Sunday, December 27, 2020

Merry Christmas!

 21 December - 27 December 2020

Monday: I awoke at 5:45am to go grocery shopping with Grandpa Jim. He was picking up dessert for the evening, and I wanted to pick out something I would be able to eat. We had David Claridge and his three oldest kids, plus Aunt Symantha, over for dinner. We had homemade pizzas (yum yum) and dessert (also yum yum). But my tummy was about ready to explode after that! I spent the evening working on writing the book for Lucy.

Tuesday: I finished watching exams and grading papers and making sure things were good to go with submitting grades.

Wednesday: I called my professor to walk him through how to submit the grades (since I didn't have access to do it). I also spent quality time with Lucy... playing videogames. Haha, so maybe not so quality.

Thursday: Valerie came up with a Christmas Eve presentation. It was really good. We all gathered around and watched a cartoon video about Christ's birth and discussed the nativity. Then we went around and all said what we loved about each family member. It felt so good to hear what Valerie and Dad and Aaron loved about me since I don't get to hear it often. Of course, it's always good to hear what my mommy loves about me. It was also really good to reflect and say what I loved about each member of my family. Afterwards, we decorated a gingerbread house and a gingerbread chicken coup! Our neighbor Lana gave it to us. It was so cute! I spent the night so I'd already be in the main house when we woke up for Christmas.

Friday: Merry Christmas! We watched the nativity video that the Church put out seven years ago and then opened presents. We had a great year! We are all old enough to get each other good gifts (especially Aaron--he got us expensive gifts!). Mom received some surprising presents that she was really happy about. Aaron loved his mini tripod I got him, and Valerie needed a new charger and was pleasantly surprised I got her a wireless one (since I didn't even know she needed a new charger). Christmas lunch was SO delicious! Yum yum yum. Later that afternoon/evening, we went over to grandma and grandpa's house to visit with family and play games. I officially moved in to the house since Grandpa Jim is kicking me out of his guest bedroom.

Saturday: I had to clean up the room I was staying in because Grandpa Jim's sister Helen is coming for all of next week, so I was booted out. Symantha came over to visit and play games with us. We went on a walk down the street, and mom found a DQ gift card in the road. We were debating if she should throw it away, but she ended up keeping it. Then later that day, she checked how much was on it, and it had over $19 on it! She was so excited about that.

Sunday: Aaron spoke in the singles ward today. He did a wonderful job. Andrew came to listen, and Cody and Collin were also there, so we all sat on the same row. It was fun to sit by so much family (me, Val, Sean, and our three cousins). Val and I visited with Helen for a bit when we got home from church, and then we all had dinner over at our house. Mom was sad about how dinner turned out, but everyone liked it! Also, two people left comments on different videos on my YouTube channel, asking gospel questions. It felt good to ponder and answer their questions about the Book of Mormon and why we had to go through the veil and forget our premortal life. I'm grateful for the missionary opportunities that have come because of my Missionary Approach YouTube channel.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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