Sunday, March 6, 2022

Charmed Life

28 February - 6 March 2022

I have been so happy these past weeks and months, just focusing on Jesus Christ. My insight I had this week as I read in the Book of Mormon was about the scripture that says the sun shines on the good and bad, the rain falls on the righteous and wicked. If we judge our worth and happiness based on the circumstances around us, that doesn't make sense. Instead, our personal relationship with Jesus Christ determines our joy and happiness, not our circumstances (which President Nelson has been saying for years! Since 2016!!) Despite feeling a bit sick this week, I've still found joy and happiness in the small things. Also, I only have about 10,000 more words until I finish my first draft of my latest book! I have so much more confidence and hope for my future as an author. I have the front cover design finalized. I'm excited! I finished up an essay this Saturday (since I didn't have to work). I keep forgetting how good at school I actually am. I don't even need to try as hard anymore and spend (waste) so much time perfecting things. I just need to do the work and get through it, because I think it is more important to get to the internship and start applying all the things I am learning. I think it will stick better when I am applying the things I am learning. Meanwhile, I actually have the time to write books! And I've started looking into what it will take to start a mini laser engraving business. I can do custom designs on things on photoshop and then sell them. I'm excited. I'm not super into my YouTube channel at the moment, so I think I will take a little break from that. 

Look how cute I am, even when I'm tired! (I won't include the picture of how awful I look when I don't read my scriptures, but it is scary... instead, just focus on this picture of me after a LONG day).

Also, I found this funny looking fruit snack with a tail! Hehehehehe.

In other news, Val and I went to the San Tan Valley ward after our church because a cute guy I met a while back goes there. I didn't get to talk to him much, but I did meet another cute guy there. No, I didn't get any numbers... but I went out of my comfort zone to be there, and I bore my testimony! And I struck up the conversation with them both. And I was so nervous for some reason! But I did it. So at least God knows I am willing, even though I am really falling short. Oh well. I am so grateful for the love and support I have from my parents. Lucy wants me to mention her in my blog (or else it'll be lame, she says). Well, Lucy has been sweeter and nicer to me lately, so I guess all the love I've been giving out has come full circle. Here is the other thing I was thinking about after reading a couple of books that left a bitter feeling inside of me... my life is so much better than the movies and books that come out these days, and it is all because of the gospel and God's blessings!

I live a charmed life. I am so blessed, living in what feels like a fantasy because it is so great. And it only took me 24 years to realize it! And it truly isn't so much about my circumstances, because I think you could put a negative spin on any situation. But why? My world is how I create it, and it is a world where I focus on Jesus Christ and the goodness all around me. Today, I was feeling bad after finishing this book. The book just wasn't very good, and I think I was disappointed to realize how wicked the world is and that their reality is so much darker and shallower and blah-ier than mine. And the books I want to write are uplifting and clean and positive and the characters grow. And some might say that's a fantasy world, not realistic. But then I thought, but that's my world. Yeah, I hear cussing occasionally, but I don't focus on the negativity. I'm not involved in a lot of the drama and awful things teens and young adults are these days. I have a family who loves me, a house and food, I'm getting a master's degree. I have opportunities to go out and socialize at fun events and take part in serving and doing good. I'm surrounded by sweet and service-oriented individuals. My mom is putting together this epic bike parade for the little boys and girls in the ward, and it's so cute how much time and effort and worry she has put into it, just to make those kids happy and feel loved. How tender is that? Even the water I drink from home is sweet and delicious. My job isn't terrible. It's pretty great. I get to do school and earn time and a half on the weekends if I want. And at the end of the day, it truly doesn't matter what isn't happening in my life, because what matters is how I feel about life. And I am so happy to be alive. I feel so blessed. I feel loved and I love others. And that is a life well spent, something that not everyone can claim to have even with all the money and friends and family in the world. The most important thing is my mental health and spiritual strength, and if those are good, I am in the best position to enjoy my life. To relish the sunshine and sound of birds outside. To smile up at the sky as the sun warms my skin and a light breeze blows gently around me. I am so grateful for my life right now, and I'm so grateful for my Savior and Father in Heaven.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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