Sunday, September 29, 2019

Waltz Jump

23 September - 29 September 2019

Hey friends! How have y'all been? This week flew by so quickly! There seems to always be too much to do, and never enough time to do it. The hardest thing right now is balancing my many "needs" with my (oh so many) "wants." It takes a lot of self-control and energy to do so!

I met with my English group half an hour before class started, and then after a long and boring class hour, I went home to eat lunch, only to rush back to campus to meet with my psychology of religion group a half hour before class started. Our presentation about Buddhism went well! In fact, the teacher told us that these were the best presentations out of any her previous students had given! I had a few hours to work on assignments before biking over to my research class in the Taylor building. I enjoyed the discussion we had about different levels of listening and how each level can validate or invalidate someone. These things I'm learning are very applicable to real life. Then I went to my singing class, and we have to perform solos on Wednesday!! Ahh! I'm actually not that nervous :)
That evening we had a game night for family home evening. I joined in a group playing "Code Names" and we got roasted three times in a row.

What a long but glorious day! I tried to get to class early so I could stop by my custodial job on the way and ask to take this Friday off, but I just barely made it to class on time as it was. Go figure! As soon as class was over, I quickly walked home and grabbed some things before heading to the MTC for work. I signed up to help out with baptismal interviews at 11:15 a.m. I tried to be as quick as I could, but I got there about 5 minutes late. It turned out to be just fine because the lady was new and didn't even know I was coming! Ironically, Robby Hughes happened to be in the large group of missionaries that I was helping out. It was so funny because he totally knew I was not a member! But fortunately he did not blow my cover. Afterwards, I went to a training meeting, then started my 4-hour shift. It was a long day of work! I'd been texting people all day to see if they would be home because I had a printer arriving in the afternoon, and I didn't want it to sit on the front mat outside the door all day (even Provo has theives). Fortunately for me, one of my neighbors (who I just met this past Sunday), Mira, had dance practice canceled and was able to store it in her house for me until I got home. Just before I drove home from the MTC, I stopped by the Harman Conference Center building too great a few things for my TA job. As I was grading the assignments, my overall boss lady walked by and we had a great conversation. She told me to start emailing professors if I want to be an online TA next semester and work more hours for lots of money. That would be the dream because I make $13 an hour and I could work from home or wherever I was at. When I got home, I knocked on the door across from our apartment to pick up my printer. I got to talk to Mira for a bit and get to know her better. Then I spent around a half hour setting up my printer, and I'm so excited! I made dinner, and as I was just settling down to eat, Lexy texted if we were home because she got locked out of her apartment! So she came over to chill with us until I had to leave for institute. Katherine and I walked over together. After Institute, we went upstairs to see what kind of treats they had and I was able to talk to two or three new people and get to know them a bit. Then I grabbed a muffin to drop off at Whitney's place since she's so close by. She wasn't home, but I got to talk to her roommate (and previous mission companion) Megan-Jean, who looked like she was having a stressful night. While walking home, I passed by Matt from the summer ward we combined with and got to talk to him for a bit. It was so cool to see how blatantly God is answering my prayers. I told him I wanted to notice others and make more friends, and I was given so many opportunities to talk to and care about other people today. I didn't actually have much homework to do, so I stayed up working on the essay I am writing for the Brimhall contest. It is turning out pretty okay and I am grateful that my friend Kathrine will look it over to edit it.

I was supposed to meet with my group half an hour before class started, but I was not feeling super well and didn't get ready in time. But at least I made it to class on time! After class, I headed over to the library to work on a personal project and to check out a really nice camera to use for the next 2 days. Then I went over to the Kimball Tower to heat my lunch in the microwave before class. Afterwards, I met with my professor because I was worried about the projection of the course and what I need to do to get a good grade (I currently have a 76%). It was so relieving to talk to her about it and to feel reassured that I'll be okay. I went home and got ready to head over to Sam's Club to buy a bunch of things, and I was so sad to find out that they were completely sold out of mini hummus packs. After coming home, I quickly unloaded everything and practiced my song one last time before heading to my singing class. I opted to go third to get it over with. I honestly think that I was doing very well, except for I got over excited when I was near the end, and so then I forgot the words to the last two lines! Yeah, so that was a little embarrassing, but overall it was fine. That evening, we had a Relief Society art night which was very fun, and I worked on painting the Swedish flag for my roommate who served there.

I learned something really interesting today in my social psychology class. We learned about how exercising self-control drains you of energy. Another thing that drains you of the same source of energy is making decisions, whether they are big decisions or a lot of small decisions all at once. In small groups we were talking about how people can choose to be happy, but sometimes we are so depleted that we do not have the energy to choose, period. This was an interesting thought for me, and emphasized the importance of self-care. When we are feeling drained, it is vitally important to take a break, eat a snack, take a nap, meditate, or pray. After class, I went home for lunch, then drove over to Walgreens to pick up more prints of mission pictures that I want to use to finish decorating my wall. I had four lessons today at the MTC, so the day went by pretty fast. That evening I had to stay up late working on art projects that were due tomorrow morning. My friend Kathrine also came over to tell me about boy troubles that she was having.

