Monday, October 16, 2023

Right Where I'm Needed

 9 October - 15 October 2023

How is it that graduation is closer than ever yet still feels so far away? It is maybe because of the giant licensing exam that still lies ahead? I found out today that first-time test takers have a 69% pass rate. Well, that is not the most encouraging statistic ever, but I'm determined to be in that percentage! Some things to be proud of this past week: I took time to write in my journal, I held my first Hold Me Tight workshop with a couple, I have a great client retention rate, I started learning Korean, and I've consistently kept up with my YouTube channel, even though the statistics of getting monetized have been pretty depressing. Those last 100 views I need are taking FOREVER to get, and it's kind of really discouraging and depressing. I just want to be successful! But I know it takes time and consistency, and it'll happen one day, hopefully. I just need better content. Or maybe I need to run ads to push out my videos to get those views. If I don't get monetized by the end of the year, I just might do that. It's true that I'm a little all over the place with my videos, the content in them, but I am trying. Maybe it's just not interesting enough. Maybe I need to discuss more hot topics. We will see. But this is supposed to be positive, not a depressing entry!! So, on that note, let me share some good things from this past week. I watched a really good Kdrama called Crash Landing on You, which brought me so much joy. I think it would be cool to learn Korean not only because of my new love for Kdramas, but also because I love their culture and people, and I'd love to visit one day, and even be prepared to teach the gospel in the Korean language if I get called on a senior mission there! Who knows?!! Plus, it makes watching Kdramas feel more productive because then it's like language exposure, ya know? To help with my learning ;) Also, I got to see the cute baby Gracelyn a lot, and she is really growing up fast! She is very active and likes to point around to where she wants to go. She is talking a lot more, but understands even more. Also, mom got me a new cute dress that I wore on Sunday, and Val wanted to take a picture since we were kinda matching with the blue. 

I want to close with my testimony and revelation I received this past week. As I was contemplating where I was at in life, I remembered that God wanted me to be home these past two years. If he wanted me to stay in Utah, I would have gotten into the graduate programs there, but instead His purpose was for me to come home and be a source of strength for my family. In the last two years that I've been home, I've been there for my younger sister's senior year of high school, to help her through those stresses. I've been a friend to my older sister. I feel closer to both of my sisters than I ever have. I've been able to go to the gym every weekday with my mom and provide an outlet for her. We've been healthier both physically and emotionally. I got to see my sister-in-law go through her pregnancy, and I've gotten to watch my niece grow up! Those are priceless moments that I would have missed if God hadn't called me to be at home during this time. He is so aware of me and has a plan for me, and He knows I am right where I'm needed.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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