Saturday, September 22, 2018

Week 71 - Undercover Hermanas

Howdy everyone! Thank you for the prayers this week! We've needed them because we all were sick this week. It first started with me, then it got passed to Sister Wilson, and now Sister Caldwell! The entire town of Marianna seems to have this virus too, so all the people we are teaching cancelled their appointments and missed church!

Pretty relaxing day. We got to throw around a football outside and play some games together, like "Spot-it." And I got to hear from all my family and friends, whom I love dearly!

I got to meet our new district, and I'm super happy! We have some awesome missionaries in the district! We walked home from District Council and stopped by a potential's home, Denise. We were able to help serve her by cleaning up around her home, and then we asked if we could sit down and share a message with her. It was such a spiritual lesson and she opened up to us about why she hasn't been reading the Book of Mormon. We all bore such powerful testimonies to her, and we all cried. She seems a lot more committed now to read!

I wasn't feeling super well today, but I was so proud of myself for sticking the day out. We walked a lot to do service and contact people with interest. Nobody seemed interested, but we were showing the Lord that we are willing to work hard! And we made it home just before it started pouring rain... What a blessing! We did have a long conversation with one lady, and she seemed defensive at first, but I was able to ask her an inspired question that really changed the tone and brought the Spirit there.

The lady we are teaching who is on date to be baptized has been sick, and it has been getting worse. We went over with two brothers in the ward to watch her receive a blessing, and she said she felt better right after. Okay, so, you might be wondering what the title of my email has to do with anything... Well, tonight we had the Spanish elders come down and meet with the Spanish members in our ward. They talked about if there was enough people to make a group or branch, and how they could start building up the Spanish people here so they could create a branch in the future. They also started talking about maybe having Spanish missionaries here in the future, and we all volunteered to be hermanas! Haha, so this meeting included a lot of speculation, and nothing talked about may happen, but we all determined to start studying some Spanish in our free time!

Our appointments cancelled due to everyone being sick, but it was a tender mercy because we were not feeling well either! Us being sick has kind of been a blessing in a way because it has allowed us more opportunities to serve and get to know one another better, so we have all become a lot closer!

We finally finished weekly planning! Yup, it was one of those weeks. We went to do service for a member, but had some extra time beforehand. We contacted a random guy in a trailer park, and it did not go anywhere. It was super hot and we were anxious to start heading to the member's house. As we got in the car to drive away, I jinxed us because I said I was excited to go do service in a nice, cool home with A.C. But no. There was no A.C. None! And it was so hot in that house, and I was sweating and turning red as I sanded and painted the fire-place. Y'all, I might be a baby, but I need me some A.C. to survive down here in the South! On the bright side, she took us all out to dinner at a Mexican Restaurant :).

The biggest miracle happened today! One of the Spanish members brought his Spanish co-worker to church. He is interested in attending an English class and learning more about our beliefs! So we are starting up an English class, and we will need to learn some Spanish speedy-quick to be able to teach this man! The Lord is definitely seeing our efforts and desires! #undercoverhermanas 

Spiritual Thought:
I am reading all of the April conference talks over again in preparation for conference coming up next month, and I came across this quote by C. S. Lewis, mentioned in Elder Renlund's talk, 

"[Mortals] say of some temporal suffering, ‘No future bliss can make up for it,’ not knowing that Heaven, once attained, will work backwards and turn even that agony into a glory. … The Blessed will say, ‘We have never lived anywhere except in Heaven.’"

love that! Our sufferings truly are temporary, and they won't last forever. The day will come when you will never have another bloody nose or broken bone. You will never have a fever or a headache. But each of our agonies and sufferings we go through here will enable us to obtain even greater joy and gratitude in the next life. God not only turns our weaknesses into strengths, but He consecrates our pains into eternal glory. The time will soon come when all we are familiar with is Heaven, and this earth life is but a distant, vague memory. This life is too short not to enjoy every moment, even the hard ones. Press forward!

Quote of the Week:
"It's not about being right or wrong. It's about being obedient."
-A Sister Burnham Original

Much love,
Sister Burnham

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