Even though I did not want to go to work this morning, I did. Yay for me! After work I went to my art class, and was so relieved to find out we were just presenting in small groups at our table, and not in front of the entire class. Because my artwork was very oh, well, let's just say interesting. That class is quite challenging because it pushes you to think very creatively. After our class, I went home for lunch, to study my scriptures, and to take a nap. I left to go to the Harmon building for work as a TA, and then I went over to Peaks Ice Arena to ice skate. My friend Kathy came with me and had a blast! I got to teach her how to skate backwards! And my friend Dani was there. She was so excited for me to be start jumping, and convinced me to start practicing the waltz jump. I am getting very good at ice skating overall, and it is so surprising and exciting for me. It really boosted my confidence to try these new and challenging moves on the ice. Afterwards, I wasn't feeling all too well, but I hunkered down and did some homework until I was too tired to focus and then I went to bed.

My Saturdays are pretty busy as usual. Today I made time in the morning to do a bit of homework, and then I left to go to the temple to make the 11am session. What I didn't know was that it would be in Portuguese. Because I had work at 1 p.m., I couldn't wait for the next session and wore an English headset. It was a great experience to realize that our church really is for everyone. Not just for English speakers, but for the whole world, for all people and all languages. Afterwards, I drove right over to the MTC for work. It was a great time because I met with five different sets of missionaries, and it kept me very busy. The only downside is that I will sometimes forget who I share what with, so it can be a bit confusing for me to remember how much I am supposed to know with each set I meet with again. One set of sisters was leaving on Wednesday to go out to their mission, so it was our last lesson together. I loved meeting with them, and so I made sure to grab a picture with them. They have been such a blessing in my life. After work, I went home and had so much homework to do! I worked on it and just when I thought I was almost done, I checked online and realized I had three big articles to read and analyze before class on Monday. Yeah, so no fun Saturday night for me. I literally worked on homework until I was too tired and soon went to bed (this is becoming the new pattern for my sad, pathetic weekends). Now I will just have to wake up extra early on Monday morning to complete all of the tasks that I need to do for the day. In fact, this next week is going to be quite busy for me!

Wow, I woke up so angry at the world! I wasn't feeling well physically, and so you can bet I wasn't feel well spiritually! One huge blessing was that I did not have to teach Sunday school today, since it was fifth Sunday and the bishop was teaching. That was good because I was not prepared to be teaching today! After a bit of a grumpy start to my day, I was really trying to change my attitude and to feel the Spirit. What helped me the most was my concerned friends supporting and listening to me. During the second hour of church, we were adviced to share gospel through social media. The confirmation came to me again that I should film videos of myself about my mission or my testimony and post them on a YouTube channel. I have been so crazy busy with life, but I decided I could take some time every Sunday to film a quick video using the pictures of my mission as a backdrop. The videos may not be the best quality, but that does not matter. And so I did! I am proud to announce that I am starting my YouTube channel today! I'll be posting new material every week print (hopefully). I felt so much better today after being able to bear my testimony, and also having Katie listen to me talk. I have the best roommates!

The link to my new YouTube channel:

Emily Burnham

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Water-balloon Launcher

Howdy y'all! It's nice that I can still feel a bit like a Southerner since I get to act like a Southern Baptist at my MTC job three days a week! It's keeping my "y'alls" and "howdies" alive and well :)
There have been so many small blessings and miracles happening. I need to keep better record of them. But when I lose one thing, it turns out to be a blessing because then I find something else I'd been missing and never would have found otherwise! So many small blessings!

English class in the morning led to more and more drama throughout the day. We sent out an email after class to tell everyone that we are the leader group (in charge of running the class), and another group sent out an email behind our backs (but they accidentally sent it to us anyways) telling everyone that we were lying and not to believe us. Lots of emails were sent throughout the day, which was pretty annoying. I ate lunch and did some homework in the gap between my two classes. Then I went to my psychology of religion class, after which I met up with a missionary from Aaron's mission who had kept a letter from him to give to me. I was so happy and excited to open it when I got home. Aaron is such a thoughtful and kind brother. I noticed when I opened it that he had written all of the siblings a letter, so after taking my letter out, I taped it back up (it kind of looked ghetto) and sent it home to Arizona so everyone else can get their letters. That afternoon, I biked over to my research class, and we had a good discussion about what a validating statement truly is. It is not necessarily what you say, but how the person receives it. I went straight over to my singing class, and I think I am getting better at singing. But it is hard to tell. I headed home to eat dinner and did a bit of homework before heading off to the Orem Library so I could go to Sarah M. Eden's book signing. I literally got teary-eyed two or three times, no joke. I'm such a book nerd, but I love the stories she told about being illiterate until sixth grade and having to push really hard to read something. She said a good book is something that is worth the effort of fighting to read because you connect so well with the characters in the story. Then I went shopping at a nearby store and then to the mall to grab a few things.

