Sunday, April 9, 2023

God Makes Me Complete

3 April - 9 April 2023

I feel called to repent, to change the way I've thought about the world, myself, and others, and to give up my fear and insecurities in relationships. I am the only one holding myself back from living my best life. I am the only person standing in the way of me acheiving my goals and working on my God-given purpose. My lack of confidence in what I have to offer, my searching for validation from other people instead of truly internalizing that I am a daughter of God, a God who has given everything in His power to make it so I can come back to live with Him. So that I can become like Him. Because of Him, I can become perfect, complete, whole. I don't need other people to fix or complete me. I just need Him. I don't need other people. Period. But I can learn from other people, inspire and be inspired from other people. But I don't need their validation or reassurance or permission to live a life congruent with my goals and desires to serve God by serving His children, by making the biggest impact in this world that I possibly can. And that isn't coming from a place of pride or wanting to appear good in the eyes of others. That is coming from a place of knowing God's plan of salvation in the premortal life and of knowing my love for my Heavenly Father. Knowing His plan is to save all of His children and to help them reach their full potential, I vowed to do my best to help Him, to serve Him. To do my part in bringing to pass the immortality and eternal life of each of His children. That means using every means and platform and avenue possible to make an inpact in inspiring others, to hlep them see the world in a way that opens them up to God's spirit. I've felt called to be a counselor from a young age, and I can use that platform to reach all types of people, and the ones I am called to help will find me, will be drawn to me, as I live my authentic and passionate life to the fullest. As I seek after what makes me happy and full of the Spirit. As I pursue knowledge of how to grow personally and in relationships to become your best self, and then as I share that knowledge with other educators and people, spreading good information, which can lead to good inspiration. I do not have to wait for ANYthing to begin doing this. There is no arbitrary requirement I need to reach first, such as getting liscenced or married or living on my own, in order to begin being who God has always meant for me to be. An example, a disciple, an achiever, a passionate person, a confident and choice daughter. Someone who turns to Him for happiness and lives a full and complete life by striving to follow Him. Emily, you are going to make an even bigger impact than you can imagine, and God is placing people in your life to remind you and inspire you, and you are called to return the favor. What you have to offer is priceless, because what God has offered is priceless, and you are offering what He is offering--love, compassion, empathy, forgiveness, hope, light, and direction. So don't you forget it. Don't you speak from a place of insecurity, of self-doubt, of arrogance or ignorance. Know Who makes you complete. Know Who you inherited your worth from. As a literal daughter of God, with part of Him in you, you have more potential than  you realize, and with that comes the power to make your God-given goals come true.

Now that I'm feeling so pumped up and inspired from writing all of that, let me focus on the highlights from my week, the moments that have brought me joy and have taught me lessons. I learned that I haven't been confident in my worth and value, which led me to overcompensate in some areas of my life (in my friendships that I want to deepen and in relationships with the opposite sex). But I also learned that there are other areas of my life where I am the perfect amount of confident and sure of my value (in my therapy office, inviting nonmembers and less-active coworkers to the Easter Catata). I learned that sometimes I overshare, or try to overhelp, and it can cross a boundary or line or create frustration (like in work, trying to figure out how to fix something beyond my skill set or comprehension). I think it comes from wanting to prove how valuable I am as an employer, like I have to prove my worth or something instead of owning the ways that I already am invaluable. The Easter Catata on Saturday was spectacular. Everyone who came felt the Spirit and had an incredible and sacred experience. I was struck with awe that I had sacrificed so many hours to be part of this choir and put on a performance that was truly inspired of God. I didn't have to. I easily could have done other things. But I chose to be part of the choir and made some incredible friends and met amazing people as a result. And got to feel part of something bigger than myself and dwell in a place where people were using their God-given talents to make the world a better place. There is no competition. We are all on the same team. Easter Sunday was good too, because I got to invite even more people to come hear me sing at church, got to connect with others, and got to spend some quality time with my family members.

We went on a date to Barnes & Nobles and read Dad Joke books. It was really fun!

The finished product! I stayed up SO late (or early, I guess) finishing this in time for Jasen's birthday! I feel like I could have done so much more (added more cacti or grass or rocks), but there always comes a point when you have to decide it is "good enough" or complete, and love and value it for what it is.

Besides, Jasen really like it! See how happy he is? He also like the cookie dough and miniature bibles I got him too!

Me looking gorgeous for our Easter Catata performance on Saturday! ;) We sung amazing songs like the Latin Vocal Point version of Nearer My God to Thee, the Bonner family's How Great Thou Art, Trust in You, You Will Be Found, etc. And we had some amazing soloists!

I went out with some friends after the night performance to chat and celebrate. My family came to the earlier performance (and the RS served us the most delicious taco lunch) and then my sister and friends came to the evening performance).

The elders had kinda joked about wanting a shirt like this, and of course with Val, there is no joking, only full-hearted commitment. So her and mom made these epic shirts and wrapped them up in fancing plastic bags, and the elders were so happy!

Lucy folded bunny napkins for easter dinner!

Another cute selfie of me on Easter Sunday.

Ummm... need I say adorable?! Mom got her the dress, and needless to say, the grandbaby+grandpa bond is very strong.

As is the neice and uncle bond!

And this is my newest best friend, McKenna! So stinkin' talented at singing, so warm and inviting and fun and sincere! And funny! We bonded at church a while back in the bathroom and then became choir buddies and now we're going to the ward camp out together, and I'm really looking forward to getting to do more things with her!

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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