Sunday, February 27, 2022

Bonfire and Babies

 21 February - 27 February 2022

Highlights of my week. I finished listening to Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson and I really enjoyed it. I was surprised by how much I liked it, actually. I was a little sad and lost when it was over--you know, that feeling when you're submerged in an awesome world of a book and then suddenly it ends and you don't get to visit and be surprised by it anymore, and you feel a little lost and don't want to start a new series yet because you want to honor the impact the previous one made on you before you invest in a new one. But, on the bright side, that feeling only lasted a day and wasn't too bad, which I think was because I just feel my emotions, didn't suppress, but recognized that my real life is pretty great, and it's cool that he was able to create that world the way he did and think if I can create something awesome one day.

Aaron and Briesa finally announced their pregnancy to the world, so now I can officially say that I am going to be an aunt this year!!! Aww yeah!!!!!!!!!!

On Tuesday, I went down to Freestone park with Lucy and Dad. I was doing super well til the very end, where I went down a ramp and biffed it and got my elbows beat up pretty good :(. But other than that it was super fun, especially when I was skating around on the basketball courts and it felt like I was an ice skater! Here's a pic of my elbow a few days later:

I decided I wanted to go to institute because I was missing out on more spiritual light, so I went to the first 45 minutes of institute and then went late to choir practice... and it was totally fine. They weren't mad I was late or anything, and I didn't feel like I missed out on much. Plus, I recognized that when we are strongly focused on something, we naturally miss out on other things (like the video where the basketball players are passing the ball and you have to count the passes, so you miss all the other crazy stuff that happens in the background). This can be good or bad. Good, because as I focus on Jesus Christ, I miss out on a lot of evil and wicked things in my life. Bad because you can be distracted and miss out on doing what God needs you to do. 

There was a multi-stake bonfire Friday night that I went to, and it was actually pretty fun. I talked to a couple of people the entire night about things, mostly mission stuff cuz I found a couple people who served in my mission. 

I worked on Saturday, earning some overtime, which means time and a half (aka $24 an hour). School has been harder to do. I am getting tired of it. Online is blah. But I just gotta persevere til the end of this year and then I will get to start my internship in January. I got a little taste this week of how inadequate I will be as a therapist (at times). I am not going to be a perfect therapist and will make mistakes and get sucked into my client's problems at times and have my own problems that make my patience short. But it will be a job that will always stretch me and help me grow to be more loving and understanding like the Savior. 

I taught Relief Society on Sunday, and I was actually a little nervous! But only after I'd planned it and then right before teaching it. Not super nervous, but I knew it was going to be a little different teaching that I usually do. Instead of reading through and asking questions, I created an experience, starting with first asking to take their phones to limit distractions (which was actually an object lesson... I only took a handful before saying: jk, you can have them back). Then I compared that resistance to giving up their phone to the resistance of the rich young ruler giving up all he had. It went well, though I was so hot and sweaty from nerves. My favorite part was putting up pictures of Christ saving us from drowning in the ocean after creating this analogy of scooping water out with a sand bucket from a pool the size of the ocean. It's daunting, and overwhelming, but we don't give it all up at once. It's a process. The Burtons had us over for a Mardi Growl celebration dinner. It was cutely decorated. Brother Burton is going to look over my song and help fix it up, which is super sweet. We played this dice game, and I really had no idea what was happening for at least half of the game, but somehow I ended up winning! That was hilarious. Also, the best part was that dad got the mini plastic baby in his slice of the king cake! HAHA!

Also, I remembered a touching event that happened sometime in February with Sean that I want to remember. My relationship with my brother has been difficult at times. He is so different, and maybe you could call him the odd ball in our family. For all the grief he has caused us with his actions and lack of interest in participating fully in our church, I have been able to see a side of him that is spiritual. He bought himself a cross necklace while in the army that he wears. I think religion does have a place in his heart, even if it isn't the exact same as the rest of us. He believes in a God who suffered and died for our sins (represented by the cross). I believe in that God too. I just also believe in another side of him: the one who lives today and can elevate our spirits to His level of being. That requires work and change, and that is where a lot of people stop at "Jesus saved me and I'm good to be who I am now. No need to change." Maybe Sean just needs to believe in a God who heals and saves, and one day he will be ready for the rest of the gospel and the temple teachings. So, on to the tender experience I had. One Sunday in February as we were driving home from church together, I laid back my seat because I was tired, and with my eyes closed I was lying there and then said, "Sean, I figured something out about you." I opened my eyes and could see he was curious, but he didn't verbally respond. I continued, "You really do believe in Jesus Christ." And that's all I said. I closed my eyes and just rested there for the duration of the car ride. A few moments after I said those words, I felt Sean reach his hand over and gently/tenderly squeeze my leg just above my knee. Then once more before we got all the way home, he reached out and touched my knee. That warmed my heart. He is not one to show affection often or easily or gently.

