Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Week 69 - Sliced and Burned

Howdy, y'all! Transfer news threw us for a loop this morning... Sister Stites and I are both leaving! Say what? She is going to Pensacola to be with Sister Hilton, and I am going to Marianna to be in a trio!!!  Two new sisters will be white-washing in. It's very bitter-sweet, but I am honestly excited for this new adventure! This week, I had been getting the feeling that I was leaving, so I was able to prepare myself in little ways all week long. 

We had another lesson with Maurice, and it was so refreshing to see how willing she is to sacrifice and give up for the Lord. When we taught her the Word of Wisdom, she immediately said that she was no longer drinking coffee and tea, even though she had just bought a big thing of sweet tea.

Sister Helton took us down to base and gave us a tour. She showed us what her husband will soon be flying (from a distance), a raptor! They are one of the most advanced aircrafts in the world! 

We got to have dinner with the Parks family, and she made us homemade orange chicken because I had asked for it! Yum!

We had a great District Council today because President Smith joined in through a conference call! So we actually stayed on topic and had a really good discussion. We went to visit some less active families, and then went down to meet a member on base to help her non-member friend clean because she is being transferred. She fed us dinner, too! She has her own food truck and makes yummy food! While we were cleaning, Sister Stites sliced her thumb on a really sharp blade, and I accidentally burned my hands with the oven cleaner spray. Then Sister Stites almost sliced her throat open with another blade. It was very dangerous! But we had a good time.

My brother reported to the MTC in Peru today! Now there are two Burnham missionaries. Watch out world! I will also get to see my family in exactly 3 months from today. We got to teach Maurice again with our Ward Mission leader, and she has been doing so well obeying the word of wisdom. We taught her about tithing and fasting, and she is so willing to give all that she has, however little, to the church! Her faith is so great! We cleaned and did service for a member who is moving, and had dinner with the Bounds family. We went with them to mutual, where we got to play some fun games with the young women.

Sister Stites started to get sick today with a cold, but she was a trooper and pushed through! We went to go see the Parks family again week, and it turned out to be good because her kids were driving her crazy! We shared a spiritual message with them and helped brighten up their day. Their little boy, Logan, loves us so much and did not want to let me go! We did some more cleaning for the member we were helping yesterday, and then we said goodbye to the Willmores in the evening. Sister Willmore sang us a song she wrote, and it was amazing! I will really miss them.

Sister Stites woke up feeling very terrible, so we had a very laid-back day. We went out to lunch with a member, and then Daisy picked us up and took us to another lesson with Maurice. We brought her herbal tea to help her overcome her desire to drink sweet tea, and she was so happy! We told her we had another gift for her, and then we pulled out a large print Book of Mormon. The face she made was priceless! She was so happy and kept hugging it! We should all love the Book of Mormon that much! I made both of us dinner and looked after Sister Stites for the rest of the day.

Sister Stites was still not feeling well. We found out today that Maurice got put in the hospital for an asthma attack! And my stomach was hurting because I think one of the restaurant we ate at this past week had gluten. So it was a triple whammy of everyone not feeling well! We mustered up strength to go to service at the old folks home, and then went back down to the Air Force Base to help the same lady pack and clean some more.

It was sad that Maurice could not make it to church today because she was still in the hospital, but a lot of ward members were able to go and see her. After church, we were able to go and visit with her, and she really appreciated it. She said she knew we were coming! And she has been thinking a lot about her baptism and who she wants to do what. It is sad to think that neither Sister Stites or I will even be here for it, but maybe we can get permission to come back for it! We also visited Bela and helped start making tamales. She has spent hours making a recipe that I can eat, and even more hours cooking for us! Members sure like to fatten missionaries up! 

Spiritual Thought

1 Nephi 8:23

"And it came to pass that there arose a mist of darkness; yea, even an exceedingly great mist of darkness, insomuch that they who had commenced in the path did lose their way, that they wandered off and were lost."

I had always read this verse as if the mist of darkness had forced the people off the path. In reality, they were holding onto the rod and had to make the decision to let go. What made them consciously let go? When a trial came over them, they did not have enough faith and hope that the rod would eventually lead them out of the darkness. Maybe they let go thinking that if they wandered off, they could find the light again on their own, and once they found the light they could maybe return back later to the rod. How often do we go through life, veering off the path to find our own solution instead of holding onto God's word? Do we have hope that no matter how dark our life seems to get, staying completely true to the gospel will lead us out of the darkness and into eternal light and joy? Faith in God and his plan is a choice we have to make every single day. And if you can make that small choice every morning, you are doing a lot more than you realize.

Love y'all! Press forward!

Much love, 
Sister Burnham 

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