Sunday, November 8, 2020

Uncomplicating Dating Seminar

 2 November - 8 November 2020

Can I just say that I have learned my lesson and will never swipe up on every single guy on mutual ever again. I've had some messages that made me uncomfortable or were very cringe-worthy. But I guess on a good note, I had a lot of dates this past week than the rest of the year combined! On Tuesday afternoon, I went out with Cody to get tacos. That evening, Seth and I walked along the Provo river and talked (just going to add some commentary here... please don't bring up the fact that you're the only person not married in your family and your long history of ex-girlfriends and mutual drama on the first date). Wednesday afternoon I went with Dallen to get hot chocolate, and on Friday I got fries with Matthew.

Fortunately, I was able to watch this dating seminar that my sister told me about Thursday night, which was called "Never Have an Awkward First Date Again," and that helped give me some good tips to use on the Friday date. Dating is tough, but it doesn't have to be a game (as so many people call it). Be honest with your thoughts and intentions. Be straightforward. Stop experiencing guilt for things that are out of your control (such as not liking a person back and having to reject them. You can't help how you feel!)

Saturday night was fun because I got to attend a virtual mission reunion. It was good to catch up with some people, like Ali Palmer. It's always good to see the happy faces of my mission president and his wife. That evening, I went over to Whitney's house for a small game night, and we played Skull Kings. It was a pretty fun game, but I was so tired that I started to get a bit loopy... haha... making really bad puns, humming to myself... who even knows.

Overall, it has been a great week. I've been able to get a lot done, and I am loving my new daily routine. I wake up, do a 20 minute meditation, read my scriptures, and then get ready for the day. Around 11:30am, I go on a brisk walk for half an hour to get my heart rate up. Then I get in bed before 10:30pm. I have felt more energized and have been able to do more. I also officially started my application for graduate school at BYU! Also, it's been super cold this weekend! Winter is coming, but at least I get to be home in Arizona for December :)

On Sunday, I spend a couple of hours creating "Family History Bingo" cards for my calling. I am hoping to get people excited to research about their ancestors by playing this version of Bingo and having a prize for the winner! It was fun to make :) I know the Lord gives us promptings, and I know we can have the Spirit more fully with us as we work to magnify our callings. Focus on strengthening your community instead of worrying over the nation. Pray for the president, pray for the nation, but go out and do good in your own neighborhood.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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