Sunday, December 6, 2020

Zoo Lights

 30 November - 6 December 2020

Monday: I had a lot of homework to do that didn't get done on Saturday. As the end of the semester is approaching, lots of deadlines are creeping up! Including graduate school deadlines... yikes. I finally finished around 7 or 8pm with a quiz. Having to do school when I'm home and feel like I should be on vacation is the worst! Haha, but I'll persevere :)

Tuesday: Mom listened in to my 8am class and was crying! We were discussing self-compassion, which is such a needed thing in our society today. In a gap between classes, we went shopping. Then I had class the rest of the day.

Wednesday: In the afternoon, I went with my mom to the store because she needed to pick up a couple of items. I told her not to forget to get the chips. Then I decided to go inside with her instead of waiting in the car so that I could make sure she remembered to grab them. You've probably already guessed by now, but yes, we walked out of the store, loaded up the car, started driving home, and then remembered that we forgot to get chips! Lucy came over in the evening to have a "homework jam session," which was good for me because otherwise I wouldn't have had the motivation to continue working on homework. 

Thursday: What a long day! I had classes alllll day. The best part was the guest speaker in my morning class. My mom didn't seem to be listening at first, but then she heard the speaker and came to see. He talked about his experiences 

Friday: Cousin Kayla came over to help me find a good color for my hair. She brought her two kiddos over to play. I didn't realize how long it would take as we tried different colors and combinations and then had to wait 30 minutes in between. But finally... six hours later... we ended up with a color that was a little darker than I preferred, but closer to what I wanted. Kayla said it should fade out from washes in a week and so hopefully it will be the color I want. That evening, I had to work on a couple of things that needed to be done before midnight (like an essay) so that finished up my evening.

Saturday: In the morning, I attended a Stake Relief Society activity where we were served breakfast and did yoga. I enjoyed that we were right across from the Gilbert temple! I spent the majority of the day doing homework and listening to online class lectures. That evening, I went with mom and my two sisters to go and see the Zoo Lights in Phoenix with all the young women in the ward. It was enjoyable to spend time with my family and see all the pretty lights. Afterwards, we stopped by Inn and Out for a quick dinner since we didn't eat that whole time. I am grateful for my mom and sisters.

Sunday: I went to the family ward with my parents at 8:30am, and it was good to be able to see old acquaintances and family friends. I bore my testimony during the meeting about hope and faith, and I got some compliments. I also gave dad his late birthday gift (a bag of brussels sprouts with a card), which he did not find amusing... unfortunately. That evening, we made smoked pizzas for dinner to break our fast. They were amazing as always. Then we watched the Christmas devotional with the sister missionaries and Amir. I am grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ because He helps me overcome my negative thoughts and weaknesses. I started this morning feeling inadequate and unworthy. I recognized those thoughts, vocalized them, realized how false they were, and was able to move past it. I am grateful for unconditional love and for infinite chances and opportunities. Lucy also took me on a ranger ride and pulled over just so she could climb a tree.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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