Monday, April 24, 2023

Pool Party & Pizzas!

 17 April - 23 April 2023

Hello to the one person who reads this! (Idk how many people actually read it, so maybe it's zero...). Anyway, this past week has been pretty great! I am really taking some things that I've been learning to heart, and I love that they've stuck with me for over a week and are still strong in force. It feels like a lasting change for the absolute better, and I'm so incredibly grateful. My whole literal life has changed by confronting a belief--a thought ingrained inside of me so deeply--that was both untrue and unhealthy. It took control and responsibility for my own wholeness and happiness out of my hands and put it on an unreliable and changing external source. This belief that another person had to complete me, that I had to find my "soul mate" or "better half," or that I wouldn't be completely happy until I was married or had kids. And that meant I could never be happy now. I really had to wrestle with the thought that no one else is going to complete me or bring me happiness. It's not their responsibility, and it doesn't actually work like that, despite all the messages we hear in the media. So if I'm unhappy, then it is my fault because it is my responsibility to make myself happy. And it truly is easy to do so with Jesus Christ because there is so much to be grateful for all the time. I can savor each moment, not worried about missing out on some level of happiness that is currently unobtainable to me. Nope, the highest and richest level of happiness is available to me right now through my Savior Jesus Christ, Who will help me do the impossible and improbably, to "walk on water" in these modern days. He has a purpose for me to fulfill, and He has given me this season of singleness to be fully devoted to Him. Because I've been single these past seven years, I've been able to graduate from BYU, serve a mission, and start a Master's program in marriage and family therapy (that I'm almost done with, btw!!! Just two and a half more quarters!). I will be able to serve so many people for the rest of my life because I took this time to dedicate myself to fulfilling a calling I've felt drawn to since I was in first grade: being a counselor. I am literally living that dream right now as I go through my internship. I am meeting with clients right now and getting to witness changes within them. And this is only the beginning! I'm working on writing books that I'm going to publish, both for my career and for my personal joy. And I'm going to look into public speaking gigs. I have so much potential, and I can only reach it because of this focused, dedicated time I've given to both the Lord and to schooling. And I wouldn't have had the time or energy or money to do so if I was married. Now, I know with God, everything is possible, and that He can provide a way in any circumstance. However, He knows me so well and has taught me so much and has perfect timing to help me in my life, and that's just how it needed to be for me. So, with all that being said, let me tell you about my week! Work has been busy because one of the realty companies changed their branding so ALL their realtors are ordering new signs, so that's kept us super busy. The good news is that they FINALLY fixed the overheating issue so we can actually print at full capacity again! That was a huge blessing. 

On Wednesday evening, I was set apart for my new calling and received a really sweet blessing that made me realize how aware God is of my health concerns and that He is going to be there to support me and heal me as I work to serve Him. On Friday, I didn't have any clients in the morning, so I actually went into work for a couple of hours and my boss bought us all lunch from Thai Chili To Go, which I actually am now obsessed with! I had to drive his big red truck to go get it though because he had to stay for a sign-material delivery. It was kinda scary, but everything went smoothly! Then I had supervision that afternoon, followed by a 1.5 hour session with a couple, and then I attended a swim birthday party with some girls in the ward. 

The highlight of my week was the weekend. Saturday was such a sweet day because I attended the temple in the morning and stared at the picture of Christ standing on some rocks in front of the water, and I LOVE that picture so much. As I stared at it that day, it felt like an invitation to come unto Him and go walk out on the water with Him. That all the tasks and obstacles in my life are nothing with Him because I can just walk right over or through them. Then I got to go shopping with mom and Lucy, and then I attended a baptism. Our ward has had a lot of them lately, and it's been incredible! Then we had the missionaries over for dinner and fed them, and I went to bed and slept for SOOO long. 

I went to church and had a great experience. I really felt the spirit touch my heart, despite feeling nervous about teaching RS because a full lesson plan never really came together. But it went well. (Just by reading the first paragraph of this blog post gives you a slight idea of where the lesson went... hehe). I felt the Spirit and know others did too, and that's really all that counts. Then I stayed for a hot shake at the linger longer to talk to some people (and had a really good conversation with Jasen about life and internship) before heading off to my first meeting as the new stake activities co-chair. Then after that meeting, I talked some more with my friend Jasen (who also had just gotten out of another meeting) while waiting to leave to go to my friend McKenna's house for dinner. She invited me and Val over to make pizzas! It was the cutest thing ever. Then we ended up talking for a couple of hours after, and she let us ride her family's segways! Then I went to bed. The end. :)

Oh yeah! And Sean moved into his new rental room in a house owned by our cousins. Val and I went with mom to check it out and I saw that their realty sign was made from my print shop! I'm excited for Sean because it sounds like this will be a much better situation for him than working overnight shifts at the prison.

Gracelyn is going to grow up to be an artist! ;)
Bulk-order printing!
Our chickens hatched out new baby chicks!!!!

The pizzas turned out yummy!
Rylee's baptism! There was a great turn-out!
Much love,
Emily Burnham

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