My Social Psych teacher let us out 15 minutes early from class for the devotional, since President Russell M. Nelson was coming to speak. Even so, when I got to the Marriott Center, every seat was taken or saved! After walking and walking around trying to find a seat, I gave up and, with a little bit of disappointment, headed over to the MTC early to do stuff there. Fortunately, they were broadcasting it in one of the rooms, so is still able to watch it with other employees. Afterwards, I ate my lunch and worked on grading some assignments for my online class. Then my shift started for the day, and I got to be taught by missionaries. I found so many ways that I can improve on my job. I need to link my questions with my actual needs and concerns, not just ask filler questions about what the missionaries are teaching. That is how the missionaries will feel like they are actually help you. I feel that my lesson that day went a lot better. Additionally, the missionaries are praying for my brother Sean, which I think is so awesome. And finally, while I was sitting at work, I had a thought come to my head of how I can use my time more effectively and arrange my schedule just a bit so that I can get more done in the day and not feel so overwhelmed. I know that is direct revelation from God. He is guiding my life and helping me as I take time to ponder. I am so grateful that my job gives me that time, as I often get to reflect how I can be better and do better. After work, I walked home and ate dinner. I worked on homework up until it was time to go to Institute. After Institute, I went over to Whitney's house so we could finish watching our movie "Tall Girl." It was so cheesy! Would not recommend! Then we just talked for a bit and I told her some things that were happening in my life and she is very excited for me. Then I bit before I went home to continue working on homework.

Wow. So today was crazy. I enjoyed attending my singing class, and then I'd planned to have dinner with all my roommates soon after I got home. Luckily, I went to check for my wallet in my car, because I realized my car had been BOOTED that morning! And if I hadn't known and called in right then, it could have been towed away and cost even more money. I didn't know that my parking pass was expired, so that was an expensive $60 adult lesson to learn... But then I was able to leave with my roomies to go to Bombay house to spend time together and get to know each other. I branched out to try something knew and did not like it, unfortunately. I know there is a reason I usually stick with the same old, same old! Oh well. It was still nice :)

Right after class, I rushed home so I could get my new parking pass (I was not about to get re-booted!) and ate lunch. I also ordered a new printer for a good deal (thanks to my awesome padre for helping me find one). I am just so fed up with on-campus printing. It's the worst. Then I went to work at the MTC. When I got home, I had just over an hour until my date with Spencer. We went to Rock Canyon and doubled with his previous mission companion and another girl. We launched water balloons! It was a super fun evening, and my favorite part was when some people from out of the country showed up at the park. They were mesmerized by the water-balloon launcher, and the one man had never seen a water-balloon before. I said he could have my turn and try launching it, and he was so excited. Then all four of them ended up taking turns and they thought it was the coolest thing ever! It brought them so much joy. We stayed out pretty late! We all talked and joked around for at least an hour towards the end of the date and somehow started singing hymns in parts. It was very unique and a cool experience. They all seemed like great people and would be fun friends to have. Also, my cute roommate Katie surprised me with a bunch of nice sticky notes!

I was SOO tired when I was rudely awoken by my alarm clock this morning to head my custodial job. Funny story, though. I totally tried to play match-maker with my boss and a girl in my psychology class (she's older with two kids and is going back to school). I had my 3-hour art class afterwards, and I actually really enjoy it! We had to rush to finish five different art projects involving crayon. Afterwards, I went home for lunch but hurried over to the Harman building to grade and hold office hours. And I realized that I'm not actually hired to work for the company! By some huge mix-up, their system says I'm approved to work even though there is no record of hiring me. It's a huge mess, so I haven't even been paid for any of my work from them yet! I then went ice-skating at the rink and had a really good time. I'm improving incrementally and it really is a place where I don't feel stressed. It helps ground me and makes me happy. Then I had a load of homework awaiting me!

Today was jam-packed full of things to do. I got up and ready for the day, then spent an hour grading assignments for my TA job before heading off to the temple. I went straight from the temple session to the MTC for my four-hour shift. I had a meeting with my supervisor soon after I got there, so I didn't have time to eat lunch right away. But I am so grateful for my amazing and relatable supervisor. She is great, knows how to follow the Spirit, and is kind. She gave me very good advice, and told me God hired me to work at the MTC for a reason. We are part of the church hastening forth. I finally ate lunch after that, and then my shift flew by because I met with three different missionary companions. Before going home, I stopped by the creamery to pick up a couple of items, and traffic was so bad because of the BYU football game! Then I went home and graded papers for two more hours before doing a small bit of my own homework and going to bed completely exhausted!

