Sunday, March 20, 2022

Bone Broth & Break

 14 March - 20 March 2022

I finished up my second quarter at Capella University this week! Straight A's. Wow, I was so ready for classes to be over with! I have three more quarters to get through before I get to start my internship. Hopefully the travel plans I have this year add to my enjoyment and fun and don't add extra stress while I fit school around it. Also, we started the bone broth diet on Saturday, and so far, I'm not a fan of bone broth. Granted, mom bought some from the store, so maybe once we start making our own it'll taste better? So I'll have to give you an update in 21 days. 

Mom and dad left for a short Anniversary trip Sunday through Tuesday, which means Lucy and I were in charge of putting the chickens up and feeding them in the mornings. Mom had a grand time hiking in Sedona. Having my mom gone just makes me appreciate even more how much I appreciate all she does for me, making food and cleaning. Because wow the house got so messy with Sean making messes everywhere and not cleaning a single thing! We had FHE on Monday evening at the Peterson's house with food and yard games.

You can see how thrilled Lucy was to help out.

I work out in the mornings and after working 8 hours, I come home so tired and don't want to do anything. On the bright side, I decided to stop listening to the Crave series because of all the cussing and I noticed it was damaging my spirit and creeping into my thoughts, so I quit. I think if I ever come across a hard copy, I'll read it because then I can do my own editing but just listening to it all is awful.

My face after finally finishing my classes! 

On Thursday night, I attended institute, which I am always glad to go and be uplifted and share comments, which I did. I talked a bit about my experience with scrupulosity. 

I had to work Saturday. I scheduled an appointment at the Mesa temple for right after work. I also learned how to cut out the rolling flowers on mom's silhouette machine. Saturday night we went to a women's devotional where Sister Eubanks and President Johnson (Valerie's mission president's wife). It was really good, and what I really loved was the insight about the comfort and healing power that comes from reading the Book of Mormon daily. Reading from the BoM daily saves me time and is something I can't afford NOT to do, because doing so heals my soul and brings refreshment in a way nothing else can. So I have the time and energy and patience and forgiveness to go about the rest of my day, whole. It heals and refreshes you so you have the energy and wholeness to go about your day. Also, when you experience pain, instead of trying to numb your pain, take that pain to the Lord who is the ultimate healer and comforter, instead of turning to worldly sources to fill the gap or distract you from pain or numb it.

Sunday was really good. There were some really good talks during sacrament meeting and we had a new Sunday school teacher who actually asked questions and involved the entire class. Today we have only been able to drink bone broth all day, and I haven't felt good. But I'm sticking it out. So... stay tuned!

One last thing I wanted to share was a piece of revelation I received. I was feeling down about the book I'm writing, how the writing isn't as good as I want or as other famous books I've read. Then the thought came to me (besides that it is a first and very rough draft that only stands to be improved). As you write your books, remember this: it is not about what you write, but how it makes the reader feel. Just like you hear a talk and feel the spirit and learn something that wasn't even said, so it can be with books. The overall story and spirit can change something within you, making it sacred, even if the words and phrasing and writing isn't perfect and detailed. After all, the BoM isn't perfect in language, yet is life-changing. I also had a genius idea for a book series that I am so excited about, but no spoilers! It might be years in the making, but so worth it. So stay tuned for updates on that ;).


Emily Burnham

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