Sunday, February 6, 2022

New Bishopbric!

 31 January - 6 February 2022

The week started off with my birthday! When I showed up to work, my coworkers (most likely Jill and Jen) had decorated my office with a cute sign, balloon, and container of chocolates! My boss Cameron bought us lunch from Rubio's, and all in all, it was a fine day at work! When I got home, I went on a uni ride with my dad while we waited for Brie to arrive for dinner (Aaron was running super late due to finishing a tractor job). Then we ate Mexican food!!! And we had a delicious dessert of cake and ice-cream. Except mine was gluten-free brownies with raspberry topping to go on top. Yum yum! Then we opened presents! And I got everything on my wish list! Including... a wireless phone charger, a phone stand, some makeup brushes and blush, and... rollerblades!!! Spoiler alert: the roller blades didn't come with all the screws to put them together, so we had to return them, and mom ordered me another pair that will come next week. Second spoiler alert: Sean was late getting me a present, so he said it was coming Saturday, and it was the only thing from my birthday list I didn't get that night. It was a great birthday evening.

On Tuesday, I decorated Valerie's room with cute sayings after she went off to work for her birthday, which she loved when she got home. My phone charger and phone stand are perfect for my work desk! After work, I went home and watched the last episode of Lost in Space because Mom and Dad took Val out for dinner, so I had some peace and quiet. It had a good ending, and it is definitely my favorite TV show now. It truly was because I became emotionally attached to those characters and felt pride to see them grow and come together.

On a side note, I've noticed that I've felt better this week after taking probiotics consistently for over two weeks. A healthy gut = a happy life!

I was so tired on Thursday! Juts worn out and physically exhausted and not in the best mood (thank you, monthly cycle!). But I survived work, and then I went to ministering night and institute, because I'd made a commitment to go. Even though I went with a bad attitude, once I got there, I was glad I went and I actually had a good time talking and socializing with some boys in the ward!

Friday after work, Jesse came over for a quick Come, Follow Me study group. After only 10 or 15 minutes, mom called to ask me to put the chickens up, so I dragged Jesse along with me, and she helped me try to get this stubborn chicken out of the tree, which we eventually gave up and let her be because she was NOT coming down no matter how much poking and prodding and shaking we did.

Saturday morning, I got ready to go over to Uncle Dave's house to ride horses! It was just me and him, and I never realized what a talker he actually is! And how sarcastic and joking he likes to be. The horses wanted to run! So we had to constantly slow them down to a walk. The scenery was not as beautiful and peaceful as the last time I rode horses in Utah, but oh well. Dave said I can come back and keep learning. I went to the temple that afternoon to do initiatories, and guess who ran into me! Chrissy Eggbert from my old ward in Provo, who was really good friends with Valerie. She was so happy to see me and it made my day. Sean's present to me of a wedge pillow came in the afternoon! Mom said he spent a lot of money on me, which made me feel good because you never know with Sean sometimes if he loves you ;). 

We got a new bishopric today! And I was right, Brother Rollins is now Bishop Rollins! Aww yeah! I'm super excited about that, and our new counselors seem great too! I was so so so so exhausted today and took a fat nap when I got home. My back hurts pretty bad, and I'm thinking it was because of how I slept on my new wedge pillow, but I don't know for sure. 

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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