I had a marvelous Sunday! At first when I woke up, I felt like I couldn't move. My body was so exhausted from being run like crazy this week. Today truly was a day of rest and not worrying about my problems. Church was really good: my roommate Miranda was called as the new Relief Society President and my roommate Katie taught Relief Society! During relief society, I was actually feeling pretty hot with my cardigan, but I heard a girl behind me whispering how cold she was. I thought about giving her my cardigan, but then thought it would be weird and RS was almost over anyway. But then the thought popped in my mind, "Never suppress a generous thought." So I took it off and handed it to her. She was uncertain at first, saying I should keep it, but I said I was hot and she gladly accepted it and put it on for the rest of the lesson. I tried to talk to many new people at church today because I want to be able to notice others better and look for opportunities to serve. I painted that afternoon with Kathrine, and then had Come, Follow Me. Whitney came to it, and then after we walked over by her apartment to talk. It was really nice and I am so grateful to have her as a friend. Afterwards, I made dinner and then went to ward prayer.

I am truly learning that as we turn our life over to God, He will accomplish the impossible with us. He is helping things fall into place as long as I keep Him at the center of my life. Also, it is nice that the weeks pass by so much faster when I am extremely busy. I almost feel like I'm living life at the pace of a missionary--always having something purposeful to do.

Love mucho mucho,
Emily Burnham

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Art, Bubbles, and More

9 September - 15 September 2019

I am slowly becoming adjusted to my crazy busy schedule and had a much better week. Plus it helps that God dropped a couple of tender mercies throughout my week!

I woke up and found a notification on my phone that someone had logged into my email--and it wasn't me! So after a panicked start to my day, I was able to study my scriptures and then exercise for a bit. I had English this morning, and the teacher handed out the game cards today. Ironically, my group is the leader group--the one group I absolutely hoped we would not get! That means that we will have to do a lot more work than the other groups, which is kind of a bummer. Afterwards, I went home for a quick lunch, then went back to campus for my Psychology of Religion class. Today we got put into groups of a different religion that we will have to present on in a couple of weeks. I picked Buddhism and have a pretty great group, which is always a blessing! Afterwards, I went home and drove down to the library to return some books. Then I went home to work on homework, but I wasn't feeling good and it was hard to focus. That afternoon, I biked down to my research class in the Taylor building. I am actually very excited about this course because we will be able to see videos of couples in therapy and have a unique opportunity to see what it is actually like and decide if that is what we truly want to do. Ordinarily FERPA laws prohibit you from watching therapy sessions. Straight afterwards, I biked over to my music class. I actually am really enjoying it and think I am slowly improving, even though I know I have a lot to work on. Afterwards I biked home for a quick dinner before attending our ward-combined family home evening. We played a bishopric trivia game, and while it was not the most organized, it was still fun. Miranda said she saw one of the guys at my table scoping me out, but I don't believe it. She's always saying things like that but nothing ever comes of it.

I don't know why it takes me so long to get ready in the mornings, but at least I am consistently exercising and studying my scriptures first thing in the morning. It has helped a lot. I went to my Intro to Social Psychology class, and it was a little bit boring because it was everything that I had already read in the textbook. Afterwards, I quickly ran home to watch the devotional from my laptop while making lunch. I couldn't go in person because I had to go to a training meeting at the MTC at noon, and I wouldn't have had time to attend the devotional in person. However, they announced that our dear prophet will be speaking next Tuesday at the devotional, and you better bet that I'm going to be there! After the devotional ended, I quickly finished up some work business as an online TA and then went down to the MTC to work for five hours (four of which were spent in my small little cubicle). I was so tired by the end of my shift and very hungry too, so I went home and ate food. Then I had a lot of reading to finish before Institute, but I didn't finish all of it, so I had to continue working on it afterwards. I have not been motivated to do my homework yet, as if I am still in denial that school has started. That is pretty bad attitude perception to have, considering it is already in the middle of week 2 of school!

I had a really good day. I tried to get ready quickly this morning so I could finish my reading assignments for my psychology of religion class. I then attended my English class. I was able to work on multiple things during the class because the teacher is rather long-winded and likes to talk a lot about random things. After class, I went to study from my GRE book for a bit while waiting to meet up with a group from class. It was raining today! The weather was actually quite cold. I ate my lunch and then met with my Psychology of Religion group. We are planning on attending a Buddhist service this Sunday, and I realized that since Stake Conference is in the later afternoon, I won't be able to go to my church. I guess I will just have to tell the bishop that I'm converting to Buddhism. We took a quiz over chapters 1 and 2 in our psychology of religion class and I did not do well on the first quiz. I forgot what made each religion unique and totally mix them all around. But I did get a perfect score on the second quiz. After class I went home and worked on homework and did some laundry. Then I went back to campus to attend a workshop for a writing contest. First place will receive $3,000! I don't know how I will do, but I figure it is worth a shot to try. I left from there to go to my vocal performance class, and on the way there, I ran into a guy from my freshman ward, Spencer Ashworth. It was fun being able to say hi to him. Also, I found someone to go to the BYU spectacular with! My roommate ended up not being able to come with me, but one of the girls in my singing class wants to go with me and bought the ticket extra ticket I had. I cannot tell if my singing is getting better or worse, haha. I went home and ate a quick dinner after class and then headed to the Springville Museum of Art. We would receive extra credit credit for attending, and I was glad that I did because it was enjoyable and I got a lot of free cards afterwards! We made relief prints out of Styrofoam. It was very easy and quite enjoyable.

