dessert, just as I requested. So, it was the first day in the year that I actually ate sugar! Even though it wasn't my actual birthday, we had to celebrate our birthdays early because my mom is getting surgery on my birthday and won't be able to do anything for us. But that's okay. I'm old enough to where I don't need the whole entire day to be extra special and all about me being pampered. I can do the things I need to do and take joy in treating myself in simple ways. Then I went back to the Hughes that evening and here I am, writing in my blog! So that's pretty much it!

Bonus pic of mom holding Gracelyn when she babysat her this week:

Much love, 

Emily Burnham

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