Sunday, March 26, 2023

Balanced Week

 20 March - 26 March 2023

It's amazing to think back on this week and realize God's hand in it, even as I was feeling sick and wondered some days if he was answering my prayers to get better. So, the previous week I'd started feeling like I was coming down with a sore throat, but it honestly wasn't bad enough to hinder my day to day activities, except for that I didn't sing so I didn't aggravate it or cough. I felt a bit tired a couple of the days and went home and slept more than usual, but otherwise was fine. Then on Sunday we talked about the purpose of miracles being to have the strength and direction needed to carry on God's work, NOT as a sign. And I thought, "Great! I don't want it as a sign, I want it as a strength so I can keep doing all that is required of me." So I prayed to get better. Well, after that prayer the next morning, I woke up and did feel a little more spark of energy, and I got super excited, but then as the morning progressed, I was back to coughing and having a sore throat and slightly plugged ears. Then, in the middle of class, after eating some muffins I'd made the day before, I started getting intense stomach pain and hot flashes. I left class to run downstairs... and throw everything up in the toilet. Blah. So, then I had to cancel my therapy appointments for the day (except I kept one that was via telehealth) but I had four others that I was not feeling up to, plus some in person that were just not going to work out. So then Tuesday I felt nauseous and dry-heaved a bit in the morning, but at least I didn't throw up for the rest of the week. The rest of the week, I slowly, VERY SLOWLY, started feeling a bit better each day, but still evidently sick. However, Besides canceling those appointments on Monday, I was able to do everything I needed this past week even while being sick, which is actually a huge miracle. I was able to work for the sign shop from home on Tuesday and Wednesday. Wednesday, I had one in-person client that I had rested up to see for one hour, then got to go straight home. Thursday I was feeling up to going in person to work, and that was the only thing I had to do that day. I had a client and supervision meeting that were held over Zoom on Friday, then was able to relax. Then on Saturday, I was able to conduct all my sessions via Telehealth and was done by noon and had the ENTIRE rest of the Saturday to do what I wanted for the first time all year! Plus, I'm in the middle of my three-week break between quarters in school, so I didn't have to worry about any pressing assignments. So, moral of the story, God's hand has been in my life, making sure I felt up for what I was required to handle, and while I didn't feel 100%, I wasn't required to give 100% effort. I was able to have enough energy for what absolutely needed to be done, and then I had the ability to rest, sleep, and take it easy. I hate being sick, and I usually will say that I make a terrible "sick person" because I get restless and suffer from guilt for not doing anything, but this past week, I had NO guilt over needing to sleep and take it easy. I could actually find internal rest. After last week's Sunday School lesson about finding rest in Christ, I realized that is the answer to when I am feeling antsy and anxious, like I need to be doing something, yet nothing sounds like it will solve the anxious feeling I'm having, so I don't do any of it but keep searching for what to do. The answer is seeking out Christ's promised rest. And Saturday night, when I started feeling a bit antsy being in my room, I just went out shopping by myself (for some crackers and a candle for my office) and I talked with God while driving there and then just focused on what I needed to buy, smelling TONS of candles and just letting the good scents relax me. And I found a new favorite scent, called Starlit Skies, and it's a mix of blood orange, jasmine, and sandalwood. It's slightly sweet, so very slightly musky yet fresh, and just very peaceful. Saturday night, I got to go to Analee's homecoming event, and I really enjoyed seeing and talking to all the Schultz's family. Plus, I got to see my cutey niece this week, and she has gotten SO big and loves squealing and laughing and moving around like crazy.

This is a painting I started in one sitting, and it turned out okay, but I'm completely re-doing it, so you'll have to compare this to the final product and see how much growth/change occured.

She is so curious, puts everything in her mouth, slobbers a lot...

And has just the cutest big eyes and facial expressions.

Found this lovely image of Christ this week that I will leave here for you to enjoy:

Sunday was awesome! We had some powerful testimonies shared in sacrament meeting. I was super social despite feeling really exhausted/tired. I got to see all my friends and was so glad I was feeling better and could go to church. I was so happy to see my friend Jasen, who was called as the Sunday School president. Valerie was released from her calling!

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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