Monday, February 26, 2018

Week 42 - Full Mission Conference with Elder Holland

Hey y'all! Today's email is going to be a little different because I really want to focus on Elder Holland's talk on Saturday. It was such a powerful meeting. It felt so unreal: whenever I was looking down to take notes, I felt like I was listening to a general conference broadcast. It was also great to see everyone from the entire mission!

Highlights from the week:
1. We taught a less-active this week. She's been wanting to come to church for MONTHS now, but always has an excuse. We watched "Repentance is Always Positive" from general conference, and she realized she didn't have any more excuses. As we left, she said, "See you on Sunday!" And she actually came! She also received a calling in the Primary and is so excited. 
2. We drove up Friday evening to spend the night in Destin, FL so we'd be closer to Panama City the next morning. It was unlike any part of the mission I've served in... One of the sisters we drove with summed it up accurately: "It's like Las Vegas and California had a baby!" There were flashing lights, tourist attractions, souvenir shops, and the ocean right next to some of the roads. It was pretty cool, but I think I'll stick with the "boonies" ;)
3. On Sunday, Bishop asked me and other youth and leaders to bear a short testimony on what we learned from Elder Holland at our meetings (There were 3 that day for missionaries, leaders, and then the youth). It was such a spiritual meeting. They had forgotten to get my special sacrament during the meeting. I was very sad, then had a thought to ask the bishop if I could get it after the meeting. They were so grateful I asked and apologized that they had forgotten about me. We went into the kitchen, and two priests blessed one corn chex piece and a glass of water (they had forgotten a tiny plastic cup) just for me. It was such a sacred and touching experience, and I truly felt that the sacrament is individual, just as the Savior's Atonement is. I love how caring the ward is. They are amazing, and I feel so loved!

Full Mission Conference with Elder Holland:
-Before the meeting on Saturday started, we all got lined up for a picture with Elder Holland (hopefully I can send it next week) and then got to shake his hand. They spoke about the importance of a handshake. As we shake his hand and he looks into our eyes, the window to the soul, he can sense our worthiness, love and devotion for the Lord, and any sins or things we are struggling with. I had decided I needed to fast the day before, so I felt so peaceful and calm and happy as I shook his hand. I know the Spirit was with me that day, and I know he felt it. 

-Elder Holland started off by expressing his immense love for us. He is hilarious! He would crack jokes and make funny comments, yet kept it a very spiritual meeting. With two words, he could bring the presence of the Spirit into the room so powerfully, and I know it is because of his consecrated life-style and powerful conviction. He then said that this work is the work of Almighty God. We will never do anything more important than this work of saving human souls. It is the reason for the Creation, the Fall, the Atonement of Jesus Christ, and the Restoration. Being parents might be just as important, coming closer to Christ might be just as important, but never more important. 

-He also said that we are called to serve for 18 to 24 months, but sometimes they only get 15 or 11 months of service from missionaries because they are not converted themselves or they do not realized the importance of this work and give it their all. He said that we are doing this full-time. It's like a race. You run the whole way and give it your all, and when you hit the tape at the end, you collapse. You have nothing left to give. I love the imagery of that. When we go home from our missions, we should be exhausted and worn-out, and then from there we can gain energy and refocus. But for now, this is our one moment. We will never have it again. Senior missions are not the same. Nothing is. He kept stressing just how important our calling is. He wanted to pound it into us. And he made some funny jokes (maybe not jokes) that if he saw missionaries who didn't take their calling seriously or went less-active afterwards, he'd go into a seizure and start flopping around, banging his head on the ground. 

-If we want to double the amount of our baptisms, we simply have to double the amount of people we talk to. The gospel is for everyone. We don't get to choose in a smug way who gets to hear it or not. No. We open our mouths and we speak to everyone. If we don't, we are passing judgement on them.

-The only way to convert someone is through spiritual experiences. We need to learn how to create instant and powerful spiritual experiences. Not only can we not teach without the Spirit, but we should not teach without the Spirit. He really inspired me to increase the amount I testify and use the Book of Mormon in a lesson to help them feel the Spirit. That should always be our goal. There are so many other ways, and he encouraged us to study about them. As we increase in sincerity and conviction, our testimony is more powerful. This makes it so every word we say is filled with the Spirit--and Elder Holland really taught that by example.

