Sunday, December 13, 2020

Family Photos

 7 December - 13 December 2020

Monday: I worked on homework up until 10pm! I had a lot of things due before midnight that took forever.

Tuesday: I attended an extra credit review in the evening for my Positive Psychology class.

Wednesday: I enjoy going on unicycle rides with Lucy, Sean, and even dad! We ride down the street and around the office buildings. I have gotten so so so much better at riding on them!

Thursday: Last day of classes! My 8am class ended super early, which was so nice! After my last class ended at 7:30pm, I rode one of the electric unicycles to the church building down the street for the stake Relief Society event. I got to help decorate a ginger bread house with some girls in the ward. Our house turned out rather... colorful!

Friday: I helped Lucy with her homework, and she got mad at me for thinking of a clever last sentence since she hadn't come up with it. I don't know what to do with that little Goomba. She gets mad if I don't help her, and apparently she gets mad when I do. I had a Zoom chat with Braeden in the evening, and guess who was peering through the glass sliding door at the back of Grandpa Jim's house, trying to spy in on our conversation? Yeah, you probably guessed correctly... my mom! She then snuck inside to say hi. Good thing Braeden is super personable and was chill about it. My mom really likes him. I really enjoyed talking with him and felt energized afterward.

Saturday: I went and took family pictures for the Burgess family, and I did well! Especially considering that I didn't know they were bringing their two crazy dogs along! I made sure to go to the location early to scope out some spots, and when the family arrived, we took pictures for just over an hour, so the timing was good. I think they had an enjoyable time. It definitely wore me out, though. I came home so tired. I sat on my dad's massage chair and relaxed for 25 minutes. That evening, mom and dad had over all of the Burnham siblings and grandpa and grandma. All of us kids were kicked out (except Val, who ran the games). We ate dinner in Grandpa Jim's kitchen, and then Lucy and I had a night of activities planned. We made peanut butter balls, decorated a ginger bread house, put on face masks, and watched a new movie that had come out on Disney Plus. Honestly, it was kind of exhausting, but enjoyable too. The funny part was when Lucy's face mask didn't want to come off, so she left chunks of it to her face when it wouldn't come off. Later that night, mom, dad, and Val came over to report that everyone had finally left and the party had been a success!

Sunday: I was so exhausted from the weekend that I slept in until 8:30am! I know that may not sound late for most people, but the family ward started at 8:30, so I made sure to attend the singles ward. I was glad I did because I got to see some friends that were down from Provo! I hitched a ride home with one of them because Aaron's car was way too cramped. That afternoon, we all got ready for family photos. I helped Lucy with her makeup. Photographing with a tripod is the worst. It's so much harder to guide your family and get all the shots you want when using a self-timer. Boo! But at least we got a couple of good shots, plus some good head shots.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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