Sunday, September 11, 2022

I'm an Aunt!

 5 September - 11 September 2022

Briesa had her baby Monday night around 9pm. I woke up early on Monday morning, feeling like it was Christmas and wondering if I'd become an aunt already, but alas, Briesa was in labor for 41 hours! The baby took her time coming! But she was worth the wait because baby Gracelyn is SO stinkin' cute and adorable. Yes, ALL my pics from this week are of her, hehe. I got to hold her Tuesday morning before going to work over at the hospital, and my heart was so warm and joyous. For the rest of the day, I was just like, "How can I be mad or frustrated or impatient when I just got to hold a little angel baby that came straight from heaven?" Holding her is so therapeutic. I quite enjoy the baby snuggles now. It was so cute to see my parents holding her, and my mom teared up. My dad looked happy and I actually got a picture of him laughing/smiling, which is so rare! The other amazing thing that happened this week was that I had a phone interview on Monday for a potential internship site with Michele Mulcahy, and it went well, so she invited me to come in person and check out the facility, which I did on Wednesday morning before work. I love the look and feel of the place, and Michele seems great. I am so excited to start an internship with her in January at a place called Clear Counseling in Chandler. Like, so pumped. I get to finally START doing what I've been wanting to do since I was a freshman in college! Practice therapy! Not just learn about it, but put everything I've been learning for YEARS into practice! I'm so pumped. I think I feel like I moving towards one of my great purposes here on earth, and I'm excited for how fulfilling it is and will be. Thursday night, Val and I went country dance swinging at a stake center in Mesa and there were actually a couple of cute guys there that we danced with! We are going to keep going back and hope that we follow in Aaron's footsteps and meet our eternal companions there! ;). So life is really looking up because I am really feeling that my life is meaningful just as it is, and it'll only go up from here as I continue to enjoy where I'm at, what I have, and live with hope and peace about the future blessings that are promised to me, including a cute family of my own.

She's so soft and squishy!

I got to teach relief society on Sunday. I spent the majority of Saturday finishing up all my final assignments for school, so I did not have a ton of time to prepare. Fortunately, I'd read and listened to the talk multiple times throughout the week and talked with Valerie that night about her insights, and though I didn't have a clear plan of how to bring together all the points we'd discussed, God blessed me because I woke up Sunday with this plan in my head of exactly what to do. And it went marvelously. The spirit was so powerful as I testified of their divine identity and invited them to get to know each other better. If we remember who we are, children of the most powerful Being in the universe, Whose voice completely vanquishes the darkness of the adversary, then we can overcome any temptation.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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