Monday, January 23, 2023

Massage Madness

 16 January - 22 January 2023

This past week was pretty exhausting. Let me tell you a crazy story. So, last Monday I cash in on one of my massage coupons that I got from Christmas. I'd set the appointment in the afternoon, and I listened to Christmas tunes on the drive over to get me in the mood. I show up and get a 50 minute full body massage. I was not expecting FULL body, but that's what I got. Most of it was fine, some of it felt really good, and some of it wasn't the most comfortable, but I endured because I was thinking, "this is good for my body, getting all the knots and toxins out." Well, when I got home, I looked half-lidded and sleepy, so I went to take a nap, which ended up being two hours. Then, when I got up, I ate some food and noticed that my eyes were a bit blurry. It was hard to see. Then my head started to progressively get worse with aching and throbbing, especially in some areas the massage lady had rubbed hard on. I took some medicine to help because I was complaining to my parents. Then it got even worse, and I was just wishing I could die. As I lay in bed, my brain felt a bit like it was on fire. It throbbed. My right arm started to feel numb. Then after a couple of hours, I threw up. Then a few hours after that, I threw up some more. It was awful. The hours passed by so slowly. A handful of minutes felt like an hour. But I made it through and finally fell asleep around 2am (just to wake up at 3am to go potty, since I'd been drinking SO much water to help flush my system out). Well, I was pretty exhausted on Tuesday, but I got going with the day, feeling slightly better, though just very weak and delicate. Like if I shook my head too hard, it would start aching again. I could barely eat anything for breakfast. Just three bites of oatmeal. I went over to Mesa to conduct 4 biopsychosocial assessments with my new clients. I only brought an apple to eat as a break, so after I was done, I took myself to Garcias (just down the street) for dinner and ate SO fast! I was so hungry. The waitress was so funny because she kept calling me "babe." Like, "Everything alright, babe? You good, babe?" I was glad I got to take it easy that night and on Wednesday. I went to the gym Wednesday but then just felt pretty wiped out. Fortunately, I didn't have to go back to the Mesa office, so I could rest and continue to recover. I attended a girls' night at Charly's house and was glad I felt comfortable enough with all of my friends to be my sluggish and tired self. It was pretty fun, even though I felt so so tired.

Thursday, I still felt a bit weak but was also doing better. I went to the gym, then the temple, and then to my job interview with KM signs as their new Adobe Illustrator designer. I think it went great because they invited me back to secure the details next Tuesday. This week, I also started watching a TV show called Alchemy of Souls and am absolutely in love with it. It is a K-drama but has English dubbed over it, and it is absolutely fantastic. So wholesome in content and humor, and such a modest portrayal of relationships and romance than a lot of crappy shows these days. Thursday night, I was invited last minute to go with Jasen and his family to dinner and then the ASU basketball game. It was very enjoyable, and it's cool being able to observe another family interact with and tease each other. 

On Friday, I had my supervision meeting with Michele and then met with my first client at Clear Counseling! Michele sat in on it, but while I had felt nervous days previous, I wasn't even nervous (mostly because I was just tired, haha). I just took a calming breath and put myself in the moment, not focusing on things that bothered me or self-doubts. I think it went pretty well, though I am interested in what feedback Michele will have for me. That evening, I attended a 25+ age activity (since I'm so close to turning 25). It was alright, but I left early with Amber because Valerie wanted to stay longer and I was feeling DEAD tired. Saturday morning, I drove to San Tan Valley to the group home and was there for 8 hours! I met with five clients, and some seem ready to grow and progress while others do not. I was able to record two of my sessions for my supervisors to observe. It was interesting to have a taste of such different clients, and I'm already learning a lot about my stamina and what I will be able to take on. I had to set some boundaries with the number of clients I will be seeing from the group home because they wanted me to see 10 in a day! Um... no. Just no. One of the clients picked me a bag of lemons to take home, which my mom made into lemon bars the next day. When I got home, I was exhausted, but I went with my family to play pickleball. I did okay the first game with three strangers, but then I went downhill from there. By the end of the night, my vision was getting blurry again and my head was hurting, but I was naughty and stayed up late watching Alchemy of Souls anyways... I was also super cold and had a hard time getting warm. On Sunday, I felt terrible. So tired. I felt both cold and clammy and also hot. I think I am coming down sick. Blah. But I went to church anyway because I had to teach Relief Society, which went okay. It wasn't off to the best start and there were a lot of side conversations and the spirit wasn't really strong, but I called everyone out on talking during the lesson and it got more reverent and then we had a better discussion. But I was definitely feeling a bit in Zombie mode and losing my brain a bit. Then I had to stay after for a FHE group leader meeting, and then I went home and tried to nap. I had my CFM group over, and Valerie was a saint and led everyone. My mom made lemon bars and chocolate chip cookies, which everyone LOVED, and I left soon after it ended to go back to my house away from everyone. Some people left for stake choir and others stayed to play games, but I just wasn't feeling it. At least I had a good night's rest!

Much love,

Emily Burnham

Me in my office at Clear Counseling

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