Monday, February 27, 2023

Personal Growth

 20 February - 26 February 2023

Monday this week was President's Day! While a break for everyone else, I still had school in the morning for two hours. But a blessing was that both of my Monday clients canceled their appointments, so I had the rest of Monday off! Can I just say that those little breaks are such tender mercies right now? I'm pretty much living under the intern mentality, with every hour filling up and with any hour that's free, I have about a million things I could do or need to do, so I have to prioritize. I spent a big chunk of time compiling packets for my group home clients with resources I found on the internet. I'm very excited to see how they use these resources and if they find them helpful. Tuesday was working at the sign shop. I learned to use the big cutting machine that slices 4 by 8 feet boards into the sizes we need. It's only a tiny bit scary and mostly kind of fun. Wednesday and Thursday morning, I took Hudson to school, so I missed my workouts, but I made some extra money on the side, plus went to work an hour earlier, so I got to leave an hour earlier. Now that I'm working Wednesdays on top of Tuesdays and Thursdays, I have even less time available. Finding balance is a huge priority in my life right now, and I've actually given up on a lot of things that are unnecessary so I can have more time and energy for what matters most. I've also had to work hard to forgive myself this past week for stupid, small things like being TOO honest and straightforward in a text and feeling so dumb and horrible after. This week, a clear line of revelation came to my mind: Stop speaking from your insecurities. Also, I got to see the joy that balloons bring to Gracelyn. She LOVES playing with them and watching them fly around. What a cutie!

Look how loved and spoiled she is!!

I was pretty productive though, going shopping after work to get all the supplies for the fear factor FHE activity on Monday, including going to Sweetie's Candy shop to get bugs and scorpion suckers!!! Wednesday evening, I went to the temple in the evening to do initiatories. On Thursday evening, I went to institute in the evening. Friday was super duper busy with seeing a client at 11am, supervision at 12pm, group supervision from 1-2:30pm, a client at 2:30pm, and then a client at 3:30pm. I finished up my notes and made it home just after 6pm. The tender mercy was that I'd signed up to feed the missionaries Friday, but they had to cancel on me and I'm so grateful because it would have been even crazier. I worked on the FHE Jeopardy slides for the fear factor activity. 

Saturday morning, I left earlier than usual so I could get all my group home clients done earlier so I could make it to Becky's baby shower. I made it there! I started seeing clients at 8:30am, finished up around 1:30pm, then was on the road at 2:10pm and made it there just before 4pm. Woot woot! Then I went home and relaxed for a bit, but then we had grandma and grandpa Burnham over for dinner, and then Val and I left for our ward variety show, which turned out to be pretty great! Our skit was a highlight of the night! Val put together a video afterward, so check out this link if you want to see it:

The winner of our skit:

Saturday night after the ward variety show, a small group met at Jasen's house to play games and go on their crazy epic swing. Sunday morning, I went to the stake offices to renew my temple recommend, but they were closed, so I drove all the way home and tried really hard not to feel so bitter and mad. Mostly because I was feeling in pain and sick, so I was just not a happy camper in general. But I did the things I needed to do, went to church, enjoyed dinner with family and the missionaries, and went to stake choir and even tried out for a solo part! Also, it was actually super nice not to be hosting CFM. Like, such a relief, not just to me, but to mom and my sister. Then I left early from stake choir because I was literally feeling like I was about to fall asleep. So I went home and went to bed.

So, that sums up my week. Oh, and just to mention something pretty cool that happened this week with one of my clients! He asked about my religious beliefs, so I actually taught a bit of the plan of salvation, but I tried being careful in how I said things so it wouldn't come across preachy or like I was trying to convert him (which is why I didn't invite him to go to church or read the Book of Mormon, even though I'd LOVE to). I told him I had to be careful with sharing my beliefs since I am in a position of power and influence as his therapist. So yeah, I'm getting to find small ways to share the gospel and help people progress. Like with my Saturday clients at the group home. I saw the smallest bits of progression that make me so happy! Like some of the clients opening up more, seeming comfortable talking with me, and even becoming a bit more self-aware.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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