-One last thing that he revealed was about the nature of Preach My Gospel. He said that in the past, missionaries would memorize lessons word for word and teach people. Those lessons were made to convert the investigators. The apostles and prophet realized that to their utter horror, many missionaries became less-active after they went home from their mission. "How could that be?" they wondered. Finally, they came up with the idea of Preach My Gospel. Elder Holland testified that it was written to convert us, the missionary. As we became converted to the gospel, we would then be able to convert others. I LOVE that. It is so true. He said he hopes we don't memorize the lessons and become route teachers... because there are no lessons to memorize. Instead, as we study the doctrines and become converted, working by the Spirit, the words will be given to us to say. Every lesson is unique and personal for that person we teach because the Spirit leads it.

I testify that this is the Lord's work. He sits at the head of this church and directs it through living apostles and prophets. I know as we follow their counsel, we will be blessed and protected. There is no greater work or calling!

Much love,
Sister Burnham

Quotes from Elder Holland:
"Nicodemus the Nincompoop" (as we studied John 3 together)
"Don't do anything stupid."
"I have one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel."
"That was when I was young and stupid. Now I'm old and stupid."
"I wouldn't waste 20 seconds of your time if the gospel was a flop, a joke. And I wouldn't give my whole life to it, either, if it wasn't true."

Reunited with lots of friends and loved ones.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Week 41 - Phones and Pendulums

Howdy y'all!  I am emailing you from my new smartphone. It is weird  having one now because I have spent the first half of my mission without one. It has been amazing to see the Lord hastening His work through technology this week. Shout out to my brother, Sean, who is turning 16 today! #datinganddriving #watchtheroad 

Unfortunately, my companion was very sick today, so she stayed in bed while I cleaned the entire house. Maybe I should pretend to be sick next Monday... ;)

We started setting up our phones today in district meeting to prepare for zone conference. Afterwards, a member took us out to lunch. We then had Ward Correlation meeting with all of the ward missionaries and the ward mission later. I'm still trying to get used to saying "ward" instead of "branch." It is amazing how involved everyone is in missionary work here. We are currently going through a ward roster and talking about every single less-active member and who will visit them. As President Lee stated, "Missionary work is but home teaching to those who are not now members of the church, and home teaching is nothing more or less then missionary work to Church members."

We went biking this morning. I told my companion that I knew where I was going and decided to lead out... bad idea. A mile later, I had us turned around and we had to backtrack. But all things happen in God's timing! As we got to the right place, no one answered the door, but at that moment, their neighbor pulled up and we were able to talk with him and invite him to church. Had we gone any sooner, we would have missed him.

Zone Conference!  I have gained a strong testimony that the Lord has blessed us with technology to hasten in his work. Technology is His invention, not man's invention. We get to learn how to use it the way He created it to be used: to spread the gospel. Technology is simply a tool for us to use, as prompted by the Spirit, to reach out and bless others. It is not something we should be controlled by or addicted to. We likened our phone unto a wrench in working on a project (or when sharing the gospel). When you are building a car, you don't carry around a wrench and say "How can I use this wrench next?" Instead, you use all of your tools, and then pull out the wrench when it is needed. When the Spirit prompts. Then we split up for exchanges! I got to be with Sister Sjoblom (for the 3rd time) in Gulf Breeze.

I got to see the benefits of technology today. As we met with a recent convert in Gulf Breeze, a scripture from the old testament came to mind, but I couldn't remember where. I searched a key word on Gospel Library and was able to share it with her. It really related to something she was going through. Later in a lesson, the lady was having a hard time seeing the print of The Book of Mormon, so I enlarged the text on my phone and she read along with us.

I finally met our investigators, Samantha and Gary! We had a powerful lesson with them this morning, answering a lot of questions and bearing testimony. Well, the rest of our lessons that day fell through, but then we realized we had completely forgotten to weekly plan this week! That evening we had dinner with the Petersons. She is so hilarious and giving. I love members!

