Sunday, February 27, 2022

Bonfire and Babies

 21 February - 27 February 2022

Highlights of my week. I finished listening to Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson and I really enjoyed it. I was surprised by how much I liked it, actually. I was a little sad and lost when it was over--you know, that feeling when you're submerged in an awesome world of a book and then suddenly it ends and you don't get to visit and be surprised by it anymore, and you feel a little lost and don't want to start a new series yet because you want to honor the impact the previous one made on you before you invest in a new one. But, on the bright side, that feeling only lasted a day and wasn't too bad, which I think was because I just feel my emotions, didn't suppress, but recognized that my real life is pretty great, and it's cool that he was able to create that world the way he did and think if I can create something awesome one day.

Aaron and Briesa finally announced their pregnancy to the world, so now I can officially say that I am going to be an aunt this year!!! Aww yeah!!!!!!!!!!

On Tuesday, I went down to Freestone park with Lucy and Dad. I was doing super well til the very end, where I went down a ramp and biffed it and got my elbows beat up pretty good :(. But other than that it was super fun, especially when I was skating around on the basketball courts and it felt like I was an ice skater! Here's a pic of my elbow a few days later:

I decided I wanted to go to institute because I was missing out on more spiritual light, so I went to the first 45 minutes of institute and then went late to choir practice... and it was totally fine. They weren't mad I was late or anything, and I didn't feel like I missed out on much. Plus, I recognized that when we are strongly focused on something, we naturally miss out on other things (like the video where the basketball players are passing the ball and you have to count the passes, so you miss all the other crazy stuff that happens in the background). This can be good or bad. Good, because as I focus on Jesus Christ, I miss out on a lot of evil and wicked things in my life. Bad because you can be distracted and miss out on doing what God needs you to do. 

There was a multi-stake bonfire Friday night that I went to, and it was actually pretty fun. I talked to a couple of people the entire night about things, mostly mission stuff cuz I found a couple people who served in my mission. 

I worked on Saturday, earning some overtime, which means time and a half (aka $24 an hour). School has been harder to do. I am getting tired of it. Online is blah. But I just gotta persevere til the end of this year and then I will get to start my internship in January. I got a little taste this week of how inadequate I will be as a therapist (at times). I am not going to be a perfect therapist and will make mistakes and get sucked into my client's problems at times and have my own problems that make my patience short. But it will be a job that will always stretch me and help me grow to be more loving and understanding like the Savior. 

I taught Relief Society on Sunday, and I was actually a little nervous! But only after I'd planned it and then right before teaching it. Not super nervous, but I knew it was going to be a little different teaching that I usually do. Instead of reading through and asking questions, I created an experience, starting with first asking to take their phones to limit distractions (which was actually an object lesson... I only took a handful before saying: jk, you can have them back). Then I compared that resistance to giving up their phone to the resistance of the rich young ruler giving up all he had. It went well, though I was so hot and sweaty from nerves. My favorite part was putting up pictures of Christ saving us from drowning in the ocean after creating this analogy of scooping water out with a sand bucket from a pool the size of the ocean. It's daunting, and overwhelming, but we don't give it all up at once. It's a process. The Burtons had us over for a Mardi Growl celebration dinner. It was cutely decorated. Brother Burton is going to look over my song and help fix it up, which is super sweet. We played this dice game, and I really had no idea what was happening for at least half of the game, but somehow I ended up winning! That was hilarious. Also, the best part was that dad got the mini plastic baby in his slice of the king cake! HAHA!

Also, I remembered a touching event that happened sometime in February with Sean that I want to remember. My relationship with my brother has been difficult at times. He is so different, and maybe you could call him the odd ball in our family. For all the grief he has caused us with his actions and lack of interest in participating fully in our church, I have been able to see a side of him that is spiritual. He bought himself a cross necklace while in the army that he wears. I think religion does have a place in his heart, even if it isn't the exact same as the rest of us. He believes in a God who suffered and died for our sins (represented by the cross). I believe in that God too. I just also believe in another side of him: the one who lives today and can elevate our spirits to His level of being. That requires work and change, and that is where a lot of people stop at "Jesus saved me and I'm good to be who I am now. No need to change." Maybe Sean just needs to believe in a God who heals and saves, and one day he will be ready for the rest of the gospel and the temple teachings. So, on to the tender experience I had. One Sunday in February as we were driving home from church together, I laid back my seat because I was tired, and with my eyes closed I was lying there and then said, "Sean, I figured something out about you." I opened my eyes and could see he was curious, but he didn't verbally respond. I continued, "You really do believe in Jesus Christ." And that's all I said. I closed my eyes and just rested there for the duration of the car ride. A few moments after I said those words, I felt Sean reach his hand over and gently/tenderly squeeze my leg just above my knee. Then once more before we got all the way home, he reached out and touched my knee. That warmed my heart. He is not one to show affection often or easily or gently.

Much love,

Emily Burnham 

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