Sunday, May 28, 2023

Feeding Starving Children

 22 May - 28 May 2023

On Monday, I met with four clients. It's interesting how some sessions are really draining and others leave me feeling so energized. I think a huge part is whether or not they make some good, evident progress. Val and I went to Feed My Starving Children for Family Home Evening with our ward, and I really admire what they do and how they are faith-based. I'd love to donate to their cause regularly when I make money from my career. 

Tuesday was busy busy at work. We have a huge order in that has taken WEEKS and will continue to take weeks to get through. Tuesday evening, I attended the missionary's lesson with Kimberly, and we went on a scavenger hunt. I met with three clients after work on Wednesday, and my absolute favorite was a session I had with a mother and her 13-year-old daughter. I love working with two or more people because you get to address what is happening IN the room and bring it to their awareness and help facilitate conversation. Lucy graduated Thursday evening... and like a good sister, she did not make me go or watch! ;) They got ice cream to eat together in celebration. On Friday, I saw two clients at the group home and then had supervision with Michele via Zoom and we watched a video of one of my sessions with a couple, and she had pretty much only really great things to say. I think she was impressed with how much I've improved. On Saturday, I attended the 7am endowment session again, and one of the temple workers recognized me by then and said, "Thanks for making this a regular part of your schedule." Haha, I was planning on that being my last time and then doing inititories next time... so she will think I'm ditching... but oh well. I'll just alternate my weeks. But Saturday in the temple was most definitely the highlight of my week because I received the most sacred revelation that has filled me with this peace and confidence and assurance that I've lacked my whole life. God is so good, and He has taught me so much as I've made an effort to attend the temple and try to get something from it. Saturday night, I attended my friend Amber's birthday party. We had pizza and talked (I brought my own GF pizza). I was surprised by how long I stayed and chatted, considering I wasn't feeling all that well. A couple of people kept asking me lots of questions about therapy, and I was telling quite a bit of stories. I also posted a video on my new YouTube channel! I am proud of the progress I am making, even if it's small. Sunday was great. I had a stress-free sacrament meeting, no worries about trying to impress any boys, and then relief society. I had a stake activities committee meeting and ran it, and my co-chair said it was the best meeting he'd ever been to! I was so so so so happy with how it turned out and my group's willingness to build connections and become friends and then take that unity and closeness back into their wards. I have this whole vision that came to my mind, and I know it is of God, and I'm so excited and grateful for the impact I can make in the stake.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

Gracelyn's been eating more and more solids! And her hair is slowly but surely coming in!

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