Samantha and Gary came to church and loved it! We asked Samantha how she felt after sacrament meeting. With a giant smile, she said, "I'm just so happy!" The gospel truly is here to bring us joy and happiness! 

In my personal study, I found a passage of scripture that basically sums up my feelings this week: Jacob 4:6-7
   "Wherefore, we search the prophets, and we have many revelations and the spirit of prophecy; and having all these witnesses we obtain a hope, and our faith becometh unshaken, insomuch that we truly can command in the name of Jesus and the very trees obey us, or the mountains, or the waves of the sea.
  "Nevertheless, the Lord God showeth us our weakness that we may know that it is by his grace, and his great condescensions unto the children of men, that we have power to do these things."
I feel so powerful with Christ. I know I can do all things with Him and feel so strong. Yet I am constantly seeing my weaknesses and feeling called to repentance. I feel like a pendulum swinging, but I'm looking for the balance. And I'm slowly finding it... with lots of patience. ;)

Much love,
Sister Burnham 

I will send some more pictures next week when I have access to a computer...

Monday, February 12, 2018

Week 40 – An Ammon-like Missionary

Happy Valentines! Last Saturday, I hit my 9 month mark. I hear it's all down-hill from here. I'm old :(. This past week has gone by so fast. I really feel that I am becoming the missionary I have always wanted to be. The Spirit has been so powerful the past few days, and there are times when I felt like Ammon. I've really learned that as I purify myself to become a more worthy instrument in the hands of God, He pours out His Spirit through me to bless and strengthen others. Alone I am weak, but with Christ, I am more than strong. 

Goodbyes are truly the worst. After a long day of packing, we stopped by Sister Longs' to say goodbye. She almost started crying and said she was really going to miss us. Afterwards, we went off to Dora's lesson. We decided not to tell her we were leaving until after the lesson, and after we committed her to be baptized. She said she would be baptized!!! I am so excited for her progress! I just pray the elders won't scare her away ;). At the end of the lesson, we told her new missionaries would be coming in, and she was so heartbroken and started crying. It was hard. Then we went to the Wrights. They had made us dinner, and they took the news of us leaving better than I expected (even though Johnny thought we were tricking him about elders coming in). God is preparing them for great things. I'm so grateful I had the pleasure of knowing and loving them these past six months.
After district meeting, we went out with Sister Field to visit some less-active members. We couldn't find one of them (sometimes houses don't seem to exist), so we went to a nice looking neighborhood to tract. After a few doors of rejection, we went further down, and this old man opened his door and waved us over. He asked, "Who do y'all represent?" Me being me, I said, "Jesus Christ." "Come on in!" We went inside, and he invited us to present him with our message. We briefly taught the Restoration, and we could tell he had a bit of Alzheimer's, but I asked him if he would read The Book of Mormon. He told me that I was asking a lot of him. I responded back full of the Spirit, "But it's not me asking; it's God. And if it's coming from Him, then I don't think it's too much." He just sat there for a few seconds and said, "You're right." That evening we had dinner with the Belden/Sumrall family. I will sure miss how funny they all are!

I cleaned so much this morning that I could barely move. I was afraid to stop moving and take a break in fear that I would fall flat on my face and never move again. We then drove off to transfer spots, where we met our new companions. On the bright side, I already knew my companion because she has been serving in our district for the past three months. She has just finished training and is nervous to be leading out the area. She is from California and has 3 siblings. I already feel so much love and connection with her. That evening, we had dinner with the Cass family. They are a cute young couple with three kids, and very much in love. He takes joy in embarrassing her by expressing how much he loves her in front of us. #marriagegoals
Afterwards, we went to mutual and helped the young women work on personal progress.

We went to a general conference devotional at a member's home with some ladies from relief society. They bring their kids to play together, and one of the little girls there, who just turned 2, is my new best friend. Afterwards, weekly planning took forever because I did not know anyone! We didn't quite finish, but we are making so many goals and plans for the area already. We had a relief society craft event in the evening, where I got to know more of the members and make some Valentine crafts. I already love this ward so much and know this is exactly where the Lord needs me to be.

