Sunday, July 26, 2020

Hunt for a Black Truck

20 July - 26 July 2020

Now that I quit three of my jobs, I have a lot more time to dedicate to studying for the GRE, and I like to spend that time in the library so I can focus better. We had a ward FHE activity at the park, complete with chips, hot dogs, and games.

I was studying on the first floor of the library, and my right hand/arm felt weird. It became hard for me to write, so I took a break and watched an episode from a show my family likes called Chuck. It was okay. I was super worried about my arm though, but it didn't get worse. My roommate Lily also received her mission call today! We watched her open it that evening, and she got called to serve in the England Leeds Mission! I'm so excited for her! It's been awesome being her roommate because she comments many times how she believes she moved in here so she could meet me and that I've helped her a lot in her preparations to serve the Lord.

After meeting with Marty, I got ready and went to campus. I worked all afternoon, studying and working for BYU Online. Okay, confession time... I started watching Twilight. Yes, the acting is awful! But I just felt like taking a trip down memory lane and seeing why it was so popular back in the day.

I attempted a shopping trip, not realizing that masks are now required to go inside the stores. I didn't have a mask on me, so I turned around and went back home, feeling dejected. After a lunch of stolen stale chips and old beans, I went to the library to study. Then I went over to Whitney's house, and her neighbor Keturah invited us over for Indian food that she had made. It was a blessing because I was so hungry! Then Whitney took me shopping with her and loaned me a mask.

I studied a bit for the GRE and also finished watching the last Twilight movie (seriously, so bad, don't know why I wanted to rewatch them all). I went to Lexy's game night with some fellow friends in the ward in the evening. We first played this game called Diception (aka Pirate's Dice)... and I won with four dice still intact!! It was a very proud moment. Then we played this game called Snake Oil... I did not do as well in that game.

I had a productive morning. I actually did a pretty intense workout, got ready, did a bit of cleaning, and then drove around Provo to scope out some black trucks. I got my friends Matt and Whitney to pose for the book cover of the novel I'm writing for my sister Lucy. It was so funny because Whitney was scared the owner of the truck would come out and see her close to his truck holding what looked like a can of spray paint (but really it was a can of starch. I took off the label and painted it). I spent some hours studying for the GRE. I am feeling a bit more prepared for it, which is good because I am taking it in about three weeks!!! I also edited a video for my channel and worked on the cover of the book. Photoshop can work miracles! Let's see how many differences you can spot:

I slept in so late! I got over 10 hours of sleep. I got up and ready for church. It's a bit weird still that we get to meet in person, but everyone wears masks. I guess now is the time when people would want to volunteer to give talks because you get to take your mask off when your speaking. Otherwise you only get a two second break for taking the sacrament. We had an absolute beautiful musical number, Savior, Redeemer of My Soul. The woman's voice rang out so clearly on the high notes! I also visited an apartment of sisters (there were only two there) and chatted with them for a bit before asking about ministering. They are so cute! After lunch, Kathrine came over and we did a bit of family history. She helped me attach a source! So I am slowly, but surely, making a difference in the world!

I believe in Christ, but I also believe Christ. I believe that He has the power to fulfill all His promises, and that He can save and redeem me. I mess up daily. I'm very aware of how far from perfect I am. Yet I have confidence that God will bless me with all things as I continue to desire to be righteous. I'm grateful for the sacrament so we can renew our covenants and be clean again.

Much love,
Emily Burnham

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