Much love,

Emily Burnham 

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Good Things to Come

 14 February - 20 February 2022

What a joyous week! First off, this week in the month is my best. I'm most energized and happy. Also, in addition to continually focusing on Jesus Christ, I have noticed my social life is improving, and I have so much to look forward to this year! Not only am I attending FSY (which I still don't know where I'm going yet, but it could be anywhere in the country!!!), I have my two residencies happening this year. The first one takes place in Orlando, Florida... TWELVE MINUTES FROM HARRY POTTER WORLD!!! You can't be 12 minutes away and NOT go... So I've decided I'm going. Yup, this girl here is going to Harry Potter World. Plus, then I'm going on a cruise to the Bahamas!!! Also, this isn't public news yet (but who really even reads this besides those who already know??)... I'm going to be an Aunt this year! Aw yeah!!! So many things to look forward to. Now, let's get on to talking about my week...

Monday for FHE, we were combined with another ward and went to a rich person's back yard and did country dancing. I basically asked the guys I knew in my ward to dance, so I actually had a great time! I just told them that if they wanted to dance, they should ask me. Genius, because then I actually got asked to dance! Valerie was dying from her allergies though, so we left early. 

I worked hard this week and did good getting homework done. There was one incident at work this week with an unhappy client who was demanding certain things and wouldn't leave, so my boss had to call the cops on him. 

On Friday evening, I went to Cassidy's house for Come, Follow Me. Jessy and Elizabeth also came! So that was a fun girl's night. The best part was how dedicated Cassidy was to not wasting a drop of the spilled Martinelli drink!

Saturday was Sean's birthday. They went out to dinner, then we opened presents when he got home. Me and Lucy got him a wireless mouse. 

On Sunday, Valerie and I attended an evening devotional. It was good and caused me to ponder about why God sent me to earth that THIS specific time, and what plan He has to use my unique talents and skills in this day and time. Afterwards, I talked to a cute boy who had moved into our stake a couple weeks ago! I didn't chicken out and took the opportunity. On our way out from the church building, this old lady pulls up next to us and calls out if we can help her because she is lost. Turns out she was newly set apart as a senior missionary sister, and she was on the way to the airport to pick up her granddaughter. Funny thing is, she was only three minutes away and on the right track until she pulled into the church driveway. We explained to here where to go, and she did not look confident, and rambled on about her life and stuff. Finally she said, "I just wish you could get in here and go with me!" as she pointed to her passenger seat. The though barely came into my mind before I said, "Why don't we lead the way in our car, and you can follow behind us?" She exclaimed, "Oh, would you?!" So Val and I got to do a little bit of service for a cute, lost old lady.

I feel the Spirit touching my life often this week, filling me with hope of a bright future and perspective that life is hard but wonderful. I am sent to the earth at this specific time, and the Lord has a work for me to do. His timing is perfect, though it may be ten or twenty years or a life time until I see why he needed me at this time with my unique skill set. I love my Savior and love following Him. He brings me joy.

And, to end my week, here is a cute/funny picture of my parents, whom I love dearly.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Galentine's Party

 7 February - 13 February 2022

For FHE on Monday, we took Veronica (Amir's daughter) with us to the YSA activity. I think she had a good time. It's amazing how unexpected missionary opportunities drop in your lap after you pray and seek them out. I didn't do anything, yet got the opportunity to bring a nonmember to activities, but those who I have been working with (giving out BoM, sharing beliefs), nothing has come of that. But God does see our efforts and really appreciates them and blesses us in other ways. It's a good reminder that the work is His. 