We met with Bishop Welty this morning to discuss the needs of our area. He has a GIANT picture of Christ hanging in his office. He is so bold and loving. I'm excited to be working with him. Later that afternoon, we had a lesson with Jerry, one of our investigators, who is super skeptical. I felt the Spirit so powerfully in that lesson, it was like I was reading his mind and knew exactly what his concern was. He'd been tricked and lied to by people in his past because he was gullible, and now he has trouble trusting others--himself included. I surprised myself by how bold I was with him. The only awkward part of the lesson was when I went to download gospel library onto his phone... he had a very inappropriate picture as his screensaver. But, by the end of his lesson, I had committed him to change it to a picture of the Savior ;). Never before have I felt the Spirit so tangible throughout the day as Sister  Benson and I study, plan, teach, or discuss problems we are having. We did a lot of service today as well, and then that evening we had dinner with the Petersons. Sister Peterson has six autistic boys and handles them with so much love and patience! She is also super nutritious and gave us tons of tips on how to eat healthier. That is such a blessing to me!

Every Saturday morning we play volleyball with the youth in the area and other missionaries. It's supposed to be a great fellow-shipping activity. Well, two hours later and I was so tired. But whatever side I went on seemed to be winning! All our appointments that afternoon fell through because of the pouring rain, so we knocked a few doors. One lady seemed to be a former investigator and had come to church a long time ago. She happened to be looking for a new church, so we invited her to come again. Then I really felt prompted to go home and finish weekly planning. I didn't know why until I saw the area book. It was in MAJOR need of being updated and organized. That alone took over an hour with both of us working on it. Can't wait until we get the Area Book Planner app on our smartphones next week! We had a dinner appointment with another family in the ward, and I feel a big part of my influence in this area will be getting to know, love, and strengthen members. Our purpose as missionaries is to "invite others to unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end." This doesn't just apply to investigators. Every member of the church is in the "enduring to the end" stage and can always use a boost. 

After relief society, our meal calendar was already full for the entire month. What??? Crazy, I know. It will be a big change from Brewton! Sister Benson said Pace is known for fattening missionaries up. I got to meet two of the recent converts, JR and Maddie. They are both 16 and strong in the gospel, even if their parents are not supportive. I am so excited to work with them! We had dinner with the Larsens that evening, where I got to see my new best friend. We played with trains together. Sister Larsen said her friend told her that if a kid takes to another person so quickly, it could be because they were close in the pre-existance. What a sweet thought.
My companion said she has noticed a lot of my strengths this week, including that I get along with everyone. I love asking questions to get to know people and show that I care about them. Everyone deserves to feel special and important. As I focus on others, literally forgetting myself as I go to work, everything goes by so quickly! I love this work. I love representing Jesus Christ and feeling so much heavenly love for everyone. I know this is the true church where we can find lasting peace and happiness, and I'm excited to share it with everyone here for 9 more months!

CJ gave me a goodbye hug. I love him so much.
Brother and Sister Sumrall. They are the funniest newlywed couple ever!

Saying goodbye to Dora and Devarian

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Week 39 - Elder Holland and Transfers

Breaking news!!! We are having a full mission conference this month and Elder Holland will be coming! I am so, so, so excited to be in the presence of an Apostle of God. More breaking news: I am being transferred! And my companion is too! Our area is being white-washed with elders. I will be moving to Pace, FL (where I will be in a ward again) with Sister Benson and Sister Jarvis is moving to Pensacola, FL. I will still be in the same district, though! My goal for this week is to simply find peace outside of my comfort zone. As the saying goes, "There's no growth in a comfort zone, and no comfort in a growth zone." But I believe there can still be the peace of the Spirit!