Wow, Thursdays must be the busiest day of my whole week! Well, maybe it was just today in particular. I went to class, ate lunch, then went to work until 5pm. I left from there to go shopping because I had some things I needed to get that couldn't be put off much longer, but it required me driving to a Walmart that was further away. Ugh. Let me tell ya--I got home at 8pm. Literally THREE hours! It took forever, and then I ate dinner and had to stay up finishing my art assignments for tomorrow, despite having to arise early for my custodial job. Blah.

Work wasn't too bad. I found some food, which is always a bonus, and got leftover popcorn from the game. Then I went to art class and had such an enjoyable time! I don't always know what the teacher's expectations are, but I have a really fun time! We presented our projects and then went outside to blow HUGE bubbles. I'm not quite sure what the point of it was, but it was SO FUN! I literally felt like a little kid again. It was very stress relieving, and she gave us all her secret bubble recipe that she has perfected! After class, I went to the BYU bookstore to get a book, then went home and talked with my mom, who convinced me to reach out to Spencer on Facebook and suggest we should catch up sometime. So I did. Then I studied my scriptures and got ready to go down to work my TA office hour at the Harman building. It ended up taking longer than I thought because I had a situation to deal with... somehow I got hired to work for the Psychology department even though I am actually working for the Continuing Education people. So I've been doing work for them, but then attending meetings for the other job and getting paid at a lower rate through the wrong department! I had to get all that sorted out--get myself fired from the other job so I could be hired for the right department and let them know how much I worked so I could make sure to get my extra money. Anyways, yeah, so I got all that worked out and then went to the ice rink to skate for a bit. Later that evening, Whitney came over and we watched the new Netflix original movie that came out, "Tall Girl." We didn't have time to finish it, but I saw enough to be disappointed with the bad acting and cheesiness of it.

Aye, this morning was a bit of a train wreck. So, I had planned on attending the 10am session at the temple. Somehow I ended up at the 10:40am session because I was just running so behind! Then I didn't have time to do homework before leaving for work, and I couldn't find my ID card, so I had to get pulled over by the MTC security and fill out some paperwork. Then when I parked underground, I realized I couldn't get into the building to the elevator without my card and nobody was around to let me in! So I had to walk up and around, making me 10 minutes late! I was so frustrated. But the missionaries who taught me today were so kind and understanding. I still have a lot to work and improve on, but at least this time around I can tell that the missionaries truly think I am a nonmember! After work, I had to do homework up until stake conference, and then after stake conference.

I had the most interesting Sunday ever! I went to church with Becca Strong since I would be missing Stake Conference. I ran into some people I knew from my ward last semester, which was cool! I went home and ate a quick lunch before heading off to pick up my classmate to attend the Buddhist service. It was definitely a unique experience. We sat on mats on the floor with booty cushions and did a guided meditation. There were different chants to recite and songs to sing, and then the guy in charge told a story about how they can make elephant poop into paper. They also burned incense and had tea for people to drink. Everyone was really friendly. I got home just in time for our Come, Follow Me study group. Three guys and three other girls attended, which is really good! Better than the previous week :). Soon after everyone left, Spencer showed up to watch the devotional, and Miranda stayed to watch it with us, which I was so grateful for because it helped break my awkwardness. After the devotional, she left and Spencer and I sat across from each other on the couches and talked. The conversation flowed fairly well, and he asked about my mission, and then I asked about his and asked him to show me pictures. Tahiti is such a beautiful place! Just before he left, he asked me out on a double date for Thursday evening, which was super exciting!

Before I sign off, I just want to testify that we can learn the most about God and about ourselves through the way we deal with the trials in our lives. Trials are the times to apply the gospel principles we are studying and trying to emulate. They are the test of mortality, and through Jesus Christ, we can overcome every single one and come out the better for it. I received unexpected blessings this week from the trials I went through--losing one thing only to find another thing I'd previously been searching for, etc.

Much love,
Emily Burnham

Sunday, September 8, 2019

First Week of School

2 September - 8 September 2019

Hey! I survived the first week of classes, hallelujah! What a crazy busy and fulfilling week. Honestly, I'm grateful for all that I have accomplished, even though there are a couple of goals and projects that I didn't have time to do. I had a headache for two days straight, probably a combination of learning and doing so many new things and dehydration.