The ward has been super nice, with everyone making sure there is food that fits with my food allergies at FHE and the linger longer. I think the ward is getting closer together, especially as I try to reach out to more people and be friendly and invite them to stuff.

On Tuesday, I took Valerie out to the movies for her birthday. We saw the new Tom Holland spider man movie, and it was a surprise that they brought in the old spider man actors too! And the old villians!

I finally got my roller blades together this week! It took a fat minute to figure it all out because the instructions were not very detailed, but I got them ready to roll! Pun intended ;). 

I joined the Arizona Saints Chorale (ASC). I thought I was joining the Lamb of God choir, but oh well. I found a flyer for it and decided to go, even though it conflicts with mutual. I can say this much: I have felt happier and excited ever since joining and going to the practice. Even though it is two hours a week, it feels good to be part of something big again. Creating something you cannot do alone, being surrounded by such great talent and by others who love the Lord. I'm excited for it! Plus, they raise money for charity, and it'll be a great event to invite my coworkers to!

Friday night, Cassidy McCurdy came over for Come Follow Me, and we had a good discussion of the scriptures, then of life, then of our fashion styles. We started googling pictures of our preferred styles, and I actually found some very cute shirts. I love that I am my own person with a unique taste.

On Saturday, I had a much needed catch up day to do chores and tasks. I made two batches of gluten-free flour, did laundry, cleaned up around the house, etc. I also attended the bridal shower of Whitney Harper from my YSA ward, and it was fantastic! The food was delicious. Fresh squeezed OJ, maple glazed thick cut bacon, all the fresh fruits to top on crepes. While I couldn't have the crepes, all the fruit and bacon was so good! That evening, we had an epic Galentine's party. Five girls came over, so there was seven total with me and Val. Well, you could also count Lucy and mom and dad since they crashed it for a bit and took snacks, lol. There was a lot of goods! Everyone brought tons of food and goodies. Jessy brought this yummy lime cream cheese frosting dip with kiwis and strawberries chopped finely with cinnamon crackers. Then we watched a movie called The Devil Wears Prada, which was actually pretty ironic since Cassidy and I were just talking about fashion! Lols.

Sunday was good. We had relief society, which was good. I've just been in a "I wanna be with my sisters in Christ" mood this weekend. We talked about mental health, and it was actually interesting how many people spoke up about struggling with mental health, and then the teacher asked the entire room "How many of you are going into mental health/therapy" and I was the only one. I raised my hand and said, "Two years til I'm a therapist!" I guess there really is a need for therapists, and I'm a bit surprised I was the only one going into therapy out of an entire roomful of women! After church, I invited three different males in the ward to join our ASC choir, so hopefully at least one does! Cuz there were only like two or three guys... lol. 

I work in an office with three men who are not members of the church, and whose language is not always wholesome. Even after asking them during lunch one day if they would not use cuss words around me, they still slip up, use cuss words with clients, or cuss when in their office or talking to each other. I felt a bit frustrated because I felt like they were not respecting me sometimes, and work was not a wholesome place to be (not as bad as the ice rink, but still). As I was praying, an idea came to mind to play instrumental LDS hymns in my office, and wow, it has made such a difference. Even without the words, the songs bring the spirit into my office, and I think my coworkers can feel that when they walk in, because they are nicer and less on edge and so far *fingers crossed* haven't cussed in here.

Last fast Sunday, I was feeling overwhelmed by the pressure to be a missionary and have things to report on. My mom reminded me to pray and ask what Heavenly Father expected of me, because ultimately that matters more than the ward or even my own expectations. I felt the spirit nudge me, letting me know that was my answer. I felt immediate relief. Then I prayed, and the answer that came to me was to be patient. To continue doing what I'm doing, being an example by living a life in tune with the Spirit, focused on Jesus Christ, growing and learning and striving to be like Christ. That's when the idea to play music in my office came, and that's why I chose to fast for patience for myself. It is truly in retrospect when you see the difference you have made in the lives of others. We live in such a fast-paced world that we want immediate results, but that isn't authentic. If I feel pressured to overstep people's comfort zones, or push things on them when they aren't ready, then I'm not being a genuine and authentic person. That's not the way to share God's light and inspire others to come unto Him. So I just need to keep doing what I'm already doing, and be patient and confident that what I am doing is enough and will make a difference in the world.

