Sunday, February 13, 2022

Galentine's Party

 7 February - 13 February 2022

For FHE on Monday, we took Veronica (Amir's daughter) with us to the YSA activity. I think she had a good time. It's amazing how unexpected missionary opportunities drop in your lap after you pray and seek them out. I didn't do anything, yet got the opportunity to bring a nonmember to activities, but those who I have been working with (giving out BoM, sharing beliefs), nothing has come of that. But God does see our efforts and really appreciates them and blesses us in other ways. It's a good reminder that the work is His. 

The ward has been super nice, with everyone making sure there is food that fits with my food allergies at FHE and the linger longer. I think the ward is getting closer together, especially as I try to reach out to more people and be friendly and invite them to stuff.

On Tuesday, I took Valerie out to the movies for her birthday. We saw the new Tom Holland spider man movie, and it was a surprise that they brought in the old spider man actors too! And the old villians!

I finally got my roller blades together this week! It took a fat minute to figure it all out because the instructions were not very detailed, but I got them ready to roll! Pun intended ;). 

I joined the Arizona Saints Chorale (ASC). I thought I was joining the Lamb of God choir, but oh well. I found a flyer for it and decided to go, even though it conflicts with mutual. I can say this much: I have felt happier and excited ever since joining and going to the practice. Even though it is two hours a week, it feels good to be part of something big again. Creating something you cannot do alone, being surrounded by such great talent and by others who love the Lord. I'm excited for it! Plus, they raise money for charity, and it'll be a great event to invite my coworkers to!

Friday night, Cassidy McCurdy came over for Come Follow Me, and we had a good discussion of the scriptures, then of life, then of our fashion styles. We started googling pictures of our preferred styles, and I actually found some very cute shirts. I love that I am my own person with a unique taste.

On Saturday, I had a much needed catch up day to do chores and tasks. I made two batches of gluten-free flour, did laundry, cleaned up around the house, etc. I also attended the bridal shower of Whitney Harper from my YSA ward, and it was fantastic! The food was delicious. Fresh squeezed OJ, maple glazed thick cut bacon, all the fresh fruits to top on crepes. While I couldn't have the crepes, all the fruit and bacon was so good! That evening, we had an epic Galentine's party. Five girls came over, so there was seven total with me and Val. Well, you could also count Lucy and mom and dad since they crashed it for a bit and took snacks, lol. There was a lot of goods! Everyone brought tons of food and goodies. Jessy brought this yummy lime cream cheese frosting dip with kiwis and strawberries chopped finely with cinnamon crackers. Then we watched a movie called The Devil Wears Prada, which was actually pretty ironic since Cassidy and I were just talking about fashion! Lols.

Sunday was good. We had relief society, which was good. I've just been in a "I wanna be with my sisters in Christ" mood this weekend. We talked about mental health, and it was actually interesting how many people spoke up about struggling with mental health, and then the teacher asked the entire room "How many of you are going into mental health/therapy" and I was the only one. I raised my hand and said, "Two years til I'm a therapist!" I guess there really is a need for therapists, and I'm a bit surprised I was the only one going into therapy out of an entire roomful of women! After church, I invited three different males in the ward to join our ASC choir, so hopefully at least one does! Cuz there were only like two or three guys... lol. 

I work in an office with three men who are not members of the church, and whose language is not always wholesome. Even after asking them during lunch one day if they would not use cuss words around me, they still slip up, use cuss words with clients, or cuss when in their office or talking to each other. I felt a bit frustrated because I felt like they were not respecting me sometimes, and work was not a wholesome place to be (not as bad as the ice rink, but still). As I was praying, an idea came to mind to play instrumental LDS hymns in my office, and wow, it has made such a difference. Even without the words, the songs bring the spirit into my office, and I think my coworkers can feel that when they walk in, because they are nicer and less on edge and so far *fingers crossed* haven't cussed in here.

Last fast Sunday, I was feeling overwhelmed by the pressure to be a missionary and have things to report on. My mom reminded me to pray and ask what Heavenly Father expected of me, because ultimately that matters more than the ward or even my own expectations. I felt the spirit nudge me, letting me know that was my answer. I felt immediate relief. Then I prayed, and the answer that came to me was to be patient. To continue doing what I'm doing, being an example by living a life in tune with the Spirit, focused on Jesus Christ, growing and learning and striving to be like Christ. That's when the idea to play music in my office came, and that's why I chose to fast for patience for myself. It is truly in retrospect when you see the difference you have made in the lives of others. We live in such a fast-paced world that we want immediate results, but that isn't authentic. If I feel pressured to overstep people's comfort zones, or push things on them when they aren't ready, then I'm not being a genuine and authentic person. That's not the way to share God's light and inspire others to come unto Him. So I just need to keep doing what I'm already doing, and be patient and confident that what I am doing is enough and will make a difference in the world.

Funny moment of the week: When dad found out we were having a Galentine's party to celebrate Valentine's Day, he said he wanted to be invited. I said, "No, dad! It's for girls only!" He said, "No, Valentine's day is for everyone!" And I said, "But we're having a GALentine's party, not Valentine's party. It's for GALS only!" But he still wanted to come for the treats... hehe.

Here's the thought of the week: how you respond to others, what you say to others, says more about you than about them. Have integrity. Be who you are, no matter what your circumstances are. The actions of others should not change who you are and what you stand for and who you are. They do not change how God feels about you, and it shouldn't change how you view yourself either. You are loved completely by a Being who is capable of loving infinitely and perfectly. Even if we don't deserve it, He wants it for us. So I keep trying my best, knowing that Heavenly Father wants me to keep trying. That it's the best gift I can give to Him, even though I often feel like I'm not worthy or deserving of all He wants to give me. I keep trying, not because I'm selfish or feel I deserve eternal life, but because I love my Father, and He wants me there with Him.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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