Sunday, July 12, 2020

Surprise Selfies

6 July - 12 July 2020

For work this week, I was able to participate in helping to give input on what other people we should hire as Lead TAs. I wasn't even really aware that I was a lead TA. I don't ever really know what I'm doing, so I just fake it til I make it and totally feel like an impostor...

I would say that you would have to pay me a LOT of money to take a four hour exam that has not-very-fun subjects on it. Instead, I'm having to pay $205 to take the GRE. Not looking forward to it. And signing up for it was a bit stressful because the screen kept showing that the available times were all from 11pm to 1am, and I was like, "They're ain't no way that's gonna happen!" I was freaking out and contacted someone to see what could be done. With their guidence, I realized that midnight was the default option in the box where you select a time that you want to take it, so that's why it kept showing me times in the middle of the night! With that crisis solved, I was finally able to go to bed, but later than I would have wanted.

It was good to meet with Marty this morning. I realized that I needed to set my priorities straight. So I decided to quit two of my jobs so I can better focus and study. I signed up to take the GRE last night and only have 34 days to study. I made it a goal to study for 1.5 to 2 hours every weekday until then. I also had a good talk with my roommate about the dish situation, and so now hopefully dirty dishes won't be piling up in our sink for days!! Also, the lemon pepper rotisserie chicken I bought from the store for lunch was absolutely divine. I resumed working for my research position today, so I had a meeting in the afternoon. I was up on campus, and after the meeting I was studying for the GRE and an elder from the mission saw me and said "hi." He was kind enough to help explain a math concept to me, only it was kind of awkward because he was talking really loudly in front of the main level on the third floor, making big motions with his hands and acting devastated when I didn't understand. Finally, at the very end, it suddenly clicked, and he found it funny that all his explaining hadn't helped, and he walked away doubled-over with laughter.

Nothing too fun happened today. I went to work this morning at the Smith Field House. I had a meeting with my TA team to talk over candidates to hire or not to hire. I studied a bit for the GRE. I also ran into one guy from the CFM group that I attend and we ended up just talking for probably an hour or so. He is so nice and I asked him to be on my YouTube channel! So that'll be super cool. I'm grateful for the friends and people that God is placing in my life :)

I went figure skating! With the pass of all passes, I get free admission for the rest of the summer! Booya! I have a lot of skills to regain and so much to learn, but it is super fun! When I got back, I went over to Whitney's place to do some work. That evening, I went home and got my new phone in the mail! I was so happy because my other phone is a pain with how slow and old it is. My new phone has so many cool features, and I've been showing it off to people. My favorite is to take out my S-pen and click on the camera app. Then I ask them to hold my phone and click the pen to take a selfie of them without them knowing! Surprise Selfie! Boom, I just invented that prank. I got some really fun results:

I filmed Whitney for my YouTube channel, and we also recorded ourselves singing "I Know That My Redeemer Lives" to the tune of "Sweet Hour of Prayer." It turned out really good (my mom especially thought so). The only sad thing was that as I was trying to edit together the video for my channel late Saturday night, I realized the second half of Whitney's story didn't get recorded! So I wasn't able to finish making it, which was sad.

We went to church on Sunday. If I'm being honest, it was nothing too exciting or special. I think I was just pretty tired. I want church to mean a lot more to me now that we are getting to meet in person, but I still feel so emotionally and socially distant from everyone! I am really glad we are getting to take the sacrament consistently again, though. I am grateful for the reminder of my Savior. After church, Kathrine came over to do family history with me, and Lexy stopped by to chat with us, then one of our ministering sisters. That was fun! Also, Whitney dropped by to be re-filmed since I didn't capture all of her story yesterday. I recognized that I need to take a different approach with my YouTube channel because it is starting to feel like an unpaid job. An obligation. I think I have been valuing quantity over quality videos, and it's burning me out. So I've been praying for some ideas of how to change that, and I'm excited about the future possibilities. I let Whitney do some of her laundry over at my place because she was stressing about getting it done. Then I went to CFM and we had a good discussion, followed by dinner, followed by games. I was a bit sassy and weird, but I also know that my quirks make me lovable and endearing to the right people. I am always grateful when I can find a friend group where I can be myself and be comfortable around them. I also just really love testifying of Jesus Christ. That is my favorite thing because I love the Spirit that fills me when I do.

Funny Quote:
A girl giving a talk in sacrament meeting, talking about Jesus: "He always acts so Christ-like. Well, He is Christ..."

Cheesy Pick-Up Lines:
Are you tired? Because you've been running through my mind all night.
Do you have a map? Because I keep getting lost in your eyes.

Much love,
Emily Burnham

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