My last day of break before school starts! I wanted to relax the whole day, but I ended up working a lot on the picture-directory assignment bishop gave to me. That took up most of my morning, and then I got to read a bit from the book I'd checked out from the library, but I got a random message from an old missionary I knew in the MTC, asking if I could show him where all of his classes were. I took time to do that (service, right?) and then went over to Whitney's apartment for a bit. I finished reading my book that evening, since I'd really wanted a chance to read and finish it before school starts and things get hectic with homework.

Today was the first day of classes. I only had one this morning. I woke up a little late from staying up late last night reading a book, which was not a good idea because then I didn't have enough time this morning to study my scriptures like I would have wanted to. I left to go find my class, which was in a building I had never had class in before. Finding it turned out to be more stressful than I had anticipated, but fortunately I found the right classroom with only a few seconds to spare. The teacher seems very nice. She was converted to the church five years ago and shared her conversion story. It was so sweet and touching. After class, I went over to the conference center for a meeting about being an online teacher assistent (TA). I felt very overwhelmed, out of my comfort zone, and inadequate. Fortunately, I ran into a girl who was in my class over the summer who was familiar with the website and could help me out a bit and ease the stress. Then I quickly ate my lunch and headed over to the MTC for my first day as a TRC actress. I did not enjoy the missionaries who came to teach me. They did not pray with me or seem genuinely concerned for me or my feelings. In fact, they called me a fool! They read the verse in 2 Nephi about "thou fool that shall say, a Bible, a Bible, we have a Bible and need no more Bible." I just laughed it off, but I know I should have handled it differently and let them know that made me feel bad. I will do better next time. I went home and felt pretty exhausted. I ran into Becca Strong, my old mission companion, and it was good to see her because it was also her birthday! That evening, I attended the Institute kickoff. After a spiritual meeting, everyone walked over to the church for a dinner and dance, but I couldn't actually eat the food. However, I did get to have a good conversation with some guys that moved into our word. Before heading home, I stopped by Whitney Callahan's apartment to say a quick hello because she lives right next to the church building.

Even waking up earlier did not help me have the adequate time to study my scriptures like I was hoping. And I'm super sore from exercising every morning this week. I think I need to study scriptures first instead of last in order to ensure enough time and not feel rushed. I had a class this morning, afternoon, and evening. First I have an English class (to fulfill a general credit) with the same professor I took the class from last semester. It's nice to know what to expect, but it is also going to be a long and boring class this semester (hopefully my professor never stumbles upon this and reads it). There are two girls from the ward also taking the class (Valerie convinced them), so that's pretty cool. I ate lunch on campus and finished working on my ice skating video. I'll upload it to YouTube and provide a link so y'all can watch it. I'm hoping to film and make more! Then I had my Psychology of Religion course, and in the very middle of it, I left to go meet up with someone to buy a textbook for my Intro to Social Psych class. Unfortunately, I'm not as excited as I thought I would be about taking these classes, especially the Psych of Religion one. That evening at 5pm, I went to my vocal performance class. I signed up because I hoped it can help me become a better singer, but all I accomplished was not passing out from trying to work on my breathing while singing. As soon as I focus on my breathing, it suddenly becomes hard for me to do. Not good. But I'll stick it out and see what happens.
Link to the ice skating video:

Today was much better. I studied my scriptures FIRST and made sure I had sufficient time before getting ready for the day. My Intro to Social Psych class was honestly very boring (even though I made sure to pay attention) because it was all just review of every other psych class I've ever taken! Hopefully it becomes more interesting to me. Then I had to attend a general TA meeting. I ate a quick lunch afterward then biked over to the MTC. I met with the same elders as before, and the lesson went significantly better. I was more serious this time and told them that the lesson before hadn't gone quite as I was expected, and I'd felt foolish for asking my questions. They were humbled and felt really bad, but I told them since we were both learning and new, I was open to giving them a second chance. They showed that they cared about me a lot more and actually ended the lesson with a prayer! Afterwards, I had a set of sisters come in. Their teacher was present during the lesson, and one of the sisters was SO nervous. I could tell because as she started teaching the Restoration, her voice shook and she rushed through the points. A new set of elders came afterwards and did a phenomenal job. They were so sincere and actually listened to me, teaching to my understanding. I felt comfortable opening up to them with questions and concerns. That evening, I went home for dinner, then Whitney and I went to a dance-skating contest that was going on at Peaks Ice Arena. When we first showed up and watched the skaters, I felt like crying because they were so graceful. Everything I aspire to be on the ice! It was really good.

I regret keeping my early morning custodial job on Friday mornings. Waking up at 4:45am after a week of sleeping in until 6:30am was brutal. I was not coherent for a while. After work, I headed straight over to my 8am Art Education class. This class is also to fulfill a GE course credit, but I am actually really excited for it! Even though it is 3 hours long... My teacher is spunky and fun. She showed up in a colorful plaid shirt with overalls that ended as a skirt and rooster earrings! I had so many creative ideas come to me already, even about my final project. I'm so excited to start working on it, and I'll have to keep you posted on the art that I create throughout the semester! Be excited; it's gonna be awesome! Back at home, Whitney called and asked if I could pick her up because she'd missed the bus and was stranded. Even though I felt like I had a million things to do and was swamped with homework, I knew the Lord would bless and magnify my time, so I didn't hesitate to go and help her out. I also went down to the Harman building for an hour to hold TA office hours (even though no students came in, as it is just the first week of the course). That evening, we had our ward social at Lion's park. I ate tons of food and had fun getting to know new people.

