Sunday, November 22, 2020

Little Ms. Turkey Head

 16 November - 22 November 2020

Wow, I must apologize in advance for the lack of pictures lately. If anything, take it as a good sign! I'm so busy enjoying life that I forget to take a picture. I love being able to look back on photos of important moments, but I also believe that sometimes the current joy of an experience can be overshadowed by the "need" to take the "perfect" picture of the moment to post or share with others. Anyways, I'll stop preachin' and get on to tellin' y'all 'bout my week!

Monday: I somehow completely spaced doing my office hours as a TA, but on the bright side, at least I got extra homework done instead! Also, FHE over Zoom isn't all that bad. We just play a game together (and apparently I'm good target practice because everyone kept killing me in the game!!!!)

Tuesday: I held a workshop with the class I TA for, and it went well! I had lots of participation and the timing was perfect. I have realized that when I am in a position of "power" (like being in charge of students), I am more more prone to laugh at myself/joke because I want the students to feel that I am approachable and just like them. However, this often comes off as me not being confident, even though I am.

Wednesday: So, I texted Bradaen and asked if he'd like to go out in person sometime when the mandate was over, and he said yes! (Later in the week he texted to ask about my week and then suggested we make food together, so I'm excited about that.)

Thursday: As much as I haven't been a fan of online class, I was so happy that today was the last day of in-person classes because 1) I don't like wearing masks in class and 2) it means I'm that much closer to winter break!!!

Can you tell how excited I am for Thanksgiving?

Friday: I finished my graduate application to BYU's MFT program. While I did not do as well as I'd hoped on the video recording part of the application, I did the best that I could, and I am at peace with wherever I end up going to school. I also made some banana bread to celebrate finishing my BYU graduate application.

Saturday: I listened to the prophet's message on gratitude and am so grateful to have him as a guide. Already, social media has become so positive and uplifting with everyone posting what they are grateful for! I studied for and took a midterm (after a little too much procrastination...) and then went shopping to buy enough food to last me until I go home next week. Plus, I wanted a treat for making it through the week. (Can you see by now that I thrive off of treating myself for doing hard things?? haha).

Sunday: I had a great and busy day! Socializing after church is so valuable now that we don't have any other in-person activities in the ward. Fortunately it hasn't been too cold this week! I met with another Emily in the ward (there are about six, haha) and she taught me some really cool tricks for doing family history! Seeing how much she had accomplished and her passion was inspiring! I could tell she knew some of her ancestors very well. I am excited to go forth and develop that passion within my self. I then met with my Stake President for an endorsement for grad school, and as I told him about my Family History meeting just prior to meeting with him, he said, "Start with heart, and then a chart." It's important to come to know and love your ancestors with your heart before getting swept up into the research and data. Then I attended Relief Society via Zoom. I drove to Lehi to drop off an old camera I had to a person who wanted to purchase it for his daughter, but lived super far away. Then I went over to Whitney and Lacee's apartment to go on a walk, and it turned out to be very good because one of my friends opened up about her struggles and really needed to talk about it. We were able to listen and offer support and love. Then I stayed over at their apartment, eating chips and talking. We also shared insights from our Come, Follow Me study. Afterwards, we all knelt down together in prayer, and I was asked to offer it. There is so much power and sacredness when you kneel and pray with a sincere heart among loved ones.

Look! I found my match!! ;)

Much love,
Emily Burnham

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