Sunday, August 30, 2020

Letters to Inmates

 24 August - 30 August 2020

And just like that, school is just around the corner. I'm back in Provo, no longer melting in the 113 degree AZ heat. But I really miss my family. I know it'll be okay; it just takes time to adjust to a new schedule, but I am really excited about going back to school. I love learning! And I have some pretty neat classes lined up for this Fall semester. I'm taking Meditation, Basic Mediation, Abnormal Psychology, and Positive Psychology. I am also completing my capstone, so I get to TA for Professor Wood's in-person class. That'll be super cool!

Monday: Oh, mom made the most delicious hamburgers, and I got to eat TWO of them! Man, smoked burgers are the BOMB diggity. Mmhh, I think my mouth is watering just thinking about them.

Tuesday: Mom took me to the DI and we looked around and clothes and kitchen stuff. Mom bought this huge serving tray, and just as we were leaving, she accidentally dropped and it broke a bit. We also spent some time crafting because I wanted to make something for the Nixon family that I used to babysit for. I miss all their cute little kiddos. My genius mother had a great idea of making them these Thanksgiving blocks of wood that say "Give Thanks" and they turned out SO cute. I also made a banner for my friend Whitney since we had lots of paper. I asked my mom if we could pretty-please have pizza on my last night, and boy oh boy, it was SO good. Much better than the pizza from last Saturday. Apparently, it was so good that Sean even ate most of my left overs the next day (insert bawling emoji here).

Wednesday: It was nice have a later flight because I had plenty of time to wash the bedding and clean up the place before leaving. Since I didn't have a very big lunch (thanks, Sean, for eating my pizza...), my kind mother made sure to feed me before dropping me off at the air port that afternoon. I kid you not--I gained at least three pounds in that week and a half of being home and fed so well. Let's see how soon I lose it once I go back to feeding myself... hehe. My friend Whitney picked me up from the airport and helped me unload some of my stuff. Then we went over to her apartment and went swimming for a bit.

Thursday: Whitney came over in the morning to help me finish unpacking my stuff from my car. I put my room back into order, did some laundry, worked for three hours online. I also met my new roommates, Summer and Mattie. I already know my third roommate Mira. She was living across from us and is already in the ward, but just moved over. They are very sweet, both fresh out of high school. That evening, I had a date with a guy I'd met on mutual. I did not enjoy it. But oh well. At least I know how to carry on a conversation and be kind. Afterwards, I attended a friend group movie night in Lehi. It was someone in the group's birthday, and I got him play-doe, cuz why not? And some candy, so it wasn't completely terrible. We watched Kung Fu Panda! Wow, I really wish I was a ninja and had cool moves. 

Friday: I worked some more today. I had to put in a bunch of due dates for when assignments will be due for the Psych 381 course I'm TAing for. I have also been reading a lot of books lately. Can you blame me? I won't have much time once school starts! I also discovered like I really like red cabbage (though it looks purple to me).

Saturday: There was a ward breakfast out in the parking lot in the morning. None of my roommates were awake yet, so I went alone and got to meet lots of new people. I spent the majority of the rest of my day prepping for classes, which start this coming week, and working to make sure the course I'm TAing for is complete. Then I wanted to watch Inside Out, and I definitely cried at the end. I just appreciate so much the way they depict the role and importance of sadness in our lives. We're not always going to be happy, and not only is that okay, but it's also good. Sadness allows us to connect with others in a way few other things can.

Sunday: Because of Covid19, our ward is split and goes to church in two different time blocks. We had the 11am slot, and it was nice sitting with my three new roommates. I really like them all. After church, I wrote three letters to inmates as a volunteer for Fresh Start Ventures, and I really enjoyed being able to share spiritual and sacred experiences anonymously that will hopefully inspire and uplift them. I was able to testify about hope, repentance, and Heavenly Father's love for His children.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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