I didn't sleep in. Instead, I got up early enough to get ready and catch the 7:40am temple session. It made me SO happy to see that for once, the boys outnumbered the girls in the session! I had a TA training meeting at 10am (I know, I have had soooo many meetings lately) and then my shift at the MTC from 1 to 5pm. I had lessons with the same sisters as yesterday, and it went a lot better. They had really thought and prayed about me and slowed things down. It's cool to be able to see the missionaries progressing as teachers while they think their the ones helping me progress towards baptism. And y'all, my acting skills ARE getting better. Slowly. I'm doing better and better with each lesson. After the sisters, the I had the second set of elders again, the ones who did a great job. They did well teaching me again, even as I threw one of them for a loop with one of my questions. After my shift ended, I went down to the Harmon building on campus to clock-in and grade some assignments (since half of my hours have to be in that building), and then I went grocery shopping, because I had completely spaced to do it Thursday! I got home around 7pm and then made dinner. I stayed up working on one of my art project assignments due this next Friday.

I slept in this morning. I was so tired from this crazy week! It was super nice and my body needed a break. Church was great. I loved the talks and relief society lesson. After church, we held Come, Follow Me at 3:30, since we realized that ward prayer is now at 7pm instead of 8pm. No guys from the ward came this time. Bummer. But I also don't think they were aware of the time-change since not all of them are on the ward Facebook page. But Vincent and his roommate came, along with a couple of girls in the ward, and we still had a great discussion. I also sent a picture of me and Katie to my mission trainer, Vanessa, because they danced together in a club for many years! Small world!

One comment that really stood out to me today in relief society was about loving others as ourselves. Yes, we need to love ourselves before we can love others, but think about that. Who on earth knows you better than you do? You know your weaknesses, your shortcomings, your insecurities. If you can love yourself not only for your strengths, but also for (or despite) your weaknesses, then you can learn to love others despite their shortcomings. Our strengths will always outweigh our weakness through the grace of Jesus Christ. We are who we are, and with Him, we are more than enough. 1 Corinthians 15:10: "But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain..."

Have a wonderful week!
Much love,
Emily Burnham

Sunday, September 1, 2019

MTC Trainings and NSO

26 August - 1 September 2019

Wow, my busiest week yet! No kidding, just wait until I tell you about it! But also a week of growing, learning, and progression. I'm so grateful for a mindful Heavenly Father who is patient enough to teach me over and over again, sometimes the same lesson for years as I try to overcome and progress back to Him.

This is my last full week of working early morning custodial! I feel so blessed to be working at the MTC as my main job. I have so many trainings to go to for it this week, though! Starting today at noon. I had an orientation meeting that lasted about two hours. That afternoon, I met up with someone to sell them Valerie's iClicker, then spent some time at the library working on my ice skating video. I'd just gotten it finished and was trying to save it before the library closed, when all of the sudden the program shut down! So I lost everything, which was very sad and frustrating. Then I left in a hot stressed mess fashion, only to realize I forgot my thumb drive and rushed back to claim it before they closed and locked the doors!

This day was insane. I went straight from work to the New Student Orientation meeting for the Y-group leaders. I left that early so I could go ice skating and see Rick again! He was so helpful in teaching me better control when skating on one leg, and even though I could only stay for 35 minutes, it was SO worth it! I had to leave THAT early so that I could go to another training meeting at the MTC. I was only home for a bit because then I had another meeting that afternoon at 3:30, and then one at 6pm, so I stayed over at the MTC for those 4 hours and finally got home after 7pm! I guess I received what would be considered the ultimate compliment during my character development meeting with my supervisor: "They will totally think you're a nonmember!"

I hand wrote my dad a letter today because my mom had been mentioning how stressed he had been lately, and I wanted him to feel loved and appreciated. I also went ice skating at 11:30 (with wet hair, since I didn't plan that out very well) and got to talk with my friend Danny that I met a while back. She really wants to write me a program! I went shopping that afternoon, since I know the food will be scarce after all the new people moving back in for Fall semester. I had a bit of time to help Allie move some of her stuff after she helped carry up my groceries, and then I rushed off to a new hire training at the MTC that afternoon.