We did a bunch of laundry and then went shopping before our lesson this morning with the less-active, Sister Clark. Our relief society president was able to come, even though it was at least a 45 minute drive for her! Talk about dedicated members. We were only there for an hour this time, because then we had to go pick up Sister Longs to take her for a lesson with Dora. When we knocked on her door, she didn't answer, and we were like, "Nooo, now what do we do?!" I thought to try some potentials, but no one answered. Then I thought, "We can always visit Lola because she stays home all day." Lola invited us right in, and she told us it was a hard day for her because of a recent death in her family, and now her twin sister is in the hospital and her chances of survival seem slim. She cried, and we were able to talk and bring her some comfort. Sister Longs related really well because she lost her mother almost 2 years ago. We were able to testify to her that God led us to her because our other plan had fallen through. As we left, she said she was so grateful we had stopped by and lifted her spirit. Well, then I really felt like we should stop by Dora's again. She answered the door and let us right in! She and Sister Longs knew each other from a while back and were able to relate. Sister Longs was able to encourage her through some problems she was having and strengthen her testimony about the Book of Mormon. She is an amazing missionary!

Today was a bit hard for me because I was in a lot of pain, but I pushed onward! After district meeting, we did some tracting around the church and had the fun experience of a man with the flu answering the door in boxers! The things you experience as a missionary. We met with one of our new branch missionaries, Brother Taylor, then had dinner with the Beldens. We talked about fun tricks in the Book of Mormon and how much we love studying from it. For example, the church was established in 1830 with 6 members. In Mosiah 18:30, it references Mormon 6 times! I don't know who comes up with these things. And another joke by Hyrum: what do you call an alligator wearing a vest? An investigator! What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef. What do you call a cow with three legs? Lean beef.

Thank y'all for the birthday wishes! I truly had a wonderful day. What you hear is true: Birthdays on the mission are the best ever! In the morning, we went down to the nursing home and helped the seniors with craft-sand art. It was way fun. We visited some people around Brewton, and Sister Wright came with us to a lesson with Alex, who we haven't seen in a while. That evening we drove with Sister Longs to Branch Family Home Evening. We had a nice lesson on the Book of Mormon, and then they announced they were having a closing song. They pulled around a chalkboard that had a "Happy Birthday" banner on it with balloons, and everyone started singing happy birthday. They brought in a cake with fruit on top that they had made so I could eat along with other goodies. The branch members even brought out gifts for me and Sister Longs. It touched me so much and I couldn't help but smile the entire night. I sure love this branch. They are so special, and I will miss them. Fun news: we got pulled over with a warning by a cop for a tail-light that was out. On the bright side, it's not every year a cop wishes you a happy birthday!

We drove to Pace this morning (fun fact, it borders my  new area) to visit with Sister Brand. She has inspired me to travel the world and experience different cultures. Then we went home to weekly plan, and it was so hard for me to stay focused because I felt spiritually and physically sick. But four angel missionaries sent me birthday cards that arrived today and cheered me up so much. Also, prayer is real and so powerful. Whenever I start to feel antsy or sick, I just pour out my whole soul unto God and feel so much peace, love, and comfort afterwards.

I said goodbye to the seniors after the devotional because I had a feeling I would be leaving. We went to the nursing home and painted at least six ladies' fingernails. We then rushed to an appointment with Brian. The Wrights came to it, and it turns out Brian and Johnny are kin somewhere down the line! They really connected, and he accepted a ride to church! We went over to Sister Longs' house to help with family history. She loved the birthday photo album we made for her. We quickly drove to Dora's house and had a lesson. She gave me a birthday present! We'd planned to read from the Book of Mormon, but she brought up a question about how she can know God is speaking back to her. So, we spent the time talking about the role of the Holy Ghost instead. As we closed the lesson, I felt prompted to say the closing prayer. It may have been 10 minutes... I have no clue. It felt like I was raining down blessings upon her and her family, and the Spirit was so strong. He definitely led the prayer. She had tears afterwards and was very moved. Then we went back to Sister Longs' for a delicious meal of grits, shrimp, and catfish. #feelingsosouthern

We had lunch with Sister Fox, Sister Adams, and Chloe, then helped Sister Adams out in the garden. I dug holes to plant potatoes, and let's just say I need to work on making straight lines! Whoopsies. Sister Longs and her sister stopped by to pick some turnips, so they helped out in the garden as well. We went home to finish weekly planning and preparing for gospel principles tomorrow.

