Sunday, August 2, 2020

Vanessa's Wedding Reception

27 July - 2 August 2020

I've been so good at keeping my exercising up this whole week! When I don't go biking, I stay inside and do a work out from this app called Fit On. I went to the library early this morning to start a practice GRE exam, and I did pretty okay on the writing and reading section. I didn't have time to do the math section before my stomach demanded that I go home and feed it.

I emailed BYU's MFT program directors to get my name out there and see what else I can do to become a more competitive applicant to the program. I got a response back that while the GRE is no longer a requirement as of this year (WHAT THE WHAT?!?!?!) we are still encouraged to take it. Well, yeah, I already paid for it and it's nonrefundable, so you better bet I'm still taking it. But today I did the math sections and... well yikes. I ran out of time to finish 6 questions, both times. So I didn't even do 12 total! The math section is going to be much harder than I previously assumed... but oh well. Who needs to know complex math as a therapist, right?

I was a bit distracted as I drove down to the ice rink, talking with my mom on the phone, that I didn't notice a biking crossing right in front of me until I was close enough to see the panicked look on her face. I slammed on the brakes and missed her by a good six inches... yikes a doodle. But on the bright side, skating was super fun and I am making good progress on power pulls (but just my right side). A fun thing about going skating is to smile at others and give them thumbs ups on their moves or to compliment them. It always makes both of us feel good. Well, when I tried to compliment this one guy at the rink today, he was so awkward about it!! I complimented his use of deep edges and he said, "Thanks. It takes lots of practice. Kay bye," and then turned away. Welp. That won't stop me from being friendly in the future!

I was asked to give a talk this Sunday! It wasn't a lot of time in advance, so maybe someone had to cancel or something. I also had a super fun time this week video chatting with my family, and I found you can do these really silly filters and play games. Lucy and I had quite the time messing around with it. And I decided that I should legit wear a flower crown around because I look like a princess :).

I tried to be productive today and get some work done this afternoon, but I suddenly felt tired. I thought to myself, "Oh, I'll just a quick nap." Yeah, well that turned into an hour long nap and I woke up feeling groggy and nauseous. I had wanted to attend my trainer's wedding reception, but I wasn't feeling up to going alone. Then my sweet roommate Lily offered to go with me. We talked all the way up to Salt Lake, and the hour drive only felt like twenty minutes! And it was interesting to get to play psychologist for a bit as we talked about some of her struggles and concerns. The backyard of the reception was gorgeous! And I ran into Robyn, a girl I knew from the mission that had come out to live in Utah! I hadn't seen her in three years, but she remembered my first name! And we saw a super tall guy who was three inches over seven feet tall! It was hard to not stare whenever he walked by. And he made his wife look so short, even though she was on the tall side (just not compared to him). That evening, Lily was feeling stressed because our other roommate wasn't home to take her to her night shift, so I offered to take her.

Oh yikes. I woke up this morning around six feeling SO nauseous and sick. I was legit going to throw up. I took it easy all day, watching some relaxing and chill movies (literally... Frozen and Frozen 2). I also worked on editing the dating advice video for my YouTube channel, which I was so excited about posting. I probably wouldn't have left the house at all if Whitney hadn't called me and asked me to go shopping with her. I agreed, even though I didn't really need to buy anything. I went to bed so early.

I woke up at 5am feeling pretty refreshed, which makes a lot of sense because I went to bed around 7pm last night! I wrote my talk, and I was so grateful that everything just flowed and came to me, especially since trying to write it yesterday was  not productive with how awful I was feeling. I was so nervous and I think it was because I was going to share a lot of personal experiences. I was told by many people that I did well, and one of my neighbors told me that was exactly what she needed to hear today. I was so priveledged to get to hear the song that Whitney wrote for one of her religion class projects. I went to Come, Follow Me, which is always a good time. When I got home, I decided to make strawberry scones for dinner! It was my first time making them, and I think they turned out pretty alright (despite me not knowing what they are regularly supposed to taste like).

Today my testimony of the Atonement of Jesus Christ was strengthened. We don't do good works to pay a debt for our sins or earn our way to Heaven. Jesus Christ has paid the price. We are free from jail if we accept Him. But He wants us to reach out, take His outstretched hand, and walk the covenant path so we can learn to BE like Him. We keep commandments and covenants so that we can become like God. Not just be justified through His sacrifice, but be redeemed and changed as we try to resemble the Savior, so that when we stand before God, we won't just be with Him; we will be like Him. And we will be comfortable staying there and living the life He lives.

Much love,
Emily Burnham

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