Monday, February 13, 2023

Boom Whack Whack!

 6 February - 12 February 2023

Well, this past week was a lot better! For one thing, I got to exercise every morning! And for some reason, after spending so much time watching K-dramas, I am craving fresher food, like vegetables. So I've been eating a bit healthier too! Seriously, it makes SUCH a big difference in my mental and emotional health.

On Monday, I got to meet with a new client. I was still pretty nervous, but I felt the session went well overall. Then I met with my teenage boy client, and I played the games my co-worker therapist had suggested, and it worked like a charm! He was much more open with his answers and seemed so much more engaged. He even scooted his chair up closer and smiled. We had a stake devotional about "How to not marry an axe murderer," and after discussing some of the highlights with my friend Whitney, I discovered he took a lot of the points from the book, "How to not fall in love with a jerk." It was such a good reminder to me, and the biggest takeaway was the quiz on his website, Conscious Dating, which was a Dating Readiness quiz. They talked about how, contrary to popular belief, not everyone is ready to date. I feel like I've felt this external (and internal) pressure from the moment I got home from my mission to date with the intent to marry. Well, I am now discovering that I was not ready at ALL for dating in that sense. I wish I didn't put so much pressure on myself, because I had terrible experiences and tons of anxiety. But, the past is behind me and I've learned a lot since then, and I now feel in a much healthier place to begin dating. On Tuesday and Thursday, I worked at KM Signs. They are really impressed with how fast I am picking things up and keeping up with the orders. It feels good and validating that they are glad they hired me and are impressed with my work. Also, I got to hold my adorable niece. She sure loves to slobber all over everyone and everything!

Wednesday was incredible because I didn't have anything all day, so I was able to get a lot of personal things done and take a rest from the demands of life. It kind of felt like a Saturday! Now that my Saturdays are crazy busy with seeing clients at the sober living group home in San Tan Valley, it was so nice to have a day to do what I wanted, which included watching lots of K-dramas ;). I absolutely LOVE Alchemy of Souls and the ending. I watched another show that had the main character from that show in it, and it was very different in a lot of ways, but still pretty good... but the ending was not as satisfying. Seriously, who fakes his death but then shows up after 5 years to the woman he loves? Grrrr. Lol. Anyway, Thursday night, I went to a RS activity where we made hearts to heart-attack people. I chose to heart attack Valerie (insert smug face here). I had an enjoyable time relaxing, creating hearts, talking with those around me, and just feeling at peace with myself. Oh, I guess I should mention that before the activity, I had a session with a life coach. It was the same lady who had come to speak at a RS activity about loving yourself and not expecting happiness from a relationship. She offered free coaching sessions, so I took her up on the opportunity and it was a really insightful experience as I discovered inner childhood wounds that I still carry that have fed my anxiety and expectations. I'm learning how to take care of those needs and soothe those wounds on my own and truly discover who I am and have been. It's been very healing and helpful. I was able to use this technique with some of my clients later in the week and it was actually super helpful! 

On Friday, I had my supervision meeting with Michele followed by a staff meeting/group supervision. Then I had an appointment. Right after that appointment, I had a new client come in person, so I had a first session with her. It went pretty good overall, and while I see a lot of room for improvement, I am beyond grateful for the growth in my confidence, which has enabled me to present as a better therapist, more sure of myself, which puts the clients at ease because my anxiety isn't in the way. That night, I played Betrayal (finally!!!) with my sisters. Wow, it is so complex! We spent an hour on the game and didn't even get halfway done! On Saturday, I was so inspired in the morning about how to connect with my clients at the group home. I brought the "Ungame" card game that had worked well with my teenage client, but then I had the idea to bring cards, stickers, and crafty stuff for them to make Valentine's cards. The game worked really well with half of my clients, and the crafting worked well with one or two of my other clients. They opened up and smiled and participated in ways they haven't before, so it makes me more excited to continue to think of creative ways to connect and bond with them in creative ways. Of course, not all the clients opened up or progressed. I felt like one kind of digressed. But hey, life has its daily and weekly ups and downs, but progress is still being made! But the best part of the day was that one of my clients who had been pretty closed off had a complete turnaround. He saw therapy as a "Do I have to come? I don't need it. You're just trying to get in my head." So last session, I just job-hunted with him because that was the only goal and need he would say. Well, when I came, he was dressed up nicely and had a job interview lined up! He was so excited and had helped the building manager clean my office and make it nice for me. He gave me a picture his brother had drawn for him. He also asked if he could get me chocolate for Valentine's Day! (I told him I wasn't eating sweets right now but would appreciate some more lemons, which he happily picked for me). What a good day! Then after I got home, Lucy and I went to play pickleball (I am terrible. I need SO much more practice, cuz I signed us up for a church tournament!! Yikes...).

Sunday was really good. I looked SO cute in my pink/peach dress and sparkly gold shoes. My hair and makeup looked gorgeous. I should have gotten a picture... oh well. Church went by really quickly and I stayed after for linger longer and went around and talked with a lot of different people and had meaningful conversations. Then we had a yummy dinner. We changed our talent for the variety show, so we are doing a skit instead of boom whackers, so we brought the boom whackers over to CFM to play after we studied, and everyone had a fun time! So yeah, life is all good in the hood!

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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