Sunday, August 9, 2020

MJ's Bridal Shower and Reception

 3 August - 9 August 2020

Hello my family! I was quite the social butterfly this week!

Monday: I went to the library to study and attend a work meeting. By the time I got home, I rushed to shopping to get food and a gift for Megan Jean's bridal shower that I had been invited to. I made her a framed "love" that you can hook your ring onto at night. The bridal shower was really cute and fun. We played some various games and got to watch her open all of her gifts.

Tuesday: After attending a meeting for work, I went over to my previous mission companion Becca's house to catch up and do art together. I water-colored a figure skater, which was pretty fun! I had to be present for a work meeting in the middle of painting for about 30 minutes, but Becca is super chill and didn't mind. We had fun! 

Wednesday: Today was my last session meeting with my therapist! I've improved so much over the last couple of months. I feel so much more at peace. I feel happier and more hopeful. I have better relationships with others and don't waste as much time and energy worrying about things. Like the GRE! I am taking it in a week from today, and I haven't panicked or stressed much about it. I'm just doing all I can to prepare. I'm so grateful to Heavenly Father. I truly feel and believe that He has great things in store for me.

Thursday: I really wanted to go ice skating today, but I also needed to take a three hour practice exam since I'm taking the GRE next Wednesday, so I woke up early, got down to the library right when it opened, and took the test. I then was able to make it home and to the ice rink right when it opened. Wow, skating on the smooth ice after studying all morning was unbelievably refreshing. I had a huge smile on my face as I zoomed around the ice. I love the freedom and progression of skating. It requires a lot of practice and control. That evening, I attended Megan Jean's wedding reception. It was at a beautiful location, and they had dancing. It was super fun! Wow, her family can dance! I usually shy away, but I just went for it and had a blast dancing and laughing with our friend group.


Friday: Maybe I partied a little too hard because I wasn't feeling all that great today. I took it easy and just reviewed answers from the practice exam and relaxed. I drank TONS of herbal tea as well. Guess I wasn't made out to be a party animal after all...

Saturday: I still wasn't feeling all that great, but as I got going in the morning, I felt better. I went with friends up to rock canyon to help film a funny video for someone's YouTube channel (called Dinner Guest) so I guess I'll be pretty famous one of these days! ;) Then I went down to the library to study with Whitney, and I took another practice exam. I did a bit better, so I feel more and more confident about taking the GRE. Then I went home and ate some dinner before heading out with my roommates to go ice skating! We all had fun... though we did wear Lily out :). One thing I love about ice skating is the community. I love giving people thumbs up when they do cool tricks or talking with them. I make lots of ice skating friends, even just by smiling at people. After we got home, I went over to a game night. There were homemade fries for us to eat, and we talked and played games. One was pretty loud and noisy, called Trigger (similar to Psychiatrist except we all have our own symptoms that get triggered by another's actions) and played until midnight. Y'all, I guess I am cut out for the party life after all! Maybe... :) It was good to be social in a large group where you feel comfortable and have lots of fun. At one point in the game, anytime someone said "um," I had to shout out, "Don't touch my pancakes!!" We had lots of fun laughs.

Sunday: One thing I didn't realize worried me until I had a thought this morning was that I don't want guys who I don't also like back to like me. It's always made me feel awkward, uncomfortable, and guilty for some reason. But I had a spark of revelation that when you do like someone, it adds anticipation and excitement into your life. You look forward to things more and life is less dull (even if sometimes stressful learning how to deal with your feelings). And so it's good if guys like you because you are making their life just a bit better, just by you being likable and awesome. They have their own lives to live and lessons to learn, and you cannot control how they feel. But don't forget the good things about having a crush! My roommate Lily gave a talk in sacrament meeting! It was really good and funny. Something she said really touched me. She said that Jesus Christ is the most powerful person she knows. No person, demon, or devil is more powerful than Him. And we have access to His strength and power through the priesthood. When we are overwhelmed or struggling, we can call on the One who never fell or gave in to our adversary. There is such power in knowing that we are fighting on a side that will never lose. God will conquer Satan. I know Whose side I stand on. I also had a really good time at Come, Follow Me. My roommate Susan asked to come. I truly felt God speak through me a couple of times to share very insightful things that I've learned that really seemed to help others. I love when you have the opportunity to strengthen each other in the gospel through your witness and testimony. I feel like God has blessed me with such wisdom and unique experiences/insights so that I can help and encourage His other children. It is such a sacred and ennobling opportunity.

I love my Savior. I love that even though part of this life includes suffering, our pain allows us to be mini saviors in the lives of others. Our trials bring us empathy and compassion. They help us lift others around us who are also struggling. We can come closer to the Savior as we catch a glimpse of the suffering He underwent for us. Suffering is not trivial. It has purpose, and knowing that can help us endure it with renewed vigor and strength.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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