I had a wonderful sabbath, and it felt a little like I was saying goodbye. And BRIAN CAME TO CHURCH!!! He loved it! He said it felt like a school of learning, unlike any other church he has been to. He was very touched by the testimony I bore during sacrament meeting and by the lesson we prepared for gospel principles about charity. We had Elder and Sister Price, a senior couple, give a presentation third hour about how family history is changing so much and the amazing ways it can be used in missionary work. It was very inspiring, and the Spirit of Elijah was there! Sister Wright was especially inspired and realized how the family history connection with Brian helped him connect with the Wrights and want to learn more. Sister Jarvis and I received one on one training from Sister Price, and I will admit that I am finally just catching onto how amazing it is... But I'm so excited to do my part in the work. As I fixed some things on my tree, Sister Price said, "There. Now when you stand before Heavenly Father to be judged, and He asks what you have done to help with family history, you can show Him your name next to these things you fixed." That evening we went over to train Sister Wright on family history. It is such a powerful tool and there is work enough for us all!

I think it is so appropriate that I am being transferred to a place called Pace. One of the major lessons I have learned on my mission is about being diligent in the sense of not running faster than you have strength. It's okay to work at a slower pace when you are feeling sick. God created me. He knows my weaknesses. And He called me on a mission anyways. As I learn to find balance in my pace of work, that's when the most miracles occur! I love y'all and hope you have a wonderful week.

Much love,
Sister Burnham

Goodbye to Sister Potter

Goodbye to little JJ from the Jay Branch
Burnham Road

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Week 38 - Unplanned Teaching Moments

Howdy everyone! I don't know why time seems to be flying by so fast! This Wednesday I turn 20, and then 10 days later I will reach the half-way mark of my mission. It's just crazy. And I've survived being sick for almost a month!

Today was the start to a great week! We visited with a less-active, Sister Clark. She wants to be treated as an investigator and relearn things about the church. Well, we ended up staying over there for THREE hours because she had a ton of questions and stories. As she talked, I felt that her real concern was that she knew a lot about the church, but she never felt it was true because of her strict culture. It was great just getting to know her. She has three kids and has lived down here for almost a year. We also went and saw Dora afterwards, and her 8-year-old niece, Leila, was there. We all read 1 Nephi 1 together and discussed how it applied to them. Then I felt prompted to watch the 20 minute Restoration video with them, especially because Dora is a visual learner. She loved it! Afterwards, I asked if she believed that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared unto Joseph Smith, and she said, "Yes, I do." The Spirit was so strong. The only downside today was I lost my voice. That was probably a good thing so that Sister Jarvis had the opportunity to speak a lot more!

My voice was somewhat back today, so at least I can talk and actually fulfill the command to "lift up your voice as with the sound of a trump, to declare my gospel" (D&C). We drove to district meeting, and I passed out notes of encouragement that I had made for the other sisters. They were touched and truly appreciated it because they have been struggling lately. We then visited some less-actives in Molino and Pace, and also tracted around some of their neighbors. Not everyone is the kindest to missionaries, but because we have the Spirit and are called of God, we will not be confounded.

We helped the seniors at the nursing home make some Valentine Day crafts! A few are actually pretty talented with a paint brush. The best part was when I got to add a bunch of "bling" to some ladies' hearts they painted. They oohed and ahhed about how gorgeous it looked afterwards. Then we helped clean a trailer that a less-active is moving into. The previous occupants left it very dirty, so we had our job cut out for us. As we were wiping down everything with disinfect, her neighbor, Brian, came over to meet her. When he saw how we were serving her, he said, "Now that's a church I want to join. Where do y'all go to church at? I want to come!" We got to talk with him for a bit about the church, and set a return appointment for tomorrow. That evening we taught Dora the Plan of Salvation. We set up three days a week to see her regularly. She loved it! It brought her so much more peace and comfort about what will happen after death.

