Sunday, March 27, 2022

Bone Broth Blah

 21 March - 27 March 2022

After this week, I really want a mini goldendoodle! But I also realize how much work they are. I went to get my hair done at Shelli's this week with my mom, and she had recently gotten a baby mini goldendoodle, and she was so energetic and wanted to chew on everything, but she was so cute and sweet and friendly. And trained pretty well to go potty outside. With all the traveling I'm doing this year, I can't get a dog, especially because my parents are not animal people and will not want to watch a dog for me. But a girl can dream! Mom got some blonde highlights in her hair, which look absolutely gorgeous. Mom loves her new hair, and my hair looks a lot better now that it's been touched up. A bit more blonde, too.

For FHE on Monday, the ward met in the Gilbert Temple parking lot for pizza and a spiritual insight. Then we just walked around the temple and chatted. I started asking people what a high and low of their week was, and it struck up some pretty great conversations with guys and girls! I had a spiritual prompting to get to know men better, and at first I thought it had to be by asking them on dates, but that created a lot of anxiety for me because there is so much pressure and taboo around that. Like, you can't just ask guys out as friends to have fun together. They will think you like them, or you will worry if they think you like them, and then it's just awkward. But I can strike up one-on-one conversations with guys at church activities and just get to know them better that way.

Wednesday night, I went to a paint night at Ashley Deardon's house. Jessy and Sawyer also went. We just painted for two hours and chatted. It was peaceful, and I was glad to have something social to do. I'm not sure if I've talked about this on previous blog posts, but making friends here has been hard for me--like close friends or a friend group. I'm friendly with lots of people, but I could easily sit alone on Sundays if not for Valerie because I don't have "my peeps" or group of friends. So it felt good to finally be going to something with other people!

I went to institute Thursday evening and we talked about how sometimes the "wrong roads" in our life are what we need to lead us to the "right roads" and also to appreciate and value the right road. All I can say is that I've been super exhausted this week. A lot of it may have to do with the Bone Broth Diet that we're all on. I don't know if I've eaten enough calories each day, and felt especially tired on the fasting days (not to mention the bone broth tastes nasty!!). So working out was a challenge this past week and just having energy and patience. Which makes work hard, because it's crunch time for tax season and people are snippity and low on patience, so it doesn't help when I feel the same way. But anyways, I'm just grateful for a loving and patient Father in Heaven who can take what I give Him and work with it. 

I had to work Saturday, again. Yay for overtime... -_- lol. I went to a wedding reception that evening for a girl in my ward. It was in the backyard of a mansion! So pretty. Then I took myself shopping to treat myself, and I got these two super soft and cozy long sleeved shirts. On the down side, I don't know what I'm going to do about summer. None of the short sleeved blouses I tried worked for me. When I got home, I got ready for bed and then dad and I watched a movie together since mom and Lucy were still at Bonco night, so that was fun. Daddy daughter time.

Even though I'm on break from school, I feel like I barely have time to do anything because the phones are ringing like crazy, but at least I don't have school on top of it! I shall survive!!! I looked super cute today, btw. Here is a pic of me looking tired but cute ;).

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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