Sunday, March 13, 2022

Okra and Klask

 7 March - 13 March 2022

I did my Southern roots (from my mission) proud this week when I made some air-fried okra! We had a mission culture night at the church Monday night for FHE. I played a fun Swedish game, that's like a magnetic version of air hockey on a mini level. It was a fun time, and a lot of people liked the okra I made! Even Valerie was surprised that she liked it.

So, this week has been good overall, though work has gotten a bit more hectic. My people-patience is wearing thin, but thank goodness for Jesus Christ's infinite love and strength. I just pray and express gratitude for all my Savior has done for me, and my anger and bitterness over a rude client is swept away. On another note, I procrastinated doing my final essays for both of my classes until Saturday. I just could not find the motivation or strength to work on them, and I get to distracted at work with answering phone calls to be able to focus for the length of time I need to get work done. So, ALL day Saturday was me doing my essays. Wow, I really had to whip myself into shape to buckle down and get it done, when I really, really didn't want to, but when I finally finished, just before 8pm, I had the most freeing feeling overcome me. I had a huge smile on my face and danced around the house a bit and then finished watching season 2 of Raising Dion and went to bed close to midnight. I have so many things I want to do, but then I am just so tired when I get home from work. I don't like working a 9 to 5 job! But it's just temporary, and these next few weeks, at least I'll have a break from school! And then after tax season is over, I probably won't have to work all of those hours because it won't be as busy, and I'll have time to write and see if I want to get into laser cutting on wood. I am really drawn into the idea of creating books with raw emotion and realistic feelings and thoughts, facing things that suck and growing and becoming better and seeking out the joy. I've been listening to a pretty good series this past week, and I only hesitate to recommend it on one factor: it has a lot of cussing. Boo!!!! So I wouldn't feel comfortable telling people I love that series. But if there was a clean version offered, I'd definitely recommend it! It's called Crave by Tracy Wolff and I love how she depicts the emotions that the main character Grace feel and how she goes about life even with so many hard things going on.

Also, I've felt SO much better this week as I've been eating healthier. I cut sugar and extra snacks and junk food from work out of my diet, and I lost about 8 pounds these past couple of weeks. Couple that with going to the gym Monday through Friday and I've been doing so good! But of course, this weekend I cheated because it was mom's birthday and I needed some motivation for finishing my school work. And wow, sugar headaches are a real thing! Yuck. Also, my tummy hurts more. Grr. But mom had a great birthday! She loved that I got her the Bone Broth Diet book for her birthday. I knew she wanted it and was going to get it for herself, but I beat her to it! Plus, I'm hoping that diet really helps me too. I can recognize the lack of spirit in my life when I hear lots of cussing (thanks, Tracy, for writing such good books that got me hooked but are full of cussing!!!! :( boohoohoo). But I also feel the strength of the spirit as I turn to Christ and focus on His miracles and power and think of my potential and the great things ahead of me (which, also thanks a little bit to Tracy, because I did feel inspired and empowered at times that anything is possible). Also, I've been able to reflect on how my life is truly so much better than any fantasy book or movie or other form of entertainment. The peace and love and joy I feel from my Savior and Father in Heaven trump any worldly pleasure that fills me for a moment and then leaves me empty and aching. I have amazing memories that are just as good, if not better, than any movie or TV show. My reality is amazing, and I can enjoy the love and peace from my Father at any time, no matter what else is going on in my life, because He loves me so much and wants amazing things from me. I'm so grateful for those feelings at this time in my life, and it's not always easy to remain that positive, and it takes work to humble myself and calm down (especially when I get so annoyed at clients), but it is so so so so worth it. God is always worth it. I am so grateful for the church, for the power God brings into my life because I belong to His church. And I'm so grateful for His patience with me, because I'm still figuring out a lot of things.

And here is a picture of me on Sunday looking like a model ;).

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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