Sunday, August 23, 2020

Aaron the Cutie

 17 August - 23 August 2020

Monday: I felt a bit sick today, so I kept to myself. I watched a movie and did some work (reviewing tests for my online TA job). I also started reading a new series called The Cruel Prince.

Tuesday: My mom set up a dentist appointment for me in the morning, so I went to get my teeth cleaned. No cavities! I also did Lucy's hair and painted her toe nails. Also, my mom lined us up by height and snapped a picture. Lucy is so close to me in height!

Wednesday: I got ready quick as lightening this morning and went with Sean and my mom to get my hair cut. I got my GRE scores back and I did good! No need to retake it. Now I just have to send in applications to grad schools. That evening, my mom wanted to watch an old movie, so we watched Swiss Family Robinson. It was so good! 

Thursday: Grandpa came over in the morning and saw a package of rice paper that we make spring rolls with. He thought they were tortillas and picked them up, slamming them down hard on the table and said, "These stack well." Well, later in the day, my mom opens a package to make spring rolls and the rice paper is cracked up. She was so sad, thinking they came that way. Then I told her grandpa hit them on the counter and she was so mad at him, but didn't want him to know because then he would feel bad. So then we came up with a plan for revenge... I went over to his house and stole his container of peanut butter cookies. Our plan was for him to see they were missing, wonder where they went, and then see them when he came over. But then he wasn't home all day, so we thought he went to the cabin and I put the cookies back. But he was just out visiting someone. So the joke was on us. This weekend, I also watched Infinity War and End Game for the first time (and yes, I cried at the ending).

Friday: Our neighbor Lana came over to visit, and Val was finally able to give her the chicken explosion box she spent so many hours making. In the late afternoon, Aaron and I went to take some nice pictures of him at a park by our grandma's house. He wanted to try and replicate his senior pictures, so we kept wandering around in the 100 degree weather, searching for the right locations. I did snap some Emily-original pics though ;). It took us almost two and a half hours total! The best part was that at the end, I told him to sit down on a rock by some cacti, and he totally sat right on a cactus and got a bunch of thorns in his butt!! Haha, then I had to help pick them off. When we got home, mom and dad took the car for their date night, so Aaron and I convinced Grandpa Jim to drive us to Inn and Out by telling him he could get a chocolate shake! Aaron paid for my dinner as a thanks for doing the photo shoot. 

Saturday: I drove to my old friend Becky Nebeker Carroll's house to meet up for lunch. I got to meet her dog and husband. Then as we were walking to the car, she tripped off the sidewalk and broke her sandal! We went to Zupas for lunch. It was fun to catch up and hear about how publishing her book is going. When I got back home, I got to visit a bit with my Aunt Symantha. That evening, we went swimming at the Lebaron's house and then smoked some pizzas. I ate the whole thing! It was fun, if not a bit chaotic since there was a bunch of kiddos there.

Sunday: I got to lead the Come, Follow Me discussion this morning. What was really cool was that we had our nonmember neighbor Amir join us. He even participated in the discussion! I could tell he felt the Spirit. He's taking the missionary discussions in our home, which is super cool. I enjoyed having the opportunity to testify of Jesus Christ.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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