Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Week 72 - 1/2 Mission and Boiled Peanuts

Hello family, friends, and maybe a random stranger or two who happens across this email... This past week has been AMAZING! I've made it a goal to truly enjoy the little moments and notice blessings and miracles more. One answer to my prayer came in the form of Elder Bowen, a member of the 70, who came and spoke to us at our half-mission conference! Here are the six things he invited us to do:

1) Arise at 6:30 every day. (Not just wake-up, but be completely out of bed).
2) Plan for up to 30 minutes every day. (If you don't need it, don't take it. But don't use more time than that.)
3) Contact 30 people each day.
4) Teach 30 lessons "eyeball to eyeball" every week.
5) Feel and act upon the urgency to the work and our limited time to do it.
6) Develop quiet dignity. Step up to our divine callings and act accordingly.

These goals have made our trio companionship so much more unified and powerful. We have a vision and are working urgently to accomplish it!

We were able to teach Marti a lesson on tithing and fasting, and she told us that nothing can keep her from following God! Also, when we went to get our car washed, the man who owns the place let us do it for free because we are servants of the Lord! #blessings

We posted an add for a free Bible on Facebook, and we actually received quite a few responses! More than when we walked around downtown with a clipboard, and literally everyone we asked said, "I already have enough Bibles." Well, one guy did answer differently... he said he didn't need a Bible, but asked what blood type we were because he needed a kidney. Literally everyone we talked to today was rude or rejected us, but I took it all in stride because I know that along with the good days have to be bad days. However, we finished off the day with a huge tender mercy from the Lord. We had to drop off a vacuum to a recent convert, and while we were waiting for her to answer the door, we admired all of her beautiful shells she had outside. She told us we could each take one! She didn't care which one, and I looked through all of them and felt drawn to one of them... but I didn't know if I should take it. She said I could have it, so now I have the biggest shell ever! It made me so happy! I'm going to cherish it forever!!! She also sent us home with a bunch of food and drinks. Also, in our trio, we came up with the most epic handshake ever!

The lady who works at the food bank brought me some vegan mayonnaise! How sweet and thoughtful of her. We met with a couple from the ward for lunch, and they are so awesome. They truly love missionaries with all of their hearts! The only thing I could eat at the restaurant, though, was a salad. That afternoon, we taught the Plan of Salvation to Shandrell. She is such a deep thinker and had a lot of speculations that we had to reign back in. She seems very sincere and genuine!

We got to drive together with the Daleville sisters to the half-mission conference! Now for some highlights from Elder Shayne Bowen. He said that we need to find leaders to convert into the church, not necessarily just going to the poorest areas where the people may be humble, but don't actually progress. The Lord's kingdom really needs to be built up right now, and if we focus on the people who live close to the church and spread out, then one day everyone can live across from the church. It's hard to keep recent converts who live 45 minutes away active! He also told us that if we truly knew who we were in pre-mortal life, and who we can become in the next life, we would never be tempted by Satan! It would be a joke! He said not to live beneath our privileges. God is willing to give us so much, and all we need to do is ask Him in faith, ready to act on His answer. Also, obedience brings power. He said that you can replace "chosen" with "obedient" in this scripture: "Many are called, but few are obedient." The more obedient we are to God, the more of His power we have in our life. (Funny how my quote from last week was about obedience...).

Contacting, crafting, and companionship inventory. We also taught Marti about the 10 Commandments and Law of Chastity! She loves this church with her whole heart and is so strong in the face of adversity. She has been so sick but is getting much better! Every single person we came into contact with, we testify to them. Even the old ladies at the crafting meeting that happens weekly in the library. Also, our dinner appointments keep cancelling, so I've been eating tamales for basically every meal. Good thing I brought them from my last area! 

We have felt so much more power as we have stepped up our game and been more focused on using every second of God's time wisely. We went out to the local farmer's market this morning and talked to every single person that we saw, giving out some copies of The Book of Mormon! I felt so good inside because I had so many opportunities to bear my testimony. That afternoon, we spent two hours cleaning the house of a member who had a bad injury and can't get around anymore. It was fun, but I am now convinced that I don't want a ton of knick-knacks in the future because that will mean a lot of dusting! Tonight we had the ward peanut boil (or bowl, as these Southerners say). I ate sooooo many! And not even because I'm in love with them, but because that was all there really was for me for dinner, and we'd been out all day knocking doors and contacting. But I think they are growing on me! I'm like Goldilocks because some of them are too soft, some are too hard, but sometimes you find one that is just right! We also started teaching our English class tonight, and it was interesante.... Y'all, English is hard to teach! 

We had such a busy and focused day, and so many miracles happened! The lady we are teaching, Marti, came to church today! She is on track to be baptized this Saturday, and we are so excited for her! A non-member came to church and we set up a time to meet with her. Then we went out contacting that afternoon and evening and met the coolest people! We pulled up next to this trailer in a trailer park to figure out where to go, and a little girl outside ran in to get her mom. She came out to see who was there, and when we talked with her, she was so prepared. I was able to testify that it was not a coincidence that God placed us in her path. She said she knew it wasn't a coincidence either. We gave her a Book of Mormon, set a return appointment, and asked for referrals. She pointed across the street to her neighbor. We went and met another lady who didn't appear quite interested at first, but we kept talking and being persistent, and she agreed to let us come back and share more! That evening, we dropped by the house of a 19 year-old recent convert who has been dodging us, and we were able to go in and teach him the Restoration and testify of God's love for him. He actually got a bit teary-eyed and I knew he felt the Spirit. I feel such a connection to him and am excited to get to re-teach the lessons. Plus, his other family members are not members of the church! We went back home and had 20 minutes until we had companionship study. We walked over to our neighbor's home, Calvin, and knocked on the door. Sisters have previously given him a Book of Mormon. We were very bold with him and asked if we could teach him. So right there on the porch, we taught him the Restoration.

Enjoy the little moments of life, and remember who you are. Don't live beneath your privileges!

Much love,
Sister Burnham

Sister's Conference Last Month

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