After about 2.5 hours of work, I biked down to the field by the outdoor track to check in for New Student Orientation (NSO). I got to help put wrist bands on the freshman as they came in. Then we lead them all to the Marriott for the kick-off, where President Worthen spoke. We got to head to lunch. I had been so hungry since all I'd eaten ALL day was a banana, but when I got to the cougar café to spend my voucher for lunch, all the lines were super long, and apparently Chick-Fil-A's grill was broken, so they didn't have any grilled chicken. I didn't want to wait in another long line since time was limited, so I just ordered as many fries with $10 as possible. Yup, you heard me right. I ordered FOUR large waffle fries for lunch. And yes, I basically died afterwards. It was too hard to finish them all, but I got super close. I also came close to dying. I really have no clue what I was even thinking, to be honest! We went back to the Marriott for a safety meeting, then took our group to a secluded spot so they could ask questions and express fears or concerns. I really enjoyed giving them my advice and having them look up to me. It felt good to help them and give them guidance. They really look up to me as their leader and mentor. I was SO exhausted afterwards, but I had to hurry home and change, getting ready for my last (!!!!) training to do at the MTC before I start working on Tuesday. I am so nervous, but also super excited. I've felt so much more peace about it than I thought I would. I know it is what God would have me be doing to help the missionaries grow and progress. I'm excited for this opportunity.

I did not go into work this morning. It was nice having extra time in the morning to get ready before heading over to the Marriott Center to meet up with my NSO group. We listened to a devotional, and one point that was iterated stood out to me: Choose what you will NOT do. There are so many good things we can do every day. Sometimes the challenge is knowing what to give up so that you can really have time to focus on things that matter most. We took the kids ALL around campus, and while it was fun, it was also so exhausting that when I got home, I literally just collapsed onto the floor, then finally moved on my bed and laid there for almost an hour, not moving. I forgot I had to meet up with someone on campus for Valerie to sell a textbook for her, so I rushed to change and bike to campus in FIVE minutes. Yes, I deserve an award for that! Miranda finally got back into town this afternoon! She was gone the past two weeks. We ended up talking about a boy she was hung up on even after 18 months. I had some really inspired words to share with her. She wanted closure by knowing why the boy had suddenly stopped talking to her, but I realized that true closer can only come from God. He is all-knowing and can help answer missing puzzle pieces or bring peace and reassurance, leaving us hopeful for the future. Truly the Spirit can help us know what to pray for, because while God does grant us the desires of our heart and answer prayers, sometimes our desires need to change and the way we ask our questions should be altered. Instead of asking to see him again, she can ask to pray for her desires toward him to change so she can finally move on if that is God's will. That evening, my friend Whitney texted to see what I was up to and ended up coming over to hang out. We made guacamole and popcorn, and spent a lot of time catching up with each other. She's a great friend and I'm so glad she lives super close! I was also so happy to receive a letter this week from my recent convert, Brother Tom! He wrote me the cutest letter, and after reading it, I had tears in my eyes and thought, "This is what true happiness is!"

I went to the temple this morning to do initiatories, and it was cool to see Whitney working in the temple! After, I stopped by the public library to return some books. I accomplished a lot of check-list items I needed to get done, and I was able to visit with my friend Becca Strong, who I got to see for the first time since I last saw her in the mission field! It was a little weird for us, especially calling each other by our first names, but it was so great to see her. I had a relaxing evening, just reading a good book I'd checked out from the library by one of my new favorite authors (introduced to me by my little sister, Lucy) and eating popcorn. For dinner, I made these vegan chickpea burgers, and they actually turned out pretty good, so I'm proud of myself!

Fast and testimony meeting! A lot of the new men in the ward got up to bear their testimonies, though not as many males showed up as I was expecting. I'm sure I'll meet a lot of new ones next week, too! I got to teach Sunday School today (as one of two teachers), and it went well despite the many interruptions. People were drawn out row by row during the lesson to go have their pictures taken, so that was a bit obnoxious, but I think it went well. I know it could have been better and I could have prepared more, but I'm happy with how many people participated and spoke up to share insights! So, I got roped into helping the Bishop organize the pictures he took of everyone with their names and where they live, so I stayed after church to get all the pictures. Then, I met up with Becca and her group of friends for a Come Follow Me study group, where I met two others who are also interested in psychology and will be taking a class I'm TAing for! Then I went back and met up with Lexy. We went and knocked on every door of the boy's apartment complex, inviting whoever answered to come to our study group we are having tonight. Lexy and I were doubtful that very many would show up... but guess what?? TEN guys from the ward showed up, plus my friend Vincent. So there ended up being 11 guys and only 3 girls! :)

I have a testimony that we are the happiest when we live the gospel of Jesus Christ, keeping all the commandments. Satan will do a good job at convincing us that we can gain unparalleled happiness in sin (such as the high that can come from engaging in inappropriate media or doing drugs), but I testify that these are cheap, short-term, and guilt-inducing. They can never bring lasting, fulfilling happiness. We will experience the MOST joy possible as we keep every commandment and engage with media that also follows His standards, allowing clean thoughts and feelings to dwell in our bodies. This allows the Holy Ghost to also dwell in us.

Much love,
Emily Burnham