Monday, September 10, 2018

Week 70 - Marianna Trio Madness

Howdy y'all! Where does time go? Today marks 16 months of me being a missionary! I know many of you are anxious to hear all about my new area and companions! Marianna is a giant area! We have a lot of out-skirt towns also in our area, which reminds me a bit of my time serving in Brewton, AL. It is so green and beautiful, super country. Sister Caldwell has been out for 7.5 months and is from Heber City, Utah. Sister Wilson has been out for 9 months and is from Sydney, Australia. So, now I will be pick up a Southern-Australian accent! ;) Being in a trio has its benefits and downsides, but I'm working hard to stay positive and work in unity with these two wonderful sisters. I'm already learning so much!

Me with my new companions! Sister Wilson on the left, Sister Caldwell on the right! 

We got to go teach Maurice in the hospital with a member. She was really disappointed to hear we had to push back her baptism date, but she is doing well and loves the ward! She was also devastated to hear that Sister Stites and I are leaving!!! But she's a trooper and has good member support here. The Lyles took us out to lunch to say goodbye. Man, I am going to miss them so much! They have been my rock here in Callaway, along with the Willmores who left last week! We went over to Bela's to make tamales! She is literally the best and has sacrificed so much for us missionaries. We went over and had dinner with the Lucas family! I love that family so much and will miss them!

Daisy picked us up for lunch after District Council and took us to Panera Bread. We then went straight to Amanda's to serve and help with some more packing & cleaning to help her move. It was so ironic to think we'd have to go home and do the same thing, only for ourselves. That evening, we had dinner with a family who made me the BEST gluten-free and vegan brownies! The Spirit put into my mind exactly what to share with the mom as a spiritual thought, and she really brightened up in excitement! We went with the senior couple to deliver food that members had donated to a non-member whose sister referred us to him. Then Bela came by in the evening and dropped off a cooler full of all the Mexican food she and made for me to take with me to my next area. Oh yeah!!!

Transfer day already? I still remember first getting Sister Stites as my companion and thinking we had a long while together. Nope, it flew by. And it's weird to think the amount of time I have left on my mission was the amount of time that just flew by. We made it to transfer spots safely after a rushed morning of finishing packing and cleaning. It was Sister Wilson's birthday today, and she got two new companions for it! We did some unpacking, studies, then headed off for volleyball with the youth and ward correlation after. 

We walked down to the church this morning to meet a member who works there. We had some cool contacts along the way! Sister Wilson served on campus on Tallahasse and is literally the best at talking with everyone. She stopped a guy who was mowing his grass and walked right up to another guy by his car. At the church, we met Sister Jones, who taught us how to make paper cranes! She was impressed by origami skills :). The Liedys came by with some important supplies... like another bed and desk! #triolife Then they took us out for dinner.

We have a crafting activity every Friday morning with a group of ladies. Only one of them is a member. We worked on crafts that would prompt them to ask questions, like painting scriptures or working on a back cover for Sister Caldwell's Preach My Gospel! We had some great conversations and then went out to lunch with all of them. The member, Sister Sullivan, paid for us. That afternoon, she drove us to a far away area to have a lesson with a referral, Linda. We got to teach her the Restoration, and while she seemed a bit overwhelmed, she was excited to start reading The Book of Mormon. Sister Sullivan then took us out for dinner to Taco Bell! While there, Sister Wilson gave a lady in line a Book of Mormon after talking with her for a while. I have a lot to learn!

Funny story... We stopped by to see a former investigator who had a baptismal date, but the missionaries lost contact with him. We were able to catch him home! We set up an appointment that evening at the church and he said at least four times he would see us at 5pm. Well, when 5pm rolled around, he didn't show. We waited for 25 minutes in case he was running late. We decided to drive to his home. We pulled up and no car was there, so we went back to the church in case he had left and was on his way there. Nope, the church parking lot was still empty. By this point, it was 5:45pm.  We decided to say a prayer to know what to do, and a few seconds after the prayer, we looked up and see his car driving down the road towards the church!!! He looked over at us, looked away, and kept driving by! That answered that question about his interest level...

You never quite feel like you fully belong in an area until you meet the members on Sunday! We have some of the most missionary-minded members here who are willing to sacrifice so much of their time and money for us. It was so good to meet everyone at church. A member who saw we didn't have dinner invited us over for dinner. I'm so blessed because it just so happens that she has a spare violin laying around that she loaned me to play while I'm here!

I've been studying lately about the importance of being kind. Kind is such an overlooked and underappreciated word, kind of like "nice" or "fine." What does it mean to be kind? According to the dictionary, it is showing a tender and considerate nature. From my experience, it means considering other people's needs above your own, and then responding in a way to meet those needs, even if it's not the way you'd naturally want to respond. It is continuing to serve and love another person even when they don't respond kindly back to you. It is looking for ways to compliment others and uplift them. I've been working on being more kind in my responses to others, and I definitely have not been perfect at it, but it has been such a blessing. Someday I want to be as kind as Christ.

Much love,
Sister Burnham

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