Funny moment of the week: When dad found out we were having a Galentine's party to celebrate Valentine's Day, he said he wanted to be invited. I said, "No, dad! It's for girls only!" He said, "No, Valentine's day is for everyone!" And I said, "But we're having a GALentine's party, not Valentine's party. It's for GALS only!" But he still wanted to come for the treats... hehe.

Here's the thought of the week: how you respond to others, what you say to others, says more about you than about them. Have integrity. Be who you are, no matter what your circumstances are. The actions of others should not change who you are and what you stand for and who you are. They do not change how God feels about you, and it shouldn't change how you view yourself either. You are loved completely by a Being who is capable of loving infinitely and perfectly. Even if we don't deserve it, He wants it for us. So I keep trying my best, knowing that Heavenly Father wants me to keep trying. That it's the best gift I can give to Him, even though I often feel like I'm not worthy or deserving of all He wants to give me. I keep trying, not because I'm selfish or feel I deserve eternal life, but because I love my Father, and He wants me there with Him.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

Sunday, February 6, 2022

New Bishopbric!

 31 January - 6 February 2022

The week started off with my birthday! When I showed up to work, my coworkers (most likely Jill and Jen) had decorated my office with a cute sign, balloon, and container of chocolates! My boss Cameron bought us lunch from Rubio's, and all in all, it was a fine day at work! When I got home, I went on a uni ride with my dad while we waited for Brie to arrive for dinner (Aaron was running super late due to finishing a tractor job). Then we ate Mexican food!!! And we had a delicious dessert of cake and ice-cream. Except mine was gluten-free brownies with raspberry topping to go on top. Yum yum! Then we opened presents! And I got everything on my wish list! Including... a wireless phone charger, a phone stand, some makeup brushes and blush, and... rollerblades!!! Spoiler alert: the roller blades didn't come with all the screws to put them together, so we had to return them, and mom ordered me another pair that will come next week. Second spoiler alert: Sean was late getting me a present, so he said it was coming Saturday, and it was the only thing from my birthday list I didn't get that night. It was a great birthday evening.

On Tuesday, I decorated Valerie's room with cute sayings after she went off to work for her birthday, which she loved when she got home. My phone charger and phone stand are perfect for my work desk! After work, I went home and watched the last episode of Lost in Space because Mom and Dad took Val out for dinner, so I had some peace and quiet. It had a good ending, and it is definitely my favorite TV show now. It truly was because I became emotionally attached to those characters and felt pride to see them grow and come together.

On a side note, I've noticed that I've felt better this week after taking probiotics consistently for over two weeks. A healthy gut = a happy life!

I was so tired on Thursday! Juts worn out and physically exhausted and not in the best mood (thank you, monthly cycle!). But I survived work, and then I went to ministering night and institute, because I'd made a commitment to go. Even though I went with a bad attitude, once I got there, I was glad I went and I actually had a good time talking and socializing with some boys in the ward!

Friday after work, Jesse came over for a quick Come, Follow Me study group. After only 10 or 15 minutes, mom called to ask me to put the chickens up, so I dragged Jesse along with me, and she helped me try to get this stubborn chicken out of the tree, which we eventually gave up and let her be because she was NOT coming down no matter how much poking and prodding and shaking we did.

Saturday morning, I got ready to go over to Uncle Dave's house to ride horses! It was just me and him, and I never realized what a talker he actually is! And how sarcastic and joking he likes to be. The horses wanted to run! So we had to constantly slow them down to a walk. The scenery was not as beautiful and peaceful as the last time I rode horses in Utah, but oh well. Dave said I can come back and keep learning. I went to the temple that afternoon to do initiatories, and guess who ran into me! Chrissy Eggbert from my old ward in Provo, who was really good friends with Valerie. She was so happy to see me and it made my day. Sean's present to me of a wedge pillow came in the afternoon! Mom said he spent a lot of money on me, which made me feel good because you never know with Sean sometimes if he loves you ;). 

We got a new bishopric today! And I was right, Brother Rollins is now Bishop Rollins! Aww yeah! I'm super excited about that, and our new counselors seem great too! I was so so so so exhausted today and took a fat nap when I got home. My back hurts pretty bad, and I'm thinking it was because of how I slept on my new wedge pillow, but I don't know for sure. 

Much love,

Emily Burnham