Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Momentous Missionary Moments

 27 February - 5 March 2023

I put on FHE Monday night and everyone had a grand time! We did Fear Factor jeopardy style. I split everyone into two teams, and each side sent up a representative to choose a category and amount (with higher numbers = grosser things). I was behind a whiteboard (which was used as the screen for the projector), prepping the food onto plates. Man, did it stink back there once I opened up the seafood cans!!!! Bluh!!!! They had a buzzer they had to hit when they were done and Caleb helped me with checking their mouths to make sure they really ate it all, changing the slides, and carrying the food from the stage to the people. 

After work on Wednesday, I went to the temple to do initiatories. Unfortunately, going felt more like checking a box than a spiritual experience, though I still did feel peace in the temple. I know it is the house of the Lord, a holy and sacred place, though sometimes I get so caught up in work or internship or other things that it feels overwhelming to attend the temple and then I feel guilty about that. But the good thing is that I'm not beating myself up about that anymore, because that's just part of life. Some weeks may feel like that, but I'm still learning and growing and trying my best. I worked on Wednesday as well, then went straight to my internship and saw three clients back-to-back (and on Monday I saw two clients, one of which was new). Can I just say, I am loving therapy because I am getting to see my clients grow and make realizations and become more peaceful and excited about insights. I love working with my 18-year-old client for that exact reason! She is so expressive and open about all of that (whereas, some of my other clients are much more subtle or withdrawn, but still making some good progress! Especially some at the group home). I also started meeting with a couple, my FIRST couple!! And it was tricky, but also easier in some ways, because there is already an inherent goal: assessing and working on the relationship. Sometimes meeting with individuals, the goals can become convoluted or lost.

Work on Thursday was surprisingly busy. I was designing all day long! I'm excited that my internship site wants to order signs, and after talking with my supervisor, they even want to order magnets and stickers! After work, I stopped by my old workplace and saw Denae and all my other co-workers and invited them to the open house, plus dropped off some business cards. Also, all the books I ordered arrived this week, three of them having to do with dating... hehe. My favorite one so far is titled, "How to Get a Date Worth Keeping" and it has a side note on it that says, "Be dating in six months or your money back!" Well, I started reading it in the beginning of March, so we'll have to see if I'm dating in August or else I better request my money back! ;). On Friday, I met with my supervisor, saw one client, then met again with my supervisor to talk because I had so many questions about clients and the best way to help them.

Saturday morning, I drove down to the sober living group home in San Tan Valley to meet with clients there. I was supposed to see six of them, but one was on "pass" (they had the weekend off and were not there) and the other refused to see me (which kinda hurt for a second, like made me wonder if I did something wrong, but then I shrugged it off and was just grateful I got to leave earlier than expected, go home, and crash on my bed). Also, I am now seeing a woman with schizophrenia and major trust issues and trauma, and she did not really want to be there, but I at least got her to agree to see me for fifteen minutes the next week, and I'm hoping to slowly build up trust and a relationship with her. After going home and having an hour and half break, I went to Giselle's baptism. I'd invited Denae, and she was actually super excited about coming, saying she'd never seen a baptism before. So she came, and had a great experience! And she came to church on Sunday and had a great time and told me she wants to keep coming every week! Valerie's speech at the baptism about welcoming Giselle to the Relief Society, the largest women's society in the world, really spoke to Denae. We also had a linger-longer bagel bar/break-the-fast, which Denae stayed for. She really liked talking with the missionaries! And she felt the Spirit and felt so uplifted. It was awesome! And the thing is, it's not like I'm doing anything differently. I'm still living my life and sharing the gospel, but she was ready. She was the elect and ready to hear it and act on it.

God is good, and I'm grateful for the Spirit and strength and healing that I have felt this past week. And grateful for a cute niece who makes everything better.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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