I got a taste of the "real world" today, and I don't like it very much! I finally buckled down and called the mission doctor and said I wasn't getting better, so he said to go to urgent care. We left and ended up being there all morning long. There was a TV blaring, lots of waiting around, and then we were alone with a male (doctor) in the back as he checked up on me. On the bright side, we taught him the Restoration in a few minutes! He had asked me if I did drugs, smoked, or drank. I kind of chuckled as I said "no," and he gave me a strange look. We explained we were missionaries for our church and didn't believe in doing those things. He asked some questions and we were able to answer a lot of false conceptions he had about our church. Because of this, we weren't able to visit Brian, but we'll catch him sometime soon! Once a potential is on our radar, we never leave them alone!!! ;) We did get to weekly plan for the rest of the day.

After the bible devotional with the seniors (who love us and praise us to death, and especially love when I bring the violin to play), we went to the nursing home, and I played for some of the residents there. A few were kind of grouchy at first, but I think they enjoyed it. Others absolutely loved it and even danced or sang along. One lady is funny (and legit crazy). She always seems to try and bribe us to carry her out of there and take her home. She comes up with all these plots to escape, but we can tell she is not all there in the head. As we left one room, one of the workers asked what church we were from, and we shared a bit about our church and she said we can share more with her during her lunch break sometime. Our appointment with Dora that evening fell through, but we had some delicious (gluten-free) pasta at the Wright's home. Sister Jarvis felt SUPER sick all day, so we ended up going home and getting her to bed early.

Well, I think Lenda dropped us. We stopped by this morning to see how she was doing because we hadn't seen her in a while, and she was sick with a stomach bug and said she'd call us later. She didn't look very happy to see us. We got a text from her later that she enjoyed meeting with us, but we have different beliefs. I still have hope for her. She'll come around eventually! I don't know if I mentioned that our mission is getting smartphones and becoming a Facebook mission too. It will be so nice because then we can stay in daily contact easier with investigators and have lessons over Facebook messenger if they can't meet. One missionary who never fails to have daily contact with our investigators is Satan, so we need to have daily contact to keep them feeling the Spirit. I think that's a major reason Lenda stopped progressing. Then Sister Longs took us out to dinner (but it's actually lunch. I don't know why people here call "lunch" dinner) in Pensacola and she went grocery shopping after. It was a cool experience because we were able to teach Aubreyon (Dysane's granddaughter who also shares the same birthday as Sister Longs and I) the Plan of Salvation. We really bonded and she wanted to come to church tomorrow!

There were tons more people at church this week! I had a great insight in our gospel principle's class. We were talking about how the Spirit speaks gently and softly, not harsh or yelling. I asked something truly inspired, and I can't remember exactly what because it was by the Spirit. It was something along the lines of if the Spirit is present with all the words you speak. If you speak harsh and yell in anger, then the Spirit, who speaks gently and lovingly, isn't there. I asked if they would speak the way they do to family if the Savior was present. I've just noticed some of the times people speak to each other isn't the most loving, and it breaks my heart. I've been working on my language and communication as well. After church, Sister Potter went with us to visit a less-active. They knew a lot of the same people and talked for a long time! We just had enough time to go back to the church for personal study, and then head over to the Potter's home for dinner. It was delicious!

It's been amazing to take every moment to teach people the gospel, even unplanned opportunities in urgent care or the nursing home hallway. This past week I've been studying about commandments, and I've realized just how amazing they are! Preach My Gospel page 71 says that God has given us specific commandments to help us apply gospel principles in our lives. Think about it. The gospel, or doctrine of Christ, consists of faith, repentance, baptism, receiving the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. The commandments build our faith, help us know how to repent, renew our baptismal covenants, keep us worthy of the Holy Ghost, and give us strength to endure to the end. As we study the scriptures and pray, we build our faith. As we strive to follow the prophet or 10 commandments, we know what we need to repent of and improve. Going to church is where we partake of the sacrament to renew our covenants. Obeying the word of wisdom allows us to feel the Spirit, for how could the drunkard or addict feel the soft voice of the Spirit? Fasting helps bring out our spiritual side. Every commandment gives us strength and protects us so we can endure faithfully to the end. Always strive to obey the commandments. They are not strict rules, but a way of living that allows us to live the principles of the gospel and to return to our Heavenly Father. 

Much love,
Sister Burnham

P.S. I'm lame and didn't get any pictures this week, so my companion and I